Thursday, August 31, 2006

Jacob's Grumpy Evening

During the night we heard Truman barking so Jared went out to get him. Then we heard Kate barking so he went out to get her too. They have been staying out the the barn stall while Uncle Dee is visiting because it is more peaceful that way. Woke Jacob up at 5:30am because we had to leave a little early to pick up Jareds car at my Mom's. Jacob cried when I left Aunt Missy's house. He has been doing that lately when I leave. After work Mel and Bruce brought him to my work and then we headed home. Jacob was in a crabby mood. He started by wanting my cherished teddy tractor collectible on the shelf which he cannot play with. Then he didn't want Daddy to touch the book he was looking at. He looked at both of his Dr Seuss books being very gentle with the pages. He went around the room touching everything he knew he was not supposed to touch like the lamp and the stone coasters. I didn't like having to tell him no for everything he touched. I thought he must not have had a very long nap today. Daddy played a song on the piano and Jacob played along with him. Then I sat him on the bench and he played going from one end of the bench to another. He threw a fit when he had to get down off the bench. Jared made chicken fried rice with very young chicks (just eggs). Jacob wanted pink lemonaide like the rest of us so I pored some in a sippy cup. He doesn't usually get juice so I let him have a treat. He wanted to feed himself so I got him a another spoon. He ended up throwing his spoon and juice on the floor, mad that he couldn't drink our lemonaide. So I got him cleaned up and took him to get his pj's on. He started his touching things he knows he is not suppose to again, so we decided it was time to read books and go to bed early. He was in bed by 8:30pm. I was sad he had to go to bed but he needed the sleep. I talked to Mom on the phone and she said Melissa told her that Jacob was very good at her place today but he didn't get his naps in. Hence the testing mood he was in. We had a nice time chating with Uncle Dee.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Our 3 year Anniversary

This morning I thought I had set the alarm for 7am but I turned on the 5:30am alarm and didn't realize it until we were up and ready. We are going to meet my parents and their cell group for breakfast. We couldn't wait to see Jacob. He was sitting on Papa's lap. Mom and Dad bought our breakfast for our anniversary. Jacob got really cranky and tired. We walked Nana out to her car so we could get Jacob's things and he didn't want her to leave. He hung onto her neck and said, "Nana, Nana" and would not let go. She decided to come back in for five more minutes. We left with her and headed to Hartwick pines. We went there last year for our anniversary and Jacob was only a few months old. We looked forward to taking him again this year. He slept on the way up as did I. When we got there I changed him into some warmer clothes. It was very cool in the shade - perfect hiking weather. Jacob loved walking on the bridge up to the building. We walked through the inside building and looked at all the interesting things in there. Jacob liked to pet the wolf fur and listen to the bird sounds. His favorite thing was turning the wheel to the circular saw. He kept going back to it. Then it was time to hike the trail. Jacob walked most of the 1.3 mile trail loop. We had such a nice time together. On the trail Jacob came over and grabbed the back of my shirt cause he wanted to play train. Daddy grabbed onto Jacob and we made train sounds. We stopped at the chaple and went inside. Jacob wanted to sit on the seats and we sat with him. Then we hiked over to some other buildings to go through. In one building they had a train halling logs that the kids could play with and Jacob loved it. On the way home we stopped for lunch at McDonalds. Jacob ate his whole cheeseburger and some fries. We stopped at meijer for a few things and Jacob cried for the last 10 minutes of our trip home. He was very tired. Uncle Dee was there when we got home. I lay Jacob down for a nap and then we went outside to walk around the place. It was a nice, cool evening. Then we went inside and chated for a while. Uncle Dee told us all about the monistary and it was very interesting. Then he asked if he could take us out for dinner. I got Jacob up and we went out to Fazolies. Jacob loves to drink my lemonaide. When we got home I got out the quilt Grandma R made him to show Uncle Dee. Jacob kept pointing at the wagon. Then he played with his firetruck, and buses. He is very tired and didn't even want me to read to him.


