Thursday, March 05, 2009

Watching Curious George.

He love Louie and this Elmo chair. When I went to check on his this is how I found him.

Jacob alway has to get cuddle time with Nana.

Fun with Nana.

Wearing the happy meal box.

Daddy and Jacob walking the tightrope.

Nana was scratching Adam's back and he almost fell asleep.

Fun in Papa's tie.

Adam put these around his neck and said, "Bassit"

Jacob woke up at 7:45. He watched me finish a boxing exercise. Soon Adam was awake too. We watched Clifford. The boys wanted cheerios and toast for breakfast. After breakfast Jacob asked to play with flour. Adam didn’t want too. He ran around with some pieces of yarn. He’d ball it up and hold it tight. They he’d say, “I got it” as he ran away, me chasing after him. After some tickles I’d take the yarn run away saying, “I got it!” Once he got the yarn from me he’d lay on it saying, “I got it, I got it!” We watched Clifford and some of Sesame Street. Adam pulled my hand saying, “Barn please Mommy?” As I went to get his Little People barn he said, “No Mommy, mere (come here).” He took me to Jacob’s room. He looked around in the closet, found the barn he wanted, and as he pointed at it he said, “Dat barn, wes.” As I carried it out to the living room he said, “Floor.” Then he got his blankets out saying, “pread-it-out (spread it out). We had fun playing on the floor with the barn. Jacob played with the flour for over an hour. Then the boys played with their doctor kits. I folded and put away a huge pile of laundry. Nana came over around noon. She brought McDonald Happy meals for the boys. As her car pulled in the driveway Adam said, “Nana here!” After lunch Jacob wanted to show Nana how he makes a Clifford float on the computer. The boys had fun bouncing on Nana’s legs, which were propped up on the exercise ball. Mom and I did some Wii balancing games. The boys played with their tools. Then they played at the counter with moon sand while Mom and I did a 30minute run. We watched some of my wedding video. At 2:30 the boys ate their snack. They wanted to sit by Nana. My Dad came over around 2:30. The boys ran to give him hugs saying, “Hi Papa!” Papa got some good giggles out of Adam. I read Adam some books and lay him down for a nap around 3pm. Jacob played with his foam puzzles and then his cash register. Dad beat our scores on the Wii fit balance games. Mom and I relaxed with some coffee. Jacob helped me make a meatloaf and Mom helped me with the potatoes. Adam woke up at 4:30. Jacob played at the counter with some moon sand. Jared got home around 5pm. He and I went outside to take care of the animals. Vikki and Kenzie came over. After dinner Jared, Vikki, Kenzie, the boys, and I went outside for a little while. It’s a beautiful day today (in the high 50's). This evening we had a great time visiting. Jared and Dad played tennis and bowling. Adam got hit in the head by Papa’s remote as they were playing a game of tennis. He didn’t even cry. Then Kenzie was shutting the piano and accidentally pinched Adam's face, just below his eye. He cried a little. I gave Dad a haircut. Dad, Mom, Vikki, and Kenzie headed home around 7:30. We got a call from Jeanne and Leonard asking us if we wanted a 1yr old female Suffolk sheep. We do and are excited about that. Jacob talked Daddy into played the Mario Galaxy game. Tonight I gave Jacob my little purple comforter blanket to sleep with. I told him it was special because my Grandma gave it to me. He said, “Mommy, your really good at sharing.”


Melissa said...

Love the tie pictures. That's sweet what Jacob said about sharing the blanket.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the suspense!! Where is the picture of Jared with earmuffs on his feet?

Anonymous said...

Flour again. You are one great mother. I showed the flour playing pictures to a friend and she was really impressed. A little package is in the mail for my favoriet Michigan grandsons. Probably a Tuesday arrival. The weekend doesn't help any.

Vikki's Blog said...

I had sooooo much fun at your house. I love the picture of Jacob stretching Jareds face. And I love his smile in the one of all the kids sitting on Jareds lap. Love you and hope we can do it again soon.