Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Jacob woke up around 6am. Daddy helped him to the bathroom and then tucked him back in bed. I got up at 6:30 to exercise and Jacob was still awake. Around 7am I asked Jacob if he wanted to come lay on the couch with some cars. I woke Adam up at 7:45am. Jacob helped me make pancakes for breakfast. Around 8:45 we headed to the church. On the drive there Jacob said, “Adam, do you wanna go to the church where we watch the kids?” Adam said, “Wes.” There were only 5 kids in class today. The boys had a lot of fun. We also went to Salvation army. There I found several cute clothes for my niece Hailey. The boys ate a packed lunch. After that we headed over to Walmart. Jacob fell asleep just as we got there. He continued sleeping in the cart as I got a couple items. As we drove home Adam pretended to talk on his phone (hand) saying, "Hello Bippi! Bye. Hi Bippi!" When we drove past the junk yard Adam said, "Junk yard. Broke cars." I moved Jacob into his bedroom and he continued sleeping until 4:30. I read some books with Adam and tucked him in for a nap though he never did go to sleep. Jared got home shortly after Jacob woke up. The boys thought it was funny when Daddy put Jacob’s socks on his ears. They laughed and tried to get them off of him. I went outside to take care of the animals. After dinner Jacob asked to play with flour. He and Adam had fun playing with the flour for about an hour. Daddy played some Mario Kart per Jacob's request. The boys had fun in the tub until pj time. I read Jacob the Adam and Eve story from his bible this evening. When I read about Eve taking a bite of the forbidden fruit Jacob said, "I would say no. I would listen to God." Jacob was looking at a book in his bedroom and recited the Cat and the Fiddle poem. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched Lost.


Anonymous said...

Flour...I never thought of that being a play thiing but it sure looks like snow being pushed around on the counter. Adam's imagination is coming right along. The pictures taken in the bedroom with Jared and white ears show pure laughter on the part of the little guys. What a dad!

Anonymous said...

Playing in flour is fun. After playing a bit, add some salt and mix it together. What is it like, then? Then, add some water . . . Some food color . . . What do you get? Old-fashioned play dough!!!!!! The kind you had to make before there was any to BUY!!!!!!

Mom might want to check out some old recipes beforehand so she can add the right amounts of salt and water to get a decent dough. It will harden.

Melissa said...

Hailey's teacher makes playdough for the class and also adds glitter to it. Hailey absolutely loves that. I love the looks on the boys faces in those first two pictures. You can tell they are having tons of fun.

The Mommy said...

2 1/4 c. flour
1 c. salt
4 TBS cooking oil
1 c. water

1) Combine flour & salt in large bowl.
2) Stir in oil & water. Continue until consistency of bread dough.
3) Knead on floured surface a few minutes, until firm.

You can add a package of unsweetened koolaid mix to make it smell good. Store in zip bag or air tight container and it will keep for a while.