Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I got up this morning to go out and feed the animals with Jared. After he left for work I worked on cleaning up and putting together baby things, like the carseats, swing, and bouncy seat. Jacob slept in til around 8am. He enjoyed sitting in his old carseats and the bouncy seat. He likes us to take off the cover to it. We had a wonderful day together and I was happy that I didn't have to go to town for anything. I put round steak in the crockpot for dinner. I also made twice baked potatoes and green beans. The dogs woke Jacob up when Jared came home from work. Jared and I changed the furniture around in our bedroom tonight.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Here is a picture of Grandma reading to Jacob last night. He had chapstick in his hand and had to put it on his lip every so often. The other pictures are of things Grandma R. made for the baby's room. This morning Jacob at his cheerios and Grandpa shared his pop tart with him. Due to the weather Grandma and Grandpa left early this morning for home. Jacob stood in the window and pointed out the window saying what sounded like "don't go". We went to the early service at church and then to Lowe's to look at carpet. We went out to Fazolie's for lunch. After Jacob's nap this afternoon he and Daddy had lots of fun playing on the twin mattress. They leaned it up against the couch and rolled down it. The the played behind it. I took Jacob in the baby's room and read him the poam. He asked me to read it to him 2 more times.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa R. arrived tonight. Right away we got to open the bedding set that Grandma made baby #2. She also made curtains, a neat wall hanging of "The Duel" and framed the poem. Its really nice and I'll be taking pictures. Jacob was really excited and acting silly. He sat between Grandma and Grandpa as he was read his favorite book. Jared and I looked at Jacob next to Grandpa with their arms behind their head, as you can see in the last picture. Now we know where he gets that from:)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Had an OB doctor appointment yesterday. It went well and the baby's HR was 150 bpm. Lately when we put Jacob in his car seat he begs to go in Daddy's car. He says, "Please" while pointing at the Saturn. When we got to Nana's he ran into the living room, sat on the couch, and Nana put Sesame Street on. Nana told me he learned how to climb out of his playpen today. When we got home I wrote some in the new baby book and Jacob sat next to me and colored. There was a ladybug flying around the light in Jacob's bedroom that I pointed out to him. He was thrilled watching it fly around. Then it fell onto the floor. Jacob was really excited he lay down on the floor and got really close to it. Then he ran out and got Daddy. He and Daddy both layed down and watched the bug. Jacob thought it was cool when Daddy let it climb on his hand but Jacob did not want it to crawl on him. He did however pick it up with his fingers and squeezed a little to much. The bug was done moving after that. Jacob picked it up and took it to the trash. I read him his book as he sat in his bed - he wanted me to read it over and over. He loves to make the animal sounds as I read.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

We had a nice weekend. Jacob learned how fun it is to climb up Daddy all the way to his shoulders. He also likes to play in Trumans dog cage with the blanket over it. We walked around the mall today and I looked at baby books. We watched videos of both Jacob's first and second Copper Harbor trips. He enjoyed watching them too. Tonight he wanted to go to sleep with his, Are You My Mother? book. He fell asleep with it right next to him. I went back in to check on him and thought he was asleep. I took the book and he sat up and said, "Uh Oh, Please".