August 29, 2006 Jacob spends the night at Nana and Papa's

This morning Jared had to be to work at 5am. I got out of bed around 5:15 and then woke Jacob up early at 5:30am. It was so quiet in the house without Jared there. I took my time getting the two of us ready. Jacob cuddled with Truman on the dog bed. Them two get along so well. Jacob is staying with Aunt Missy's today and then later Nana is going to pick him up. Aunt Missy and Uncle Bruce took all four kids to the large playground in town. Jared sent me 30 roses to work today. There are many beautiful colors and I was so suprised. He said there were 10 roses for each year that we've been married. Jared and I meet at Mom's house and Jacob was asleep. We were bummed not to be able to see him before we went out to dinner. We our celebrating our anniversary tonight with dinner and a movie. We went out to eat at Red Lobster. There biscuits are the best we have ever eaten. Dinner was very good. Then we hurried to the theator so we could make the 7o'clock showing. We were five minutes late but made it right as it was starting. We are seeing Car's. I is a computer animated film and very funny. After the movie I asked Jared to stop at the store so I could get him an anniversary card. He said he needed to go in for me too. Then he said, "we should go in and show each other the card we'd pick out". I thought that would be fun so we did it. I took us a little bit to find the right card (Jared picked out 2 like usual) and then we showed them to each other. We laughed and left the store. We decided to stop at Mom's to pickup my roses and say goodnight to Jacob.


Monday, August 28, 2006

This morning we went into Mom's room to wake up Kenzie. Jacob got in bed with her. She would not wake up. Nana and I went in the other room and pretended to play tonk (card game my Grandparents taught me). She came out pretty quick when she thought we were playing. We played a few hands with her. Jacob gave me kisses goodbye. He started pucker kissing yesterday when he gave Grandma G. a kiss goodbye. He doesn't do it all the time but mostly he puckers now. Grandma got the first one. After work I met Jared at Mom's. Jacob was sleeping and my parents were gone. Jared said he had played Dad at pingpong and won 2 out of 3 games. Jared and I went upstairs to wake up Jacob. We got him out of the playpen and lay on the bed with him inbetween us. He looked around for a minute like he wasn't sure where he was at. Then he smiled big. After a while he wanted to sit at the computer chair and move around the mouse. We had potatoes and corn-on-the-cobb with ham for dinner. Took Jacob a bit of watching Mommy and Daddy to bit of the cobb. At first he'd pick the corn off the cobb with his fingers. Jacob was boncing up and down at the sound of the horse trotting. He likes to sit on everything from his big cars to the littelest ones. Daddy turned the music on in our bedroom and he was dancing to it. I gave him his bath and let him run around naked. He sat on the floor in our bedroom with a magazine and bounced to the music. I asked him if he wanted to read a book and he ran to the chair where we always read. He loves me to read his Bible.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

