Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jacob resting with Truman. He wanted me to take their picture.

Daddy jumping.

Jacob about to jump.
Jacob driving his horse (Daddy).

The horse got loose. "Help me Mommy!"

Riding the horse.

Smiles from Adam.

I got up to exercise at 6:30. Jacob woke up around 7:30 and went to lie in bed with Daddy. Daddy and the boys got up around 8am. The boys watched Curious George while they ate breakfast. We headed into town around 9am. Jared drove separately. We parked the Vibe at Salvation Army and then headed over to the ATM. Daddy pretended to be the “ATM lady” as usual. As we left the ATM Jacob said, “Bye, bye.” Then he said, “I said bye two times, I love that lady.” We went to Tim Horton’s and Dunken Donuts. Jacob asked for a chocolate frosted donut like Daddy gets. He shared a sprinkle with Adam. We looked around in Salvation Army until Jared had to leave at 10:45. Jared headed over to co-workers, Daren’s house. They are going to a hockey game of Daren’s x-wifes son who is 11 yrs old. Jacob cried when he realized that Daddy wasn’t going the same way as us. He stopped crying as we got near Goodwill. Then he said, “I wanna go see the animals first.” And Adam said, “An-mos first.” We walked around the Pet Store and then went to Goodwill. They loved petting the bunny that was hopping around the pet store. We got home around 12:30. After lunch they had fun playing with their pieces of yarn. Jacob tied his yarn from the ottoman to the tricycle. They had fun jumping over it. Adam would bend his knees and put his arms back like he was going to jump and then take one big step over. Around 2pm they ate a snack while we read some books. Adam napped from 2:30 until almost 6pm. Jacob rested in his bedroom. He played with his cars and read some books to Truman. Then Jacob and I had fun pretending we were camping. We packed our bags (wrapped books in a blanket) and Jacob reminded me to bring my camera. First Jacob wanted to walk around looking for animals. He would stop and point out an animal and then we’d take a picture. Once we saw a skunk, which Jacob said sprayed me. He said, “Ewe, you stink!” Then he pretended to wash me and said I smelled good again. Jared got home around 4:30. Jacob and I held the long piece of yarn for Daddy to jump over. Then Daddy pretended to be a horse and Jacob was the driver. Jacob tied up the horse and blocked off a section with chairs for he and I. When the horse tried to get thru Jacob said, “No, this is no place for a horse!” Then Jacob had fun riding the horse. A couple times he fell off the horse and called for an ambulance. I’d make siren sounds and drive him to the hospital where I’d give him an exam. I went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob played at the counter with playdoh until dinnertime. He made a pan and then rolled many eggs for cooking. Adam laughed as Daddy rolled on the exercise ball across the room to him. After dinner the boys watched Daddy play Mario Kart. Then we went to the mall to walk around. First we walked to Barnes and Noble so the boys could play on the train table. Then we had fun walking thru the many different campers on display at the mall. Lastly we walked around Target. We got home around 9pm. The boys ate a snack and then we started their bedtime routines.


Melissa said...

Cute picture of Jacob and Truman. I love those last few pictures of Adam too. Such cute boys.

Vikki's Blog said...

Im soooooo sorry I didnt call you...we were watching those Love Come Softly movies and I didnt realize how late it was. I kept thinking right when the movie is over I will call Kimmy. Im so sorry! I will call you tomarrow. 4 sure!!!
I love you!

Cute pictures, I love the one where you can only see Adams eyes. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

That dog is just the best. Always there and always ready to listen or fill in for a friend who is not there. Love you Tru! Dee got SNOW.