Friday, March 27, 2009

This week Jared has been getting up at 4:30am for work. This morning he and I slept in until 7am. I started my exercises while he was getting ready for work. I was running when Jacob woke up around 8:30. He ate breakfast while I continued my run. I gave Jacob a "running hug" this morning and he told me he loves my running hugs. Adam woke up at 9am. When I went into his bedroom he said, “tocks (socks) off, down floor” as he pointed to them on the floor. The he excitedly said, “Daddy here! Back dere” as he pointed towards our bedroom. Adam ate his breakfast at the little table while they watched Bob the Builder. I did a step up exercise while that was on. Jacob tucked some yarn into his pj’s and ran around the house saying, “Super Jacob on the way!” Adam ran around with his yarn saying, “Super – way!” The boys played with their barn while I folded and put away laundry. We played doctor. Dr Jacob and his assistant (Adam) took good care of me. Then I pretended to be the doctor and Jacob was the patient. Adam played with his tools. I got out the art box because Jacob was asking to cut with his scissors. He cut pieces of paper and glued them into his notepad. Adam is getting better at using the scissors but he still needs me to hold the paper while he is cutting. I gave the boys some star stickers to add to their papers. Jacob put one on his nose and said, “I’m a star queen!” Adam laughed so Jacob did it several times trying to make him laugh more. Then Adam put one on his nose with a funny expression on his face as he showed Jacob and I. After lunch we headed into town. I needed to stop at the post office, bank, and Jack's. We got home shortly after 2pm. I read books with the boys and then lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob rested while playing with his automoblox. He likes to show me his “new oga (yoga) move”. I prepared roast, carrots, and potatoes for dinner. I also did a 30-min run. Jacob said, “I really don’t mind if you beat me when we play the game, Toot and Puddle.” Jacob played at the counter with moon sand. He piled several things in the sand and explained to me that it was a recycling center that “melts plastic to make new bottles and tainers (containers).” Jared got home around 4:30. I went outside to take care of the animals. Adam woke up around 5:30. He played with the moon sand until dinner was ready. After dinner we headed into town to walk around the mall. We brought the strollers but didn't need to as the boys walked the entire time. They had fun playing on the train table at Barnes and Noble. We got home at close to 9pm.


LRuss/GrandR said...

Two great boys in blue shirts. And...your boys can cut better than some kindergarden children. I'm impressed. It takes such patience (from the Mother) to make cutting a good experience when the boys are as little as they are. We'll be at church most of the day for Frank's funeral. Spruced up the place yesterday and planted lots of pansys.

Anonymous said...

Good pictures of your busy crafters.

I am especially impressed by Jacob's comment that he doesn't mind if you beat him at Toot and Puddle. That shows he has done some real growing inside.

mom s said...

I love how Jacob says he loves your running hugs. How cute!