Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jared had to leave early for work - he had to be there at 5:30am.
It was such a beautiful day - sunny and around 65 degrees. We fed the animals this morning and we also got to take another walk. Adam fell asleep right away. Jacob had fun picking up rocks and looking for bugs and catipillars. When we got back he played in the sand. I was reading to the boys and Adam kept giggeling at Jacob. Jacob would turn around and look at Adam or cover his head with a blanket and play peek-a-boo - this had Adam laughing harder than I have every heard him laugh. It was very cute. Later, when Jacob was laying down for his nap I went to check on his and found he had climbed onto his bookshelf and was sitting up there with his blankey. When I saw him he quickly climbed down and jumped into bed. I got to spend some fun time with Adam while Jacob was napping. When Jacob woke up he went and lay on the couch. I layed Adam next to him. Jared got out of work late - home around 7pm. He is going to be traveling next week. We were all sitting on the bed and Jacob pointed at his eyes and said, "I have blue eyes, Daddy brown, Adam brown, Mama green" as he pointed at each of us. His new thing he likes to say is "I eccited" as he jumps up and down. Charlie Brown was on so we watched that this evening. When I ask him if he wants to go trick or treating his reply is "no please". Tomorrow we will be going over to Omi's (Kenzie's Grandma) house to walk around her neighborhood with the kids and then back at her place we have chili and homemade bread. We've been going over to her place since Kenzie was very young and we always have lots of fun.

Jacob loves ladybugs

Monday, October 29, 2007

Adam woke up hungry at 5am. After eating he fell back to sleep until 8:30. Jacob woke at 9am and was very wet. I gave him a bath and then we all three layed in our warm bed with the matress heater on. After Adam woke up from his am nap I took the boys for a walk down our road. It was nice outside - about 60 degrees and sunny but very windy. Jacob loved the walk and talked to me the whole time. Back at home Jacob played in his sand and Adam played with the grass and picked up some leaves. Today my Dad came over for a short visit as he was out in our area for work. Jacob jumped around excitedly because Papa was there and because he was able to get up from his nap to see him. Adam played with Papa's beard and Papa got some good giggles out of him. I was glad he stopped by. I got some cleaning done and also organized my photo albums. Vaccumed the house and it seems we've got another small dog in that vaccuum - the dogs are shedding alot. Laundry builds up fast - the pile looked like we'd just got back from our camping trip:) Glad to have it all caught up. After dinner I went outside to feed the animals. When I came inside Jacob and Daddy were playing a game that Jacob had made up. Jacob asked me to play and showed me where my pillow was saying "Mama sit right there". He had three pillows set up against the couch - then we'd throw the little stuffed soccer ball and see who got it first. Adam sat on the floor and watched us as he chewed on his toy. Jacob kept going over to him and saying, "watch us play game". Later Jacob crawled in our bed and got under the covers. He wanted me to get in bed next to him. Then he climbed down and said, "I be right back, go talk Daddy". He ran to Jared and said, "good milk Daddy".

Cute pictures of the dogs as puppies.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

This morning Jacob came down the hallway around 8:30 and crawled into bed with us. He said, "hi mama, I awake". At church I took Jacob to his class and Adam to the nursery. Jacob ran to the front row and sat in a yellow chair. The ladies were happy to see Adam coming back today. After church Jacob was throwing fits for lots of little things and seemed very tired. He almost fell asleep on the drive home. We layed him down for a nap earlier than usual and he was in a much better mood when he woke up. While the boys were alseep we went outside and worked on the flower garden. Adam woke up and got to go on a tractor ride with Daddy. It was around 50 degrees outside and sunny. Made chili for dinner. Jacob sat on the counter and handed me each can to open. Adam tried apples tonight and loved them. Lately when Jacob gets in bed he always says, "help me, spread out blanket" "cover me up". Then shortly after I leave his room he gets out of bed and peeks out his doorway at us and says, "goodnight mama, goodnight Daddy" and runs back to his bed.

Look at them muscles!

Close up of "Light Queen"

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jacob was very excited to go out for choc milk and donuts this morning. He was also excited to go see Nana and Papa. At their house Jacob kept asking to take his firetruck and go downstairs. Dad and Jared took him down there and they play a few games of ping pong. We had a really nice visit. Vikki called and asked if we wanted to go out to eat at the Mongolian barbecue. We did - they meet us at mom's and followed us there. It was fun and good food - thanks for the invite Vik. On the way home we stopped and picked up a carving kit at meijer. Jacob was excited to see Lightning McQueen so I decided to try and carve it even though it was one of the more challenging ones in the book. Adam was facinated with the stems of the pumpkins. Jacob loved helping except for he was not going to touch the slimey stuff - "ewe, no ewe" was his response to that. He enjoyed pulling the tops off the pumpkins and putting them back on. Jared scooped them out and I separated the seeds for baking. Jared was done carving his pumpkin much sooner than I was - he baked the seeds. It was worth all the work when I heard/saw Jacob response to seeing lightning mcqueen lite up on the pumpkin - it was so cute. He kept wanting to turn the lights out and see them again. Both boys were very tired tonight - Jacob was asleep by 9pm and Adam by 9:30.