Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Playing the drum. Adam also hummed a tune.

Painting with water.

Jacob wanted to get every spot .
"Bike too?"

Jacob woke up at 8:15. I finished my run while we watched the second half of Curious George. Adam woke up at 8:30. The boys ate breakfast while watching Sid. Adam requested toast “cut in haff.” We watched Clifford. Today's temp was high 60's. It was sunny and windy. We went outside to play on the deck. I got the boys a bucket of water and paintbrushes so they could “paint.” They had lots of fun. Then I worked on the flowerbeds. Jacob really liked seeing all the new plants ("baby flowers") coming in. We came back inside for lunch around 12:30. At 1:30 we headed into town to go grocery shopping. We got back home around 3:30. Jared pulled into the driveway as I was unloading groceries. The boys played with the paper bags and some boxes. The man came to exchange our water system pump for a smaller size. Hopefully that will take care of our problems. I lay Adam down for a late nap at 4:30. Jacob played at the counter with some playdoh. I did a 30 minute run. Jared and Jacob went outside. After about 30 minutes Jacob wanted to come back inside. It was very windy outside and he said he was scared he might blow away. He said, “Member the wind blew that tree down, let me show you.” Then he took me to the window to show me the fallen tree. He played with playdoh until dinner was ready. Adam woke up just before dinner. After dinner we went outside. The wind had died down some. Jared dug some holes for new fence posts. The boys played in the sand and also watched Daddy dig the holes. I worked on the flowerbeds and I also trimmed and dug up a bush that needed to be replanted. Jared went inside for his class. The boys and I stayed outside until shortly after 8pm. After they ate a snack it was time for pj's. I packed things for our day out tomorrow. The boys were tucked in bed soon after 9pm.


Melissa said...

Max still gets scared of the wind too. He started crying many times today thinking he might blow away. I kept having to show him that the wind won't blow heavy things like him or his toys. Only things like paper and leaves. Each time I showed him, he would do much better and go back to playing again. It's much more complicated talking to Hailey about it because she too remembers all the trees that blew over in the storm. But after telling her that's why we don't play outside in a bad storm, she isn't too worried about it anymore.

Anonymous said...

The outdoor pictures are so nice. I love this great weather. Thanks for the nice gifts today and for coming over. The muffin was delicious too! Love ya