Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It was a typical Wednesday morning. The boys were very excited to go to church and play with the kids. We left there around 11:30 and headed over to Mom's house to celebrate her 60th birthday. On the way I stopped at Dunken Donuts to get Mom a banana nut muffin and the kids some munchkins. Dad, Jared, Vikki, Rody, Grandpa, Mel and her family also came. Mom had made chicken salad and turkey sandwiches for lunch. She also had fruit salad and brownies. We enjoyed watching Mom open her gifts. The kids had a great time playing together. I trimmed Max and Jack's hair before they left. I had lay Adam down for a nap but when I opened the door to check on him he was still awake. He had a dirty diaper so I got him up to change him. He likes to apoligized alot lately and said, "I tarry Mommy." When I told him it was ok, that I'd just change him and he could lay back down he said, "Ok Mommy." Mom and I did a 30 minute run while watching the video for her birthday party. Vikki had made Jacob a house out of Mom's three child gates, the stool, the chair, and a blanket. At 4pm I peeked in on Adam and he said, "I wake Mommy!" I don't think he ever did go to sleep. We all went outside to wait for Kenzie's bus. Jacob fell in driveway and skinned his elbow. The boys loved watching Kenzie get off the bus. Kenzie, Vikki, and I were trying on this blonde wig and the boys were laughing really hard at us. Adam really thought we were hillarious. Around 5pm I headed home with Adam. Jacob is staying at Vikki's house tonight and he is very excited about that. Adam helped us feed the animals tonight. He also wanted to carry eggs in his basket. Daddy handed him an egg for his basket saying, "Be gentle Adam". Adam grabbed the egg and smashed it in the basket with the other eggs, cracking two eggs. We went out for dinner at McDonalds. On the drive there Adam asked for his "drawing sing (thing)." He loves drawing on his doodle pro. Lately his favorites to draw are houses, fish, and boats. After drawing one he always holds it up saying which it is. Then he said, "race (erase) it". He clears it and draws again. This kept him very occupied on all our drives today. During dinner Adam sat/stood next to me at the table. He was being so funny. After eating he went to play. I took him through the small tub to a little room in the play area but he didn't like being in there at all. He had more fun playing on the steps and watching the other kids. We got home around 8pm. Jared and I talked to Jacob on the phone and it sound like he's having lots of fun with Aunt "Bippi" and Kenzie. We sure do miss him. Adam had fun playing with the shaker hockey stick sent by Uncle Rick. He liked hitting around the play orange. He then was holding it on his head while running around and being very loud. After tucking him in bed Jared and I watched Lost.


Vikki's Blog said...

We sure are having a great time with Jacob. Thankyou for letting him stay with us. I love you
Well I better get to bed with my early day tomorrow. hehe
I cant wait for Jacob to take Kenzie to school with me, I think he is going to be excited, he sure was tonight when I reminded him about it.
Goodnight, and I cant wait for Salvation Army tomorrow, and Goodwill. I wish I had more money but Owell

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of all my helpers. They were so cute.
I also like the one of grandpa and Bruce sleeping while the kids are playing. They make great babysitters, huh. Good thing the kids are good. Sounds like Jacob had a great time at Aunt Bippi's.
I'm so glad you are all close and the kids are close. Love ya