Saturday, March 28, 2009

Adam getting closer.

I got up around 6:15 to exercise. Jacob had crawled into bed with us around 5:30. He continued sleeping with Daddy. At 8am I woke Adam up and then he helped me wake Daddy and Jacob. After breakfast we headed into town for drinks and donuts. Then we went to Salvation Army. Mel and Bruce met us there around 10am. We are watching Hailey and Max while they go and get their new puppy. The kids were all excited to see each other. Jacob still had some of his donut left in the car and he wanted to share it with everybody. When I handed Max his piece he said, “Your nice to me.” He said this to me several times today and its so sweet. We then took the kids to play at the wood park. When Jacob saw where we were he said, “Oh the wooden playground!” The kids had a great time running around and playing there. When we got home I gave Max a haircut. He was so good for it and didn’t complain at all. When I was finished I told him he did excellent. He said, “Did you say I did excellent, did you?” The kids had fun on the slide and playing the piano. After lunch we picked up toys and then went outside. Jared held Lockjaw (the goat) while I trimmed her hooves. Hailey and Max watched for a while and then went to play with Jacob and Adam in the paddock. I pulled the boys around in the wagon. They filled the wagon with hay. Hailey liked holding Tiger (the cat). She asked me if she could ride Sammy. She said, “Sammy is a nice horse but Nutmeg is kinda crazy.” Jared took the boys over to play on the fort. Max loved going down the curley slide. After Hailey was done riding the horse she went to play with the boys. Jacob fell off the steps to the fort and hurt his foot. While we were looking at his foot Max fell into the water in the dug sand pit. I took him in the house to change him and soon everyone came inside. It was 2:30. The kids had a snack and then I read some books to the boys. Then I tucked Max and Adam in for naps. Hailey and Jacob played at the counter with playdoh. I did a 30-min run. Jared went outside to take care of some things out there. Hailey asked if they could watch Cars. Mel and Bruce got here around 4:30. Hailey was very excited to see her new puppy. She and Jacob enjoyed holding the puppy as they sat on the couch. Hailey and Jacob wrapped her up like a baby in a blanket. Soon Adam and Max were awake. Max loved his puppy and held her. Adam didn’t want to hold her until I held her. Then he said, “Couch” and climbed on the couch to hold the puppy. Mel and her family headed home around 5:30. After dinner Adam and I went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob played at the counter with flour and some cars. Adam played with the flour for a little while and then asked to get down. Jacob and Daddy had fun playing Toot and Puddle. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm.


Melissa said...

I just emailed you some pictures from today.

Melissa said...

Great pictures. They always have such a good time at your house. I laughed about what Hailey said about Nutmeg. Thanks again for watching the kids.

Melissa said...

Oh, and thanks for cutting Max's hair. It looks great. He was actually excited about getting his hair cut. He kept saying "And Aunt Meme will cut my hair. And I will not cry. Because I am a big boy."

The Daddy said...

You left out one IMPORTANT thing who WON toot an puddle

Kimmy said...

Jacob won this game. But this time his attitude was good even when Daddy almost won. Last game he wanted to quit because he was behind.

Vikki's Blog said...

Cute pictures and Abby is beautiful. I love the one of Adam holding her.
♥ u

mom s said...

Nice pictures of all the kids with Abby girl. Cute puppy! I love how Max says you are nice to me. It sure warms your heart. The kids always have so much fun at your house. What is the game Jared and Jacob play? I'm glad his attitude was good this time. He's my little sweetie. I miss you all. Will have to get over to see you soon. Love ya

mom s said...

I love the picture of the kids playing the piano.