We went to the early service at church today. It starts at 9am. Daddy went in to get Jacob out of bed and he was standing up in his crib. He wanted down and came running out to me. Then he ran back to Daddy. Jacob was very good during worship service and clapped some to the music. After the singing I took him back to the nursery. He cried when I left but he stopped soon after I walked out. We stopped at Lowe's to exchange a few thing we had gotten yesterday. Then I went into meijer to pick up decoration for the cakes I baked. Shortly after we got home we headed to Nana's house to celebrate Papa and Rody's birthday. Jacob had some lunch and then I lay him down for a nap. Then I decorated the cakes. Vikki and Rody got there around 12:30. They had us come out to listen to their new muffler. It is purposely made to be loud. Sounded pretty cool when Rody stepped on the gas. Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa got there soon after. Then Melissa, Bruce, Hailey and Max got there. We had a great lunch of Sub sandwiches. Mom had them all ready, we just had to add toppings. It was a great lunch. Jacob didn't sleep very long and gave him a snack and then some watermelon and muskmelon. Then the kids had fun playing ring-around-the-rosie. They were all laughing. Then me, my sister's, and our kids all played train. We walked around the house saying "chew chew". Jacob lost hold of Aunt Vikki's shirt and kept grabbing until he got hold again. We had so much fun. The "adults" were laughing at us. We sang Happy Birthday to the birthday boys and then had some yummy cake and ice cream. Rody said I should open a cake place called Kim's cakes. The guys watched some golf and some slept in one room and us girls watched the video of our trip to Copper Harbor. Melissa took a nap with Hailey in Nana's room. I lay Jacob down for a nap. Max stayed with us and was crawling all over. He liked to play in the barn and spin the chicken. Nana gave him a bottle and he fell asleep. Grandma, Mom, Kenzie, and I watched the video. Jacob didn't want to sleep so I brought him down to sit on my lap while we watched it. I went with Mom to take Grandma and Grandpa home. They gave us some corn out of their garden. Can't wait to have some for dinner. We had sandwiches for dinner then we watched some of the video of Kenzie when she was little. Melissa hadn't seen it yet. Kenzie set up her tea/plate setting in the kitchen with cheese-its and water. She and Hailey played with it and it was so cute.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Brought Jacob in bed with us this morning. He wanted to crawl over Daddy to pet Truman. Then he wanted to look out the window. He pointed at the chickens. He handed Daddy a piece of plastic and then asked, "whats that" to the dead bug on the window. He backed off the bed by himself and landed on his feet. Then he went running down the hallway. He can run pretty fast now. After he ate his cerele we went out for donuts/muffin and coffee and OJ. Jacob had his a glazed donut hole. The manager came over to talk to him but he just smiled. Then we went walked around Salvation army. Some elderly lady came over and was complaining to Jared about their high prices. She told him, "I'd use that couch for firewood". No good finds there today. While Jacob was taking his am nap we went outside to work on putting away the extra wood from the fort and I pulled weeds too. As I was pulling weeds by the barn I was stung on the hand by a hornet. It sure did hurt! I was done after that for now. I went over to help Jared take apart the roof of the fort. I took out a bunch of screws. Then we started cutting boards to make steps. Jacob woke up and we went inside for lunch. After lunch we went back outside to build the steps. Jacob played on his little car. Then he ran over to the fence by the goats. He turned back at us, smiled, and came running back. It started to rain. Jacob held his hands up and looked up smiling. Then it started to thunder and rained even harder so we went inside. We got dried off and I made some coffee. We headed into town. Stopped at TSC and got a separate electric fence box for the goat paddock. Jacob wanted to play with the little toy tractors. I let him carry one around for awhile. It was a little Ford tractor. When we tried to pay with our bank card neither one of our cards would work. We went to the ATM and got some money out and went back. Then we went to Lowe's to get chains to hang the swings. I got Jacob out of the cart at the register and he kept trying to grab my nose. I'd shake my head and he'd laugh. When we got home we tried to hand one swing but the bolts weren't long enough. We will have to exchange them tomorrow for something else. We went inside to have dinner and I was going to make a cake for my Dad and Rody. We are celebrating their birthday's tomorrow. I thought I had a cake mix in the cuboard but it was a brownie mix so Jared had to go to meijer for another cake mix while I made one of them. I gave Jacob a bath while the cake was baking. Then I dressed him in his superman pj's. He heard Daddy coming up the drive and he went running towards the door saying DaDa. Daddy layed on the bed and he flew on his feet like superman. Then I said lay on the bed by Daddy and he lay down next to him. I told him to put his hands up and he raised them up but put them behind his head. He dove head first onto the dog bed. Daddy licked the bowl for the cake and Jacob saw him and wanted some. I got him yogurt instead and he liked that. He sat on the floor in the kitchen next to me. Daddy left the room and he got up and ran after him saying, "DaDa". When Daddy came back he came back over for more yogurt and sat by Mommy. I read him a book and the Bible before bed. He got to talk to Aunt Vikki on the phone. He dove into his crib and lay down. He only had one long nap today so he was pretty tired. He sat up to fold his hands and pray with me. I put frosting on Dad's cake and then waited for Rody's to cool. I will frosting it tomorrow.


