Saturday, March 31, 2007

Went out for donuts this morning and Daddy got Jacob a powdered sugar donut hole. He licked the sugar off first. Jacob waved and said hi to the family sitting by us. We walked around salvation army and the mall. Took Jacob to play in the middle of the mall. There was a guy there that Jacob climbed up by and sat next to. The guy had Jacob giggling. For some reason Jacob really liked this guy and even grabbed his had a couple time to take him over to the car. The man introduced himself to us and told us his son was 23 months. He and his wife also had a younger son. A little boy crashed into Jacob a couple times and Jacob came over to us and said, "I sorry". Jacob likes to climb on the big toothbrush and he thinks its funny when he falls off. He is very outgoing and friendly with people. By the time we got home it was time for lunch. Jacob was laying down to take his nap and Jared went in to check on his. He pointed to his bottom and said, "please". His diaper was dirty and he wanted Daddy to change it. During his nap Jared and I cleaned out the horses (Sammy and Celeste) stall. We are going to do Nutmegs another day. They hadn't been cleaned all winter and were really bad. We got a FedEx package today from Grandma R. She made the baby a diaper holder and sent a crib sheet. She does a beautiful job on the things she makes and we are so happy with what she had done for our new baby's room. Uncle Eric and Aunt Kat also sent lots of diapers. When Jacob woke up he wanted to go "side" so we got our coats on and went outside to feed the animals. We were watching Jacob play with his blocks this evening, he was picking out all the same size block and putting them in a line. He was so serious about them being straight. Then he decided to stack them up. After dinner today Jacob took one of his block and lay it in his bed. Daddy covered it up and Jacob went out of the room saying, "Night night". Then he took and lay his stuffed animal under the covers with it. At bedtime I read Jacob a couple books and then tucked him in. He grabbed Berry (his build-a-bear) and lay him down and kissed his nose. I said, "he needs a diaper". Then Jacob pointed at him and said, "Diader" so we put one on him. He wanted to go out and show Daddy.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Kenzie spent then night last night and Jared spent time teaching her the metric system. Jacob was a little fussy and seems to be getting a cold. He woke up once during the night. I went into his room and moved Kenzie over. He fell asleep quickly. I woke up every hour during the night and had a hard time getting to sleep. In the morning Jared gave Kenzie a quiz and she did great. After work Jacob fell asleep on the drive home. He was so tired I let him sleep for a bit while we took care of the animals. Jared climped onto Celeste and rode her around for a little while. We have someone who is interested in buying her and is coming to look at her next week. I am sad to be selling her but will be happy if we can find her a great home. We woke Jacob up and played with his cars. After dinner Jacob spotted a ladybug on the table. He excitedly said, "Dada, bug" Daddy helped him catch it and Jacob loved when it flew off his hand. Daddy caught him again and Jacob said, "Fly". Daddy got Jacob's pj's on and then I took him to brush his teeth. He walked over to the sink and noticed the stool was not in the right spot. He stopped and said, "Uh Oh, Oh no". I moved it in front of the sink for him and he said, "Thank-you nanana" (No matter who it is he always puts the nana at the end). He wanted a little more toothpaste so he said, "More, please". When he was done he said, "All done". Daddy read him some books and tucked him in bed tonight.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

We opened the window in our bedroom last night so we could listen to the frogs. It was raining out this morning. I woke up to Jacob calling, "Da Da" I went and got him and he climbed in bed with Daddy. I lay down next to him. He's decided its fun to rub noses. Jacob wanted to wear his raincoat - he points at it and says, "yellow". After church we had pizza for lunch. Jacob took a nap and I cleaned the house while Jared walked the ditch to make sure things were draining ok. It was beautiful outside - so I decided, after Jacob had been sleeping for a couple hours, to go in and wake him up. Instead, I opened the door to find him awake and smiling big. He quickly sat up and got out of bed. We wanted to go for a walk downtown. Jacob said, "Outside" and ran to the door. We took a walk over the bridge and it was very flooded on the other side. We walk through town with Jacob walking on his harness. We went to the water park which is closed but Jacob had run running circles in it. We took a seat in a gazebo and Jacob walked the bench around in a circle from Mommy to Daddy. When we told Jacob it was time to go he said, "No go". Stopped for ice cream on the way home. I handed Jacob the rest of mine and when he was finished he said, "More please". We told him it was all gone and he pointed behind him saying, "More". I told Jacob we had to get home and feed the horses, he replied, "No neigh".

