Sunday, April 29, 2007

Mykenzie spent the night on Friday. On our drive home we stopped and watched some turkey and Jared was making noises so the boys would gobble. It was funny. Further on we pulled over at a cow farm and Jared mooed like a cow which brought just about every cow up to the fence. I had my camera so I took a picture of them. We got some good laughs. When we got home I packed a lunch for our garage sale outing tomorrow. Saturday morning we woke up at 6am and Kenzie was awake before we could wake her. We stopped for donuts before meeting my parents at 7:30. The garage sales started at 8am but a few were open early. Mel, Bruce, and Hailey meet us shortly after. After lunch we met up with Vikki and Kenzie went with her and her friend. We shopped til around 3pm - lots of walking and we were all very tired. It was a beautiful day. On our way to Mom's we got a big slurpee to share. I had found some nice clothes for Jacob and the baby and also a Little People's semi truck and shoes for Jacob. I went with Mom and Mel over to my Grandma's house to groom her dog. Then we went back to Mom's for dinner. Jared, Bruce, and Dad had the kids outside playing most the time while we were gone.
Today we went with my parent to a motorcycle memorial and we followed about 200 motorcycles over to a maple syrupe festival. We had taken Jacob last year and it was lots of fun. Jared hung Jacob's swing on his swingset today and we put Jacob in it. He was laughing as we pushed him.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Saturday we took the truck for our Sat am donut run. Jacob was excited to ride in the truck. We also stopped at Lowe's for some wood for a few projects. It was a beautiful morning. When we got home we decided to sheer our sheep before it got too warm out. We set up the playpen with toys in the barn and then went to catch the sheep. She has so much wool that she didn't noticed Jared walk behind her until she was caught. She is a really large sheep so Jared held her while I did the sheering. It took us about an hour which for us is record time. My arm was so tired from holding the clippers that I don't think I could have held them a minute longer. As it was my wrist kept giving out at the end which was making me nervous cause the clippers can very easily cut her. Jared got kicked in the chest and I got kicked in the knee which left a bruise. We are happy to have that project done and Jacob had fun watching. We went inside to take a break and have some lunch. When it was time for Jacob's nap I lay down in his bed with him and slept for about 30 minutes. Then I went outside to see what Jared was working on. He was building steps for in my parents garage. Later we took them over to Mom and Dads house. The weren't home so we played with Jacob outside. Jacob ran around with the toy lawn mower and then took off his shoes and played in the sand. He was excited to see Nana and Papa come home on the motorcycle. Now every time he hears a motorcycle he says, "Papa". Jared helped my Dad get things like the swings and table for the deck out of the shed. Jacob rode Kenzie's Jeep around the yard. He can just bairly reach the peddle with his foot but then can't stear with his hands. We all went out for ice cream.

Sunday: I woke up the morning with very sore muscles from our sheering job yesterday. I'm sure every muscle ache's especially my right arm and back. After church today we got some pizza for lunch. Jared got a pop and Jacob and I got a slurpy to share. It was very warm outside and the cool drinks were great. Later Jacob played on his little slide and we filled up his pool with cold and warm water. He enjoyed splashing in the pool while standing in the grass and also liked filling up his bucket. Daddy left the hose running a little and he also played with that. He did climb in when Mommy and Daddy were standing in the it, but still preferred to stand outside of the pool. Jacob loves to be outdoors. Now if we are inside he grabs our hands and says, "Outside" while pointing at the door. How he says it is so cute! Also lately when we ask him things he says, "I'm pine".