Friday, August 25, 2006

This morning it was very dark over by the horses and goats so we turned on the light and waited for it to warm up. Celeste was laying down and grunted so we went in to check on them. I put ointment on their gashes. Jacob stayed with Aunt Missy today. Max gave me some big smiles this am. He is crawling good now. Jacob climbed onto Hailey's rocking horse. It is alot taller that his rocking sheep but he was determined to get up on that horse. He was also able to get off by himself. After work we stopped at the store for a few things. I pushed Jacob in the cart with the truck attatched to the front. He loved it. Went to check on the horses wounds. Nutmegs is more swollen, but Celeste's looks a little better. Jacob gave Celeste a couple kisses on her nose and pet her face. He played on his truck and got wet pants from the puddle in his seat. Daddy watered the chickens and then sprayed the hose in the air towards Jacob. Jacob lifted his hands in the air and smiled. I fixed Jared's light with tape on the saturn.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Jacob didn't want to wake up this morning. I had to lift him out of bed and then he woke up. He is staying with Nana today and Kenzie is going to be there. When we got there we went into the bedroom to wake Kenzie up. We tickeled her and Jacob thought that was funny. He gave her a kiss. She told Mom she wanted to wake up when we got there. She told me how excited she was to go to Indiana with us. After I left there, I stopped at my Grandma's to pick up there Taylor (their dog). He is having his teeth cleaned and a couple growths removed. He sat on my lap the whole way to work. His surgery was the last of the morning. He had a rough time coming out of anesthesia so I went back to hold him. I wrapped him in a towel and brought him up front with me from 12 to 2pm. He was content laying on my lap. He had 9 teeth extracted. Jared stopped in work today for a short visit. He had taken the saturn to get the muffler fixed. Mom brought Jacob and Kenzie to work at 5pm cause she had a motorcycle thing to go to with Dad. I took Kenzie and Taylor to Grandma's. When Jacob walked in her door he headed right for he basket of toy and found his favorite trucks. Grandpa wet down some food to soften it up for Taylor. Jacob and Kenzie played on the floor with the trucks and police car. Kenzie had Jacob laughing hard when she took the police car and set it on the chair and made it fall off. She did it over and over and he laughed every time. Grandma was walking with her walker across the room and Jacob stood right in front of her pushing the walker with her. It looked so cute and he was smiling big. When we got home we walked over to check on the animals. I went in to put ointment on the horses gashes. They look worse today and area more swollen and oozing. I noticed Sammy had a few fresh minor wounds. I wish we could find where they area cutting themselves at. Jared when in with a hammer and pounded some pieces in on the lean too. The hornets didn't like that and came flying out at him. One landed on his thumb. He said, "I didn't just scream like a girl, did I?" I laughed. Jacob was really fussy this evening. He did not want to eat his dinner. I think its due to teething. He just got his 4th molar cut through. I read him a couple books and his Bible, he brushed his teeth and I lay him in bed early. He was tired and ready to lay down.
Its Rody's 30th Birthday today so we called to wish him a Happy birthday but he was at work. Jared and I left a message and sang to him.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I woke up at 7am and started cleaning the house up and made some coffee. Then I heard Jacob talking in his room. He was standing up in his crib and smiled big. I picked him up but he wanted right down to climb on his rocking lamb. After breakfast we went outside to check on the animals. I wanted to see how the goats were doing with the new feeder. Jacob wanted to sit on the tractor. I noticed Nutmeg had a bad gash on her Rt shoulder. It looked pretty bad so I went to get the ointment. I got Jacob's stroller to set him in while I put on the medicine. Jacob cried a little as he watched me go in with the horses. Nutmeg was scared of the ointment tube. She ran around on the other side of Celeste. At that time I noticed Celeste had a worse wound on her Rt elbow. It was about an inch long and very deep. I took care of her wound and then walked over to Nutmeg without the tube and the ointment on my finger. We are going to have to look around for whatever they cut themselves on. I decided to wait til Jared got home cause Jacob was crying. I took Jacob into his bedroom to play with his little toy tractor, train, and car. They have small parts so he can't play with them by himself but he loves to play with them while I'm watching. He'd sit on his lamb and set the tractors on the lambs head. They'd fall off and he would laugh really hard. I'd pick them up and set them back on its head and he'd make them fall off again. We had a