Thursday, March 22, 2007

It was raining but warm outside this morning. Jacob was happy to wear his raincoat and it looked very cute. He loved seeing the lightening on the drive to Nana's. When we got there he ran over to Kenzie to said, "Hi". He saw a bug crawling across the floor so he layed down by it and blew on it to get it to move. Nana squished it and Jacob said, "Bye". The sun was shining and it was nice outside when I left work today. When I got to Mom's, Kenzie met me outside told me about her webkinz. Jacob also came out with Nana. He fell asleep on the drive home, but woke up when we took him out of the car. It was so nice out and he loved running around the yard. He fell down in the wet grass but that didn't slow him down any. Daddy pushed him around in his car. He was dissappointed to go inside for dinner. Tonight Truman crawled in bed with Jacob. Jacob fell asleep with Truman in between his legs. Jared went in to get Truman out and Jacob woke up to say, "ruf, ruf" cause he wanted Truman to come back in bed with him. He fell back asleep quickly.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jacob woke up shortly after Jared left for work. I went in his room and he gave me a big smile. He wanted me to read to him so we sat on the floor and read a couple books. After breakfast we played with his building blocks and read some more books. This evening there was a thunderstorm. Jacob loved looking out the window at the lightening. Kate was very scared and crawled under the back cushion of the couch.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Had a Dr appointment yesterday which went well. My sister met me there with Kenzie and Jacob. When we got home we noticed Kate was stuck behind the couch. We pulled out the toy box so she would have enough room to jump over it and get out. Instead she turned around and went out the other end almost knocking the lamp on the table. Jacob and Kenzie were both very tired so they layed in bed until Jared got home. Jacob dumped the container of blocks and he and Kenzie built some things. Before bed tonight Jacob pointed at his bookshelf saying, "woof, woof" cause he wanted me to read him the book with the dog in it - its his favorite right now. Both Kenzie and Jacob fell asleep pretty quickly. Jacob woke up at 4am calling for me. He was saying, "MaMa, ouch" so I went in to make sure he wasn't getting squished by Kenzie. He was ok, so I gave him a kiss and covered him up. He stayed awake in bed for a while, but fell back asleep shortly before our alarm went off. When I picked him up from mom's today he was upstairs hiding in the closet with Kenzie. I knocked on the door and he laughed. Papa chased him around the house and then took him outside to get the mail. Jacob is getting really good at his colors (blue, yellow, green, and red). Tonight I asked him what color M&M's Daddy had given him and he told me, "yellow - blue". Jared said he was right.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Here is a picture of Kenzie with the puppy we are watching.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

This morning I got up to give Kenzie her medicine. She has bronchial pnemonia and in on some nasty tasting antibiotics (or so I'm told). She was asleep in Jacob's bed and she woke up quick without waking Jacob. I mixed her antibiotics with white grape juice and she said it wasn't to bad. She crawled back in bed with Jacob for a bit. I fed the Gabby (a puppy where watching) and Champ (my sisters dog) and then took them for a walk outside. Jared got ready and went outside to get some corn for the burner. Jared and Kenzie played Crash and took turns getting to different levels. Jacob slept in late this morning. When he was awake I asked him if he wanted to get donuts. He shook his head yes while saying, "I Doooo, I Doooo". After dunken donuts we meet Rody at Mom's with Kenzie. They are having pictures taken at their church today. Then we went to walk around the mall. Got Jacob a couple of t-shirts, one green with frogs (pictured) and the other yellow with lizards. We stopped to visit Grandma but she wasn't home. Jacob was calling, "Gramga, please" while pointing at the door. We left and headed to the hospital to visit Grandpa. He looks real good. His legs are swollen and there trying to find out why his blood count is so low. Jacob fell asleep on the drive home and continued sleeping in his bed at home. I also took a nap. Jared and I went into the room when Jacob woke up. He came over and gave us each a hug and then left the room saying, "Bye". He pushed his bucket of blocks over to the middle of the floor and dumped them out. This evening we went out to Fazolies for dinner and then took Jacob to play at the mall. He ran around trying to do as the bigger boys were.

Technical difficulties.

We are currently having DSL modem difficulties so that is the reason for the delay in posting... but I (Jared) wanted to get these posted as soon as possible...before teh DSL Modem becomes moody again. THe boys rooms have a cut loop carpet that are different shades...the rest of the house has burber. Felt like I was in someone elses house the other day... love the new carpet...makes a huge difference. You don't make any noise walking up and down the hall way or around the house. And there is no more pink carpet or black/navy blue carpet... it's amazing the difference it makes. So attached are a few pictures. enjoy. better get this posted while I still have access. When the carpet was being installed I built a book case for Jacob. Pictures coming soon... turned out better than I expected. And I got to use every single one of my powertools... (insert male grunting noises here). That is all for now.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Yesterday after

going out for donuts we went home and got ready to head to fun fair at Kenzie's school. We met Vikki, Rody, and Kenzie there. Kenzie went room to room and played the games for "tiger dollars". Jacob cheered Kenzie on and said, "Go KaKa". He even got to play a game where he rolled some balls. Kenzie gave him a sucker she had won and she tried to share her cotton candy with him but he didn't like it. We were there for about 3 hrs and had lots of fun. Afterwards we went out for lunch at Quizno's. Jacob was really tired and fell asleep in the car on the ride home. He stayed asleep and lay in his bed. Jared and I went outside to work in the barn cleaning things up.

