Sunday, March 01, 2009

Jacob having fun with some yarn.

Adam is filling up a drink for me.

Making necklaces.

Jacob woke up around 7:30. He gave me a hug and then went to lie in bed with Daddy. Daddy and the boys got up around 8am. Adam was wet so he grabbed some pj’s from his dresser. They were green but he handed them to me saying, “Boo (blue) one.” I was just going to get him dressed for church but he was determined that he wanted to wear his pj’s. I tried to put a green shirt on him but he held his arms saying, “No Mommy, No Mommy, boo one!” I put on the pj shirt until it after breakfast. Then he was fine with wearing something else. We left for church shortly after 9am. The boys were very excited to go back to their classes. Jacob showed us the picture he’d colored and told us it was Barnanaes. We got home from church shortly before 11am. We got out pizza for lunch. The boys had fun making their own individual pizzas from a pizza kit. I put on the sauce and then they added the pepperoni and cheese. Both of them ate cheese as they also added it to their pizzas. Adam would take some off his pizza and set it in a pile in front of him for eating. Jacob was really excited about eating the pizza that he’d made. After lunch Jacob asked if he could make a cheerio necklace. He said Aunt “Bippi” told him about that. Adam wanted to make one too. While Jacob made his necklace, I helped Adam make one. They ran to show Daddy when they were finished. They sure were being goofy. They had fun dancing and jumping on the bed with the dogs. Then they watched Daddy play his Mario game until snack time. We read books together. Daddy read Jacob a couple Dr Seuss books. Jacob rested while looking at some books with Truman. Adam napped from 3-5pm. Jacob then watched Daddy play Mario again. I did some exercising. We watched the race this evening. Jacob said, “Daddy close your eyes like Barnanaes”. Then he pointed at me and said, “Mommy you be Jesus.” After I lay my hands on Barnanaes (Daddy), Daddy said, “I can see!” Jacob looked at me and said, “Good job Jesus!” I went outside to take care of the animals. I love taking care of the animals in the evening. Adam was awake by the time I came back inside. The boys enjoyed Daddy spinning them around and getting them dizzy. Daddy got dizzy too. We had hot dogs with our dinner. The boys like to put ketchup on their noses (like Daddy does). When we told Jacob that he had ketchup on his nose he said, “What? Where? I don’t see it.” Adam looked like he had a ketchup mustache. He picked up a handful of his food and held it out to me saying, “Some, Mommy?” I said, “No thank you Adam.” And he replied, “Wes (yes)!” The boys had fun playing with the large foam puzzle. They made a path to walk across. They had fun falling off the path into the water. I started knitting another hat. Adam played with his matchbox cars. He lined them up in a row on the little table. I gave Jared a haircut. The boys helped me peel eggs to make egg salad. Adam picked up the shells and put them in the container. Then we packed Daddy’s lunch. They ate their snack and then it was pj time. We tucked them in bed around 9pm.


Anonymous said...

Lots of cute pictures of my sweet boys....I love how Jacob wanted you two to act out his Bible Story
and how he said Good Job Jesus.
They are sure precious boys. I'm so glad you write about every day with them.