Friday, March 20, 2009

Making cake.


Uh oh, it ran out of gas.

That tire needs some air.

I love this picture.

Kate likes the new duvet cover too.

I got up to exercise after Jared left for work. The boys woke up around 8:30. We ate breakfast after watching Sid. We also watched Clifford. The boys got out their banks to count change. Jacob had his at the counter but he spent most of his time by Adam. He'd ask, "You want me to help you Adam?" and Adam would reply, "Uh huh." Adam took me to his closet and asked to play with Mr Potato head. They had fun making silly faces with them. I got out my sewing basket because I had a couple things to sew. The boys liked playing with some things from my basket. Then they played at the counter with all my buttons and some matchbox cars. They hauled the buttons around in matchbox jeeps and trucks. Jacob asked for a paintbrush and some water so he could paint his cars. Adam said, “Me too?” They played with that until lunchtime. After lunch the boys were playing with their stacking toys. Jacob made a cake from them. Then he folded his hands and he prayed, “Dear Jesus help us to listen and obey and eat our cake well. Amen.” He gave me a red piece and said, “Here, it has red frosting and nilla (vanilla).” They made many cakes and would put a candle (potato head arm) on top. After blowing out the candle, Jacob would pray and then we’d eat it. Then Adam would say, “Night night Mommy.” We’d go into Jacob’s room and lay on his bed together. The weather outside was nice. It was sunny and in the low 40’s. We went outside on the deck. Jacob had fun doing the hokey pokey song with me. We also played “Simon says”. The boys rode around with the tractor and cart. They put leaves in the cart and pretended it was hay for a hayride. They’d stop for gas or to fill up the tires with air. We walked over to let the chickens out of their coop. Jacob asked me to run up and down the hills with them. He liked throwing sticks onto the ice. Jacob got a broom so he could sweep the leaves off the deck. Though it ended up being a fire hose instead. I did a 30 minute run on the deck while the boys were playing. We came back inside at 2pm. Both dogs had pooped in the hallway. Adam saw it and said, “Gross, Nas-see (nasty)!” The boys at a snack while I read them some books. Their favorite was “One Fish, Two Fish, Red fish, Blue fish”. After tucking Adam in bed Jacob and I read a few more books. He rested while playing with legos in his bedroom. He kept calling me saying, “Mommy you gotta come see this. I made something awesome!” I admired his work and he explained to me how what it was and how it worked. I prepared roast, carrots, and potatoes for dinner. Jacob continued playing with legos after he was done resting. Then I gave him a pen and some sticky paper. He had fun drawing on them. Jared came home around 5pm. I went outside to take care of the animals. When I came back in Jacob had me go in his room and find a drawing he did for me. He was so excited as I searched his room to find the hidden the sticky note with his drawings. Adam woke up just before dinnertime. Shortly after dinner we headed to the mall. The boys played on the train table at Barnes and Noble and also had fun at the play area in the mall. Jacob kept coming over saying, “You wanna see my new trick?” We got home around 8:45.


Dust Bunny said...

Way to go "dogs". I've been trained better that that. I do go in the house but have found my toilet.
The Dust Bunny
I can send pictures if wanted!!