snack while watching veggie tales. Then it was time for his morning nap. While he was sleeping I cleaned the house and did laundry. When Jacob woke up and again wanted down to see his lamb right away. After lunch we played and then he wanted to be chased around the house. We went to Salvation army where all the workers were happy to see him. He smiled at all of them and giggled when the one girl tickeled him. Then we went to Meijer to pick up a couple more packages of photos. It was raining outside. When we got home I read him a book. Daddy pulled in the driveway and the dogs started barking. Jacob ran over to the door saying, "Da Da Da Da". Daddy was home - yeh. I put Jacob's rain jacket on and we walked over to the goats and horses. We moved the goat feeder under the lean too. Then I showed Jared the horses wounds and we looked around for what the could have cut themselves on. Not really sure? We will look again when its not raining. Jacob wanted to sit on the tractor again. When we went inside Jacob seemed very tired so I lay him down for a short nap. For his bath tonight he was facinated with the sponge. He'd dunk it then lift it up and let the water drain out. He got so excited and would splash around. As I was putting on his lotion he wanted some on his hands too so he could rub them together. Tonight he had fun playing with his ride on car and the school bus. He push them up and down the hallway. While I'm typing this he is pushing both up the hall. Then he sat in between them for a while. At one point he decided the little school bus was for riding on too. He sat right on it and tried to ride down the hall. He fell of the back a few time and got a little frustrated. Its just not made to ride on. The sides of the bus were bend down. Now he is bringing me sips of his sippy cup. Daddy is going to read to him.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This morning when we got to Nana's Kenzie was there to greet us. She told me Jacob went up to her and leaned over to give her a kiss. We sat and watched a video of Kenzie when she was just over 2 years old. Jacob sat on the couch between Kenzie and I. I told Kenzie we were taking Jacob to the Indianapolis Zoo. She jokenly asked if she could come. I though about it and though that sounded like fun. I told her I would ask Uncle Jared and he would check with his mom. I'm sure she knew Uncle Jared would say yes. I think she will have so much fun and maybe we will have time to take her to build a bear. Then I had to leave for work. Vikki called me to tell me about her new job. She likes it alot and right now is on first shift. I was glad she called cause I had been wondering how it was going. Vikki said it was ok for us to take Kenzie with us to Indiana so it was yes all around. At mom's Jacob was still taking a nap. I got his things pack and then went into the room to get him up. He was just laying there on his back with his eyes open looking up at me. Nana came in too. Jacob was very cuddely. Papa gave him a bite of his brownie and that woke him up. When we got home Jared had been working on the goat feeder. It looked great. Jacob ran around the yard from his truck, to his slide, to the chickens and then to the front yard by the goats. I sang ring-a-round-the-rosie and he looked at me and laughed as I fell down. Now it was time to move the feeder. That thing was very heavy and odd to carry. I traded sides with Jared so he could walk backwards. I had enough problems going forward. From the first lift it dropped on my finger and it was so heavy I couldn't get them out. I screamed in a panic and Jared came to my side and lifted it. This thing was starting to make me mad. We lifted it and got several feet before I had to set it back down. I hurt my hands with all that weight and the rough cut boards. I grabbed a couple raggs and tried to lift. I kept saying, "It's too heavy, I can't do it". But we continued anyway. We tried carrying it a different way and I made it a few feet. By now I was laughing hard and determined to get this thing in the goat paddock. Finally we made it. All the goats eventually learned how to use it except Fred. Fred's horns spread too wide and I'm not sure he can get them through the holes. We'll see tomorrow. We stayed out there and watched them for a while. Jacob wanted to go and pet Celeste. He gave her some pets on her nose and then a kiss. She kept sticking her nose right on him to smell him. He thought that was funny. Daddy gave him a horsey ride and then a ride on the tractor. He points to thing like the choke and the throddle cause he wants to know what the are called. During dinner tonight Jacob started to do with his hands like Daddy started doing with him a year ago. Like on baby einstein with puppets he makes a noise back and forth with both hands and scrambles at the end shaking his hands. Now Jacob makes the noises and does the motions with his hands. It is so funny, I'm glad I got it on video. Tonight we watched video's of Kenzie when she was little with Uncle Jared. Jacob likes to watch them too.