Friday, February 16, 2007

Took Jacob and Kenzie to Vikki's this morning. Rody left with Kenzie for school and Jacob wanted to sit in his high chair with juice and a snack. We went out to Fazoli's for dinner tonight. Then we walked around Lowe's looking at carpet for the boys rooms.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jacob had a hard time waking up this morning. At Nana's he sat with a drink and crackers while he watched Sesame Street. He gave me a hugg and said, "Bye, Luv you". I took Kenzie to school and then headed into work. After work Kenzie came home with us. We had leftovers for dinne and Jacob loves meatloaf like his Daddy. I looked over at him and he was wearing Daddy's barn shoes. Daddy helped him tie them and try to walk. He had a funny smirk on his face. Now say to Jacob, "let me check your diaper" he walks over to me and turns his back towards me. Then before I even have time to check he says, "All clean". Kenzie played zoo tycoon on the computer and then played with Truman. She wasn't able to buy any animals cause none of hers were happy so I helped her fix it up so she was able to bye them again.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This morning Jared opened his B-day gift and Valentines Day gifts. Then Jacob opened his Valentines Day gift from us and from Nana & Papa. He loved the cards and he also loved the truck book and M&M's. We put on his new shirt. We went out for donuts/muffin and walked around Salvation army and the mall. Jacob had fun playing and was very friendly. One couple there he kept walking by, waving, and saying "Bye". We got Yummy Japan's for lunch. Jacob and I made Daddy a B-day cake. For dinner we made his favorite, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. It was such a great day together.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Got up this morning and took down the tape in the baby's bedroom. Jacob even helped pull some off. He liked the ball of tape Daddy made him. We moved the furniture back in but will soon be moving it out when we have the carpet changed. We used a dark shade of blue on the back wall and a lighter shade on the other three walls. Tonight Daddy made Jacob a tent by putting a sheet over his bed. Jacob called me to come see. He was so excited and was talking really loudly.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Jacob must have been awake for awhile before he woke us. He started calling for Jared and I so I went in his bedroom to get him. He had his wet wipe container out and all the wet wipes all over his floor. They had been out for a bit cause they were dry. He came and layed between us but then decided it was time to get up. He turned to us, waved, and said, "Bye". Some of his favorite things to say now are, "Wow, cool" and "Uh Oh, Uh Oh, Uh Oh" while he is swinging his arms and stomping his feet. We went out for donuts/muffin - Jacob and I had choc. milk. Then we walked around the mall. They had lots of RV/campers at the mall. Jacob wanted to go inside them so we walked through every one. I remember walking through with my parents and sisters and having lots of fun. Every one we walked by, Jacob would point and say, "Please". We took him to play in the middle of the mall. He was really excited when he first got there and ran right over a little girl. He just sat there and looked at her. I asked her if she was ok and she said yes while getting up and running off. My parents came over around 1pm. Jacob showed us how he boxes with Papa. After they left I took Jacob to his room for a nap. He was really tired and fell asleep right away. Vikki and Rody came over. They are going away for a few days for their anniversary and we are watching their dogs. We painted the baby's bedroom this evening and had it just about done when Jacob woke up from his nap. Had pizza for dinner and watched videos of Jacob when he was a baby.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Jacob loves his Grover puppet that Papa got him when he was born. He especially likes Daddy to wear it and talk or chase him. Kenzie spent the night here tonight. Jacob gets really excited playing with her. We layed down the mattress from the twin we are putting away and they played and jumped around on it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Jacob's new bed looks great with his Suspender Sam quilt from Grandma. I was going to let him sleep in this morning but he was awake when we came in from feeding the animals. Its another cold morning here. Sammy did well in his stall for the night. Were going to keep him in the barn for a few days.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I went to Jacob's room this morning to check on him. He was curled up in his bed but his blanket and stuffed animals were all on the floor. I covered him up and let him sleep a little longer. The water wasn't working so Jared went out to check on it. When he came back in Jacob was laying in his bed and said to him, "Daddy, please" while pointing at the bed. He loves Daddy to lay in bed with him. When Jared got home from work today our horse Sammy was down in the cold snow and couldn't get up. Jared tried for a while to get him up but he just backed closer to the fense. To finally get him up Jared had to use the whip. Sammy was cold so Jared put a horse coat on him and took him to a stall. This cold weather is hard on his arthritic joints.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Yesterday after church we went to Mom's house. Jacob took a nap there while Jared and I went to visit my Grandpa at the rehab. He looks great and may be out in a couple weeks. We stayed there for about an hour and then he fell asleep so we left. Tonight we are having a family Superbowl party at Mom & Dad's. There was pizza and chicken wraps and lots of snacks. Jacob loves to go down in the basement and run around - so thats where I took him during half time. We brought the three wheeler up and he rode real fast back and forth in the kitchen/dining room. The game was great and the Colts won so we were all excited, expecially Jared. We got home late and got Jacob ready to sleep in his new bed. He was very excited. I left his door open so the heat would get in and Jacob kept getting up and shutting the door. Then he'd run back into his bed. It was a very cold night. Jared woke me up and he was all dressed to go outside. He told me to pray that the pipes weren't frozen cause there was no water. He was outside for a while and when he came back in the water was running. The water stopped again and he had to go back outside. He was freezing cold when he got back into bed. I went into Jacob's room to check on his and he was on the floor. I picked him up and put him back in bed. He didn't wake up. This morning I woke him up and held him for a bit. He wanted down and then ran into his room and crawled into bed. He looked at me and smiled.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Got Jacob's new bed together this morning after a trip to town for donuts. Stopped a Lowe's for stain. When we got home Jared cut some boards for under the mattress. Once the mattress was on, Jacob climbed up and tried it out. We took down the crib and set it up in the other bedroom. Also, we switched the dresser. Jacob would shut his door and then run, climb in his bed and lay down. He found one of his hats and wanted to wear it. Daddy put his on and Jacob liked that. The bed may be ready by tomorrow evening. Jacob wanted to take his nap in the new bed but couldn't cause it was getting a coat of stain. This evening we went out to Pi's for dinner.

Friday, Feb 2, 2007

When we go home this evening Jared had all the sanding done for Jacob's bed. He had the pieces inside ready to put together. Jacob had fun watching and carrying the wood pieces and tools.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

As soon as Jacob woke up this morning he ran into the bedroom where Kenzie sleeps and called her name. He waited for he to come out from under the covers. Jacob waved Bye Bye to Daddy as he went outside to feed the animals this morning. Then he ran with his arms swinging over to the window to watch Daddy walking to the barn. When he couldn't see him anymore he said, "Dada, Dada, Da" then he said, "Uh Oh". When we got to Nana's Jacob ran into my mom's bedroom, grabbed Kenzies hand, and took her out to the toys. I took Kenzie to school on my way to work. Jacob was napping at Mom's after work. Kenzie and I went in to wake him up. He wanted to go down to the basement so we went down there for a little bit. He rode the three-wheeler around saying, "Bye Bye" and waving to me. When we got home we went out to the barn where Daddy was sanding parts of his bed. Inside there was a bucket of corn sitting by the burner. Jacob pointed at the corn and then at the burner saying, "Please". He wanted us to dump the corn in.