Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jacob came down to our bedroom this morning rubbing his butt and saying, "me butt hurt, me pell out of me bed". Then he said, "pray por it Mommy". He wanted to watch his tractor video instead of Clifford this morning saying, "no watch Clifford, I wanna watch tractor movie". After breakfast Jacob asked to write on some paper so I gave him a pen and paper. Then he asked for his scissors and glue. He really likes to do zigzags on the paper and really takes his time with them. He'll cover them up with his hand and say, "Mommy, ewe wanna see, dat tez me name". He also likes me to draw dots for him to connect and make shapes. Jacob sat at the counter with his aquadoodle and Adam crawled around playing with different toys while I folded and put away laundry. This evening Jacob was excited to get a package from Grandma. He opened up the package to find Cars underware and Cars pj pants. He was very excited and said, "Light queen and Mater too". He likes how soft the pj pants feel. Kept saying, "I peel dat, dat too". After dinner I went to town to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy. Jacob didn't get a nap to day so he was very tired and went to bed early. He was happy to get to wear his new pj's and wanted to wear the Mater underware over his pull-up. Adam cuddled on my lap and we read his favorite book (Baby words) several times. When I lay him in his crib he was full of smiles so I had to go grab my camera.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Adam woke up to nurse around 5:30 and then both boys woke up around 8am. We watched Curious George and Clifford and had breakfast. I spend much of the morning cleaning the boys dressers and closets and packing away clothes that they have outgrown. Adam's clothes to pack away filled up a large garbage bag. While I was cleaning Adam played with the little people things and his drum and Jacob sat on his bed with his puzzles. Got done with that job around 11am and played with the boys until lunchtime. Now when I sit on the floor Adam crawls to me really fast saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama". Jacob wanted me to play with his cars and said, "uh oh, I gotta get Adam toy". Adam chewed on some toys next to me while I played on the couch with Jacob's cars. After lunch Jacob wanted to draw on his aquadoodle. Both boys took about a 3hr nap waking up just before Daddy came home from work. We had spagetti for dinner - its on of Jacob's favorites. Adam does not care for his veggies or meat lately and makes some funny faces at dinner. When he's had enough he claps his hands on the spoon. He still loves his fruits. After dinner Jacob played with his cars at the counter. It was a rainy evening. When Jared came in from outside wearing his hat Jacob looked at him and said, "ewe look cute Daddy". This evening Jared got our taxes done and the boys and I played with the blocks in our bedroom as he worked on the computer.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Jacob wet on his pj's when going potty this morning so I took them off and let him come in the warm bed with me. Adam woke up so I brought him in with us. Watched Clifford and ate breakfast. Jacob wanted to color and cut with his scissors. Adam crawled all over the house. He crawls so fast from the kitchen to the living room and down the hallway and back. As he crawls around the house he likes to say, "Mama" or "Dada".
I took Jacob to use the potty and Adam followed us into the bathroom. As I helped Jacob he pulled himself up on the stool. His hands slipped and he fell onto the corner of the top step hitting his cheek hard. He cried really hard but only for about a minute. I rocked him in the rocking chair and sang to him. Jacob came up to him and said, "ewe ok Adam" and wanted to kiss his face. Adam sure does love to cuddle lately and also gives nice, big hugs. After he gives me a hug he usually claps his hands. While the boys were napping I worked on finishing Jacob's blanket. Jacob was excited to get his blanket and loved watching Daddy roll in it. Jacob ran and jumped on Daddy as he was all rolled up. Jacob wanted to lay on his bed with his new blanket and asked for Adam to lay next to him. Jacob and I colored on his aquadoodle at the counter this evening. He'd put one of the stamps down and say to me, "ewe wanna tee Mommy" and then lift it up to show me. I was reading to Adam when Jacob came over and said, "I tit by Adam, Mommy read me". We finished reading Adam's book and then Daddy took him and tucked him in bed. I read a couple other books to Jacob and enjoyed cuddling with him. On the way home Jared had stopped at the store and picked up toothpaste for himself and for the boys. When I showed Jacob the toothpaste that Daddy had picked up and he said, "I go tell Daddy tank ewe". Then he ran to give Daddy a hug and told him thank-you.


Jacob counting


This morning Jacob crawled in bed with us around 8am. Adam woke up around 8:30. Left for church around 9:10. Lots of ladies were coming up to Jacob in church and he'd hold up his fingers to tell them how old he was and smile. The ladies said Adam happily played the whole time. When we went to get Jacob he was playing on the slide. He was excited to show us his picture with glitter on it and told us how he put glue on it first. He wanted to hold it in the car so we let him. I found out this was a bad idea when I looked back to find the glitter all over him, including his face and teeth. He smiled at me and said, "hi Mommy". After lunch Jacob wanted to play with his cars. I layed down on the floor to play with him and Adam was soon crawling over my back to get to Jacob's cars. Jacob pointed at him and said, "help Mommy, get Adam" and then he ran to find Adam a toy to play with. While the boys were napping I worked on another blanket I'm making like the Charlie Brown blanket. Jacob likes the dinosaurs on this blanket so I'm am going to give him this one and take the Charlie Brown one for myself. It reminds me so much of the one I used to have. I've learned some things which have helped to make this one easier to make and I have learned some things I will do different for the next one. Had to run to the store for a new needle and some dog food. Fun evening playing with the boys. Both boys cuddled on my lap to read. As we watched Extreme Home Makeover Jacob set up his chair with his blanket, pillow, and cars.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

This morning as we were leaving the ATM Jacob yelled out, "goodbye, going get choc milk donuts, tee you later". Before heading to Nana's we stopped at Salvation army. Got Jacob a couple pair of pants and some matchbox vehicles. Around 1:30 we headed over to Mel's house to pick her and the kids up for the snow fest. Had a great time. The kids were excited to see Clifford. Jacob just stared at him with a grin. The kids got to feed animals including camel's and a zebra. Then we let them ride the ponies. They started complaining that they had cold hands so we headed back to the car. Jared and I decided to take the boys to McDonald's to warm up. Jacob loved his "hot chocolate milk" and had lots of fun playing in their play land. Adam was really cuddly. Both boys fell asleep on the trip home. Jacob played with his cars when we got home. Jacob wanted to call Nana and tell her he was so excited about his Cars nightlight. We plugged it in his bedroom and watched it change colors. Adam layed on Daddy's legs and the rest of us lay on the floor. Kate started barking and Jacob said, "I be right back, go tell Kate no barking, stay here, I be right back, I hurry". He came back in for awhile and then decided Adam needed a light up toy to play with. Jacob wanted to sit on my lap with Adam and read books before bed.