Monday, August 21, 2006

I didn't sleep much last night. I kept asking Jared, "Are you awake?" He was talking in his sleep alot and doesn't remember much. He told me he was having the silverware tested at the lab. Of course I asked, "What". He said, "Yeh for the tapioka pudding". I said, "What do you mean". He said, "tapioka pudding is just one example". I laughed. He said some other funny things but I can't remember them. I got up at 1am to wash my hair. Then I lay down but still couldn't sleep. I slept off and on til 4am. I looked over at the clock and thought one more hour til the alarm goes off. After that I fell asleep til it went off. Then I was really tired. I hopped out of bed and figited with the alarm to turn it off. Then I turned on what Jared and I call the "Bad alarm". It is a backup alarm and is set for 5:35am. I couldn't see anything cause I didn't have my contacts in. We both fell asleep for awhile and then Jared asked if it was time to get up yet. I looked over and the clock said 5:35am. We got up and started to get ready. I went out and packed Jacob's lunch and snacks for the day. After Jared got out of the shower he looked over at the clock and it said 5:35. He thought, "Is it earlier than Kimmy thinks?" Then he thought about it and realized that I had moved the button on the clock to the set position. It was really ~6:20am. We hadn't even woke up Jacob yet. We rushed to get things ready and I decided to take his breakfast to Nana's. They are re-sealing Mom and Dads driveway today we were suppose to be there early. We arrived in plenty of time. I was able to feed Jacob breakfast there and Jared left for work. Mom and I watched a video of Kenzie when she was 2 years old. It brought back fun memories. I left for work and made it on time. Grandma and Grandma had an appointment with Taylor this morning. Mom brought them along with Jacob. Jacob was happy to see me. I got him a sucker and he loved that. I changed his stinky diaper and put him in clean clothes. Nana worked that timing out perfect:) Jacob was sleeping when I got to Moms after work. Papa asked if I wanted him to get him up. He brought the sleepy boy down to see me. Mom told me how much fun Grandpa Golombisky had with Jacob today. He loves that little boy lots and so does Grandma. Grandma said he was such a good little boy. When we got home Daddy was working on a feeder for the goats and sheep. I couldn't believe how much he had done - it was almost finished. He did a great job. Jacob fed the chickens an apple and some of his fish crackers. He turned his head when Daddy turned on the circular saw. He wanted to watch. We went inside for dinner and then headed back out. I took Jacob's hand as we walked throught the goat paddock. He thought that was fun. He held his hands out to go over and look at the horses. He played on his slide while Daddy worked on the feeder. Inside the house Jacob road his car around. He can move it all over now and turn it too. Jacob walked over to the phone and held his hand out. I gave it to him and he walked around with it by his ear. Then he wanted Mommy and Daddy to talk. I got out his sunglasses and he got excited and wanted to try them on. He walked around the house with them half off his nose smiling then we got them on right. He looked so cute.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Jacob was very tired after church today. We stopped for a few groceries at meijer. When we got up in line at the checkout Jared look over to me and said he had left his wallet in the car. I was with Jacob holding him on the horse. He told the lady to go slow and I ran with Jacob out to the car. Made it back just on time. Daddy fed Jacob his lunch while I made dough for pizza. I thought Jacob was going to fall asleep in his seat. He was happy to lay in his crib and take a nap. While he was sleeping I worked on lots of laundry folding. I went through bags of clothes for Max too. Then when the dough was ready, Jared and I made pizza's. They turned out really yummy. We went outside to move the horses to another paddock. Celest was in a hurry to get over there and was pulling alot on the way. Walked Sammy over after the girls. Jared hosed him down really good to help cool him. He seemed to enjoy that. I love Sammy - he's a GREAT horse. We spend the afternoon home. Jacob played with Daddy while Mommy dusted and vaccumed the house. We really enjoyed the day as a family. I read Jacob, Dr Seuss, Green eggs and Ham which he really enjoyed and listened to the whole thing. He especially liked the pages with the train. We suprised Daddy and made him peanut butter chip brownies. I wouldn't let him see what we were making. Then we brought him out the middle piece with a glass of milk. It was warm out of the oven and he said it was really good. Jacob and I shared a half a piece. Jacob brushed his teeth and then I ready him a few stories from the kids Bible and an animal story. By the time we were done he looked very sleepy. He gave Daddy huggs goodnight and then gave Kate a kiss too. I took him in his room and set him on the changing table and said, "Lets pray". He folded his hands and bowed his head for the whole prayer. Gave me a big hugg and kiss goodnight and happily layed in his crib. He smiled up at me as I told him how much Mommy and Daddy love him.