Friday, April 20, 2007

It was another warm day - low 70 degrees and sunny. Nana and Aunt Missy took the kids to the park. They said Jacob didn't want to play on the swing or the slide, he would rather play with a stick in the dirt. When I got to Moms Jacob wanted me to go upstairs with him. He walked over to the steps and said, "Please". I smiled and he got excited and shook his head saying, "I do, I do". We went upstairs and Kenzie was on the computer. Then I took Jacob to play outside. We saw some mallard ducks and Jacob and I walked over to them. When we got to close they flew away. Jacob waved and said, "Bye". Melissa's family came over and Jacob ran over to Uncle Bruce saying, "Boo". He played for a little while with Hailey, Max, and Kenzie and then we headed home. Jared hung his stearing wheels in his play fort and we stayed outside for awhile. Then we went to Fazolies for dinner. After dinner we drove around downtown. Jacob was fast asleep when we got home.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jacob loves to play in my parents basement. Every morning when I drop him off he asks me to take him down there. I look at him and he gets excited and says, "I do" while smiling and shaking his head yes. He says it so cute its really hard to resist. It was a beautiful day outside. When I left work it was 65 degrees. Jacob was coloring when I got there to pick him up. I took him outside and he ran around the yard with Kenzie. Mom got out the toy lawn mower and he pushed it around. Kenzie came home with us we spent some time outside. Then Jacob and I went in and I made chili for dinner. Kenzie and Jared went outside to fly kites. After about an hour outside Kenzie was cold so they came in for some chili. Jacob wanted Kenzie to sleep with him but she slept with Truman on the couch. Jacob pointed and his bed and said, "Kengi". He was happy when he got to blow out the lights.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jacob slept in til 8:30 this morning. I got up with Jared and fed the animals. Then after he left for work I cleaned cubboards. I went into Jacob's room and crawled in bed with him. He smiled at me, put his hand on my cheek and said, "hi". After getting up I turned Clifford on and he crawled in the chair with his blanket and Berry. After breakfast we played with blocks. He loves to build with his blocks and names the colors as he is building. Every time the dogs start barking Jacob thinks Daddy is coming home. He climbs up on the couch and says, "Daddy". Had to go to town for some groceries and in meijer Jacob kept smacking his lips cause he wanted to go look at the fish. I took him by the fish and over to look at the lobsters. We had spagettios for lunch and Jacob wanted a piece of bread to dip in them. It is a very rainy day today so after lunch I put on Jacob's raincoat and boots and took him outside to play in the puddles. He had so much fun. He ran through the puddles making big splashes. Then he found it was fun to throw rocks in the water. Occasionally he'd lose his rock under the water and say, "where'd it go". Jacob took a nap and I cleaned up the house. Jacob was playing on the piano when Jared pulled in the driveway and the dogs started barking. I said, "Daddy's home" and Jacob turned around really fast and fell off the bench. He ran over to the couch and then back to the door saying, "Daddy, Daddy". Later I sat at the table and was writing a list of things I don't want to forget when we leave for the hospital. Jacob sat with me and was drawing on some paper. He got down and grabbed Daddy's hand, saying "come". He pointed at the chair next to him for Daddy to sit down.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saturday am we woke to Jacob calling us. I brought him to our bed and he lay between us. Then he got up and crawled over to the side of the bed. I asked him where he was going and he replied, "Uh Bye Bye". He ran down the hall and brought his blocks back to our room. Then he asked for, "help please" and grabbed my finger. He wanted me to get his truck and build with him. We went out for donuts and then took Jacob to play at the mall. It must have been father/son day because there were all men and little boys there today. Jacob loves to go up to strangers and say hi and ask them what things are. Sunday Jacob had a limp which was worse after he woke from his nap. By Monday though his ankle was back to normal. Kenzie spent the night on Monday. When I got home from work yesterday it was still really nice outside. We stayed out and watched Jacob run all over playing with the rocks, digging in the sand, and chasing a spider. He got right on his belly to blow on the spider and get him to move.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Tonight Jacob came over to me and kissed my belly. Then he smiled and said, "Hi baby" walked away and said, "Bye". I read him his bedtime stories and then he wanted to read a book to Berry. Daddy went in later to cover him up and he said, "Thank you".

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jared actually had to plow the driveway this morning. Jacob stood on the couch and looked out the window to watch Daddy on the tractor. Kenzie is on spring break this week and is staying with us tonight. Jacob loves her so much and kept going over to her and giving her huggs while saying, "love you". We tucked Kenzie in bed on the couch and Jacob crawled up with her.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Jared and I got up early this morning to hide easter eggs and his basket. When Jacob woke up Daddy took him around the living room to find almost 2 dosen eggs. They were all in plain sight around the room and Jacob had lots of fun finding them and putting them in his basket. While looking for the eggs he spotted his easter basket. He gave a suprised look but continued finding eggs. He enjoyed some m&m's and I put water in his new cup. Then he lay down and looked at his new book. Kate got really goofy about the bucket of easter eggs. She lay stairing at the bucket and even snarled at Truman when he came near it. I also hide a basket for Jared. Thinking this year I had hidden it really well, Jared stood up to find it and said, "I know where it is" and he was looking right at it. He pretended to look for it with Jacob and then he went over and got it. Jacob then wanted to hide his Easter eggs again and then go collect them in his basket. After church we went to my parents for and Easter dinner. Jared made bbq chicken and I made 2 apple pies and some rolls. The kids had fun finding Easter baskets and eggs at Nana's and Papa's too. When Jacob woke up from his nap he wanted to go sit with his Nana. I took him downstairs where Daddy and Papa where playing pingpong. Jacob likes to take the paddle and when Daddy bounces the ball on the table he hits it.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Here are some pictures of Jacob coloring easter eggs. Kenzie and Uncle Jared colored most of them. Then also decorated papertowels with the dye. Jared is finally home - Yeah!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm off work today so this morning I took Jacob to get his haircut. At first he didn't want to sit on the chair but after a little bit he sat there like a big boy. Then I took him to play in the middle of the mall. We had some lunch and now he is napping. Here are some pictures of before and after his haircut.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Went to the early service this morning. By the time we left church the weather was beautiful. The nice weather didn't last long. It got really windy and rainy. We looked out the window to see our neighbors dog running our horses. Jared went out and caught the dog, then later took it to the neighbors house. Got ice cream as a treat tonight. Jacob likes to climb on the back of the couch and roll off of it. He also likes to bring me books and says, "read". When its time for bed now he always runs in the room and says, "Baa" to let us know he wants to read his sheep book.