Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mom's 60th birthday surprise party

Mom was very surprised.

Friends and family at the party.

My Dad is 60 so he likes to say Mom is 60 - too!!

Aunt Debbie and Jack.

Mom and Aunt Vikki (Mom's best friend)

Bruce not behaving for the camera.

Mom opening her gifts.

Max cutting his Mommy's hair.

I started exercising at 6:30. The water system wasn’t working right so Jared worked on that this morning. Jacob and Kenzie woke up around 8:30. We watched Sid. Around 10am we headed into town for drinks and donuts. After that we went to play at the wooden park. We all had a great time. The weather was beautiful. I laughed at Kenzie and Uncle Jared as they raced on the wooden train. Uncle Jared and to go thru it and Kenzie raced on top of the train. Then they choose paths and raced thru the fort. Jacob and I played on the truck. We pretended that it was an ambulance. Jacob took me to the hospital. We all had a fun playing hide and seek and then tag. Soon after noon we ate a packed lunch at the picnic table. It was close to 1pm when we headed over to Mom’s house. Adam was happy to eat his donut and get some chocolate milk. Dad and Jared played some pingpong and the boys had fun in the basement. Mom and I did a 30 minute run while watching the Mel and Bruce’s wedding video. At 3pm we headed to Vikki’s house. The boys had fun playing with all Aunt “Bippi’s” toys. I lay down in bed with Adam and he soon fell asleep. Vikki and I put together goody bags for kids to have at Mom’s surprise birthday party tonight. Jacob ate an early dinner and soon after 5pm we went over to get things ready at Texan for the party. Jared stayed at Vikki’s so Adam could finish his nap and then eat dinner. Vikki, Kenzie, Jacob and I had fun decorating. Vikki then left to pick up the cake. People started arriