Saturday, March 21, 2009

I got up to exercise at 6am. At 8:00 I finished and still none of the boys (all three) were up yet. I crawled in bed next to Jared and soon was joined by Jacob. Adam woke up and I brought him in the bed with us also. He sure loves his green dog and kept throwing him off the bed saying, “Uh oh, get it” as he climbed off the bed to get him. The boys have a foam dinosaur book and the dinosaurs come out of it. They both chased me with their dinosaurs. Adam calls them “dino-hars.” We headed into town around 9:30. After getting our drinks and donuts we took drive by our previous house. Then we went to Salvation Army and Goodwill. In both store Adam requested, “Toy how (isle)?” We also visited the pet store. There was a lady in a chair by the reptiles and she was holding a boa constrictor. Jacob liked petting it. Adam didn't want to but he enjoyed looking at it. As we left the store Jacob said, “You know what Daddy? I wanna get one of them nakes (snakes).” On the drive home we passed the car dealership. Adam pointed behind him saying, “Crash cars, back dere." Daddy turned around so we could go see the crashed cars. We got home around noon. Adam jumped on our bed singing “dino-hars, dino-hars.” Then he asked me to lay down on the bed and he ran to get the doctor kit. The boys played with moon sand for about an hour. Adam made a cake and asked me to sit at the table and eat with him. Then he came over and asked, “Marr-o Gax-ee (Mario Galaxy)? The boys quickly talked Daddy into playing the game. I lay Adam down for a nap but he never did go to sleep. Jared went outside to burn the brush pile. Jacob rested in his bedroom while looking at books and playing with his wooden tools. I did a 30 minute run. The boys and I joined Daddy outside. It was in the 50's, breezy, and sunny today. Jared dug up some lilac trees while I went up in the fort to play with the boys. Then they had fun playing in the ditch while Jared and I planted the trees along our property by the road. Jacob found a snake in the ditch and Daddy caught it. I wished I’d had the camera to get the expressions on the boys faces as they watched his tongue and pet it. They also pet it as it slithered away. We dug up some worms and the boys liked holding them. Jared burned some of the ditch. Adam helped me take care of the animals. In the barn he tried to lift the gasoline container but said, “eeeee, hea-bee (heavy).” At 6pm we went inside for dinner. After dinner we headed downtown to walk around. It was such a nice evening. It took Adam a minute to get used to the idea of wearing the harness. He loved not having to hold our hand or sit in the stroller. Both boys had fun walking the flowerbed curbs. Adam fell several times but got right back up and continued walking the curb. Jacob learned how to read the stoplight sign's on when to stop or walk. We had a really great time. Got home around 8:30.


The Daddy said...

I see the gas finally worked huh

Anonymous said...

Gas...NO. I'm happy that Eric lives in the city where there is a no burning policy. Another great weather day.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Jacob lucky? He asks for a snake in the store and finds one at home!! It looks as if Adam had fun with the smaller version in the yard.

I love that last picture of Adam -- looks like a sly kid, planning something . . .