Thursday, March 19, 2009

Firemen sleeping. Also picture our new duvet cover.

Jared is wearing his new Three Stooges pj that Vikki got him.

Jared had to leave for work early this morning. I got up at 6:30 to exercise. Adam woke up at 8:45. I gave him some choices for breakfast and he chose pancakes. He liked helping me make them. After breakfast he helped me make my bed. We had fun playing on the bed. He’d say, “Jump Mommy!” After jumping he’d fall down and pretend to be sleeping while making snoring sounds. When I told him that Clifford was on he said, “Yeh! Fifford on!” I talked to Jacob on the phone and he told me about the fun things he’s doing with Aunt “Bippi”. Adam and I colored with markers. He was drawing houses, fish, and roads. On his fish he put many eyes saying, “more eyes.” The dogs started barking at something and Adam yelled, “Top bark Kate, Trum!” I made some paper airplanes and we had fun flying them around. Then we played hide and seek. He hid in our closet under my robe. Even though he was in the same spot every time he sure did laugh hard as I looked for and then found him. Around 11am we headed over to Salvation Army where we met Vikki and Jacob. Vikki found a really nice duvet cover. We both really liked it. Vikki has a king size bed and I had a queen size so that’s how we decided who’d get it. Thanks Vikki – I love itJ The boys ate a packed lunch. From there we headed over to Goodwill. Vikki and Jacob stopped at Taco Bell on the way. As I pulled in the parking lot Adam said, “An-mos (animals) first?” I took him into the pet store while we waited for Vikki and Jacob. As we left Goodwill Jacob cried because he wanted to go home with Aunt “Bippi”. We got home around 3pm. After a snack and reading some books I tucked the boys in for nap/resting. Jacob seemed very tired so I thought he’d fall asleep but he just quietly lay in bed playing with his cars. I did a 30 minute run. After Jacob was done resting we played with playdoh. Jared got home shortly after 5pm. I went outside to take care of the animals. Daddy and Jacob were playing “fireman” and then I joined in on the fun. Jacob found “hoses” for us to use. After putting out a fire we’d all ride in the fire truck (run) back to our bedroom. Then we’d climb into bed and sleep. Just then the fire alarms would go off again. We’d make our bed and then rush to the fire. Jacob decided we were all captains but he was first captain. Adam woke up just before dinner. After dinner Jacob asked Daddy to play Mario Galaxy. The boys liked watching Daddy play that. They had fun playing in the tub until pj time.


Anonymous said...

What a great day your boys have had!

I love those bathrobes. Adam seems to be especially proud of his!

Vikki's Blog said...

I love the Duvet cover, I wish it would have fit mine. Then I would have got it and you wouldnt have even been sad. lol But Im so happy you got it, looks good. The boys look good in their robes, Rody said we need to have Jacob on a day that he doesnt have to work so he can actually see him. :o) But did Jacob tell you that we went into our room and was plugging Rodys nose when he was snoring, Jacob got the true effect of Rodys snore, he was scared of it at first. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam pointing to his bear is a hoot. He is a funny, funny kids.