After church today we started moving things from the boys rooms to our bedroom, the bathroom, and the kitchen. We are getting ready for the new carpet being put in on Tuesday. We went to the mall and Jacob played in the play area. He loves to climb and run around fast. He waves and says hi or bye to the people. He stood up on the big toothbrush and walked backwards on it. We went to McDonalds for McFlurries and Jacob saw the pop machines and kept begging for "juice" and pointing.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Jared and I got up at 4am and went outside to take care of the animals. After we were ready, we got Jacob dressed in bed and put on his shoes. I had to be fasted for my blood test and I was really thirsty. Jacob slept til we got to Nana's. I got his breakfast ready there and he ate while watching Sesame street. I arrived at the blood place about 10 minutes before 6am and there was a line waiting outside the door. Eight people walked in with me and more came in shortly after. It didn't take long and I got my first fasting blood draw. Then I had 5 min to drink some gross sugary stuff which made me very nauseous. The lady set the timer for the first hour and told me I could wait in the back room where there was a bed and some chairs. I lay on the chairs and got some little naps in. The baby was moving around alot - must have been all that sugar I drank. They had to check my blood 3 times after the fasted, each an hour apart. The place was really busy but they had 4 blood drawers and people were in and out fast. I had 4 different lady's draw my blood and they were all really nice. Mom said Jacob took a really long nap today and she got a nap in also. Kenzie came home with us to spend the night. Her and Jared played zoo tycoon for awhile and then came out to build with to block. Jacob would build several up and then knock them over. Kenzie is sleeping in Jacob's bed tonight and Truman is on the floor in there. They all fell asleep quickly.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I got up with Jared this morning and we fed the animals. We had gotten a few inches of snow and it was very cold outside. Jacob woke up around 7am and we lay in bed for a little bit. He called for Daddy. During breakfast I gave Jacob bites of my bagel and he'd say, "Umm - that's good" after each bite. I read Jacob some books which he loved. He really enjoys looking through the National Geographic magazines. He looks at the pictures and says, "dat". I tell him what it is and he says, "wow, cool". He went in the kitchen and got out his hat - then grabbed the broom and swept the floor. While Jacob was napping I started scalloped potatoes and ham for dinner. Tomorrow I get up really early - I have to leave the house at 5am. I'll take Jacob to Mom's and then go in for my glucose test.

Monday, March 05, 2007

This morning we got up early cause Jared had

to be to work early. We went to Nana's early and when we got there Jacob ran over to the couch and lay down. We watched Sesame Street until I had to leave. I had a Dr appointment today which went well. My Glucose tolerance test was slightly high so now I have to be on a special diet for 3 days and then go in for a 3 1/2 to 4 hr bld test.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The dogs kept us up alot last night - they are having a hard time adjusting since we changed the room around and Jared and I switched sides in bed. I woke up during the night with a terrible leg cramp. After it went away it came back twice - it was awful and my leg is sore today. We had bagels and choc. milk for breakfast. Jared had plowed the driveway with the tractor last night and he went out this morning to shovel what had fallen since. Jacob wanted to go out to so I bundled him up. Daddy showed him how to make a snow angel and he got out the sled. Jacob loved going down the hill and had so much fun. We painted our living room today and are going to put a second coat on after Jacob goes to sleep. The house is quite messy with all the furniture pushed to the middle of the room. We to Jacob to play at the mall and then got ice cream cones.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

My niece Mykenzie has been sick and off school all week. She was laying on the floor when we got to Nana's. She seems to be feeling better but was still running a fever. Jacob is always happy to see her. It started sleeting when I left my Moms for work. After work, Jared meet me at Moms house. It was real icy on the roads and we were going to be getting thunder storms. When we got home the power was out. I started lighting candles and Jacob wanted to blow out the match. Jared went outside to take care of the animals. The power came on and I got dinner ready for Jacob in case it went back out. Lightening struck and it looked like fire going by our window. Jared said in the barn he could just see light under the garage door. Tonight Jacob asked me to read to him. I read him several books and then he went over to Daddy so he could read. He found a frog on our dresser and I told him what a frog says. He went down the hall to Daddy and said, "ribbet" while holding the frog.