Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adam drawing a fish.

Jared left early again this morning. I got up at 6:30. Jacob was up around 8:30 and Adam soon after that. They watched Bob the Builder while eating breakfast. Adam went into the closet and got out the Thomas trains to play with. Jacob played with his wooden tool set. Then Adam took me to the closet and asked to play with the barn. I got it out for him and he said, "Thanks Mommy." He and Jacob played with that at the counter. Adam refuses to sit in the table chair now. He can get up and down the counter stools by himself - though I prefer to help him. We sat at the table to draw with markers. Jacob wanted to draw on the dry erase board. Adam drew several houses and a fish. I’ve noticed lately that he draws mostly using his left hand. Though he can draw well with his right hand too. Jacob and I had fun drawing on the dry erase board. We drew roads and vehicles. I’d draw a road and then Jacob would add to it. We also added stop signs and buildings. When a building caught on fire we added a fire truck. We erased it and I began another road. Jacob turned the road into train tracks and he also drew a train. Adam got out the tools and Jacob went to play with them also. The boys and I worked on our water system until lunchtime. Jacob asked me to pretend to test the water in the sink. His pipe leaked and got me all wet. He put a c-clamp on his pipe and said, “We gotta put a generator on to get more water.” Then he said, “Mommy, I’m gonna put my scrubs (mitten) on and put my glasses on so I don’t get hurt.” Adam sat next to Jacob at the counter during lunch. We went outside after lunch. The boys liked watching the pinwheel spin in the wind. Then Jacob filled his wheel barrel with water and hauled it over to the flowerpot. He planted seeds (rocks) and watered them. Adam played with the rocks and sand. Jacob filled buckets with water and watered the new plants in my flowerbeds. It was close to snacktime when we came back inside. The boys had hot chocolate with their snack. I tucked Adam in for a nap around 2pm. He talked for about an hour before falling asleep. Jacob played with his automoblox and playdoh. We watched Curious George. Adam woke up at 5pm and asked to play with mega blocks. Jared got home around 5:30. Adam came outside to help me feed the animals. After dinner the boys played with tools and pieces of yarn. Jared didn’t have class this evening because he is on spring break. We relaxed for a little while and then he played some Wii sports. Jacob had a birthday party for me and we ate cake. After the boys were in pjs they ran around acting goofy. Jacob put up his fists and said, “Mommy, you wanna see my powerful trick?” After I read a book to Adam he usually says, “Me read?” I handed him the “Are you my Mother?” book and turned it to the first reading page. He said, “Wait. Wait a minite" and turned back to the very first page to point out the worm.


Anonymous said...

Another imaginative day in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

Jacob sure does remember things well and then plays so cute. I love how he acts things out and the words he uses.

I can't believe Adam can get up on those high stools. I would be a little nervous watching him do that too. What a boy!

Nice how Jacob can read to mommy now. Love to all.