Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Gasses Mommy"
Kenzie said to make sure everyone knows she took this cute picture of Jacob.

Watching a moth.

I got all my exercises done before any of the kids were awake this morning. They woke up around 9am. Kenzie made pancakes for breakfast. We watched Clifford and most of Sesame Street. Kenzie brought a chicken into the house. Adam asked for a bowl so he could put the stacking toys in it and "cook." Kenzie play Mario Kart. Adam brought the Sesame Street dictionary book to me and we looked at that. On one page there is a cactus. He always touches it and says, “Ouch” and then hold out his finger for me to kiss. When I got out the Mr. Potato head toys, Adam nodded his head saying, “Uh huh, I do!” The kids played with them until lunchtime. Jacob and Adam didn’t eat any of their lunch. I guess they were still full from the pancake breakfast. Jacob was fussy for a little while after lunch. He said he was tired because he didn’t get enough sleep. Kenzie tidied up the house and cleaned the entrance room. Jacob helped sweep. We then had a great time playing hide and seek. Kenzie really scared me one time. And once Jacob and I hid in the food cupboard. It took Kenzie and Adam awhile to find us. Jacob and I were giggling the whole time. Adam came to count with me and after I’d say, “ready or not here we come" he would run to the end of the hallway, take one look around and say, “Nope.” Kenzie then asked if we could play clue hide and seek. She wrote out clues on little sticky notes and put them throughout the house. It sure was fun finding her this way. She loved finding me using my clues too. There was a little moth flying around in the living room that the kids enjoyed watching. The boys had snacks and then Kenzie and I read to them. Jacob rested while playing with cars in his bedroom. I did a 30 minute run which Kenzie ran 20 minutes of with me. She then went outside to play in the chicken coop. She came back inside and took a short nap. Jacob played with his activity box and the magnet letters. I folded and put away laundry. Jared got home around 5pm and Adam woke up around the same time. Jacob and Daddy looked thru the chicken magazine together. Then the kids played with blocks. Kenzie and Jacob liked building things and then they'd knock them down with their heads. Adam had fun lining up the blocks. He handed me a block that picture an ice cream cone on it and said, “Ice keam.” We all went outside to take care of the animals. Jared, Kenzie, and Adam went inside the gravity wagon. Jacob wanted to play in the hay. Adam love walking around in all that corn. It was close to 6pm when we came back inside. That’s when we remembered we had an appointment with the water treatment man at 6:00. I got dinner ready for the kids and we decided we’d eat when the man left. The kids liked watching him do different tests on our water. We ended up buying the system and its going to be installed tomorrow. It was almost 8:30 when he left. We got the boys in their pj’s and started bedtime routines. After tucking them in bed Jared and I watched I Love Lucy and ate our dinner.


Anonymous said...

What does the water system do? Sounds like another fun day. Thanks for the news.

Vikki's Blog said...

kenzie looks cute in that pic of her holding Kate.

Anonymous said...

Is there snow on the ground? Kate looks like she's been trapped. Let me down kenzie, is what's on her mind.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom, I hope you recheck the comments for this answer to your water question. They (Wolverine Water out of Lansing) are going to install 2 systems. The first system will remove the sulfer and iron from teh water and the second system is a softener...however the hip new term is Water Treatment System...The second system will remove the lime and soften the water. They're also giving us a ton of soap products and some other odds and ends. We'll still need the reverse osmosis system for drinking water, but this will drastically improve the quality of the water used in the rest of the house. Water in the area is why Dow Chemical moved in, brackish water that Mr Dow was able to use for some important chemical process that basically started Dow. However the drinkability of the water is an issue. Lots of sodium unless you have a reverse osmosis system to eliminated it...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the detailed explanation, Jared. It clears up more than the water!

I noticed a mention of I Love Lucy . . .