Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I started exercising soon after 6am. Its was a very windy, cold day. I woke the boys up at 8am. We watched Curious George during breakfast. At 8:45 we headed to church. On the drive there Jacob said, “Mommy, where’s Uncle Dee live?” After I told him he said, “What path do you take?” At church the boys went right to cooking. They love pretending with all the play foods and the kitchen. We headed to Salvation Army around 11:30. The boys ate their packed lunches. There I got a nice Lego duplo airplane set. We then went to the Elevator to get chicken food. They had baby ducks that the boys enjoyed watching. We stopped at Walmart for a few groceries before heading home. The boys ate their snack while I read them some books. I tucked Adam in for a nap. Jacob and I had fun playing with the new lego set. He continued playing with them as he rested in his bedroom. I did some exercises. I got Adam up at 4:30. I don't think he ever fell asleep. Jared picked up Kenzie from Nana's house after work. Uncle Jared emptied Kenzie's school bag and they went thru her papers. He went online to write down all the missing assignments that she needed to complete or turn in. The boys played with the legos until dinner was ready. I went outside to take care of the animals. After dinner the kids went back to playing with the legos. Kenzie made zoo animals. Jacob built an airplane. Adam pretended to make foods. Kenzie and Uncle Jared worked on school work. The boys and I watched a Baby Einstein video. The kids were tucked in bed by 9pm.


Anonymous said...

Where Uncle Dee lives is warm again today. Birds are singing; trees are blooming; sun is shining. And Uncle Dee cannot believe Adam's face -- he is growing so fast!! The Leggos look like a lot of fun -- such creative boys you have!

Anonymous said...

The view from the south is a bit hard to take but knowing the southerner it doesn't come as a surprise. Go flowers...go sun...go birds. We'll get them all soon but not soon enough. The Copper Harbor folks had a snow day yesterday. No school

Anonymous said...

Kenzie is blessed to have you guys.
Thanks for your help and for how much you love her. You are so important in her life......God will bless you I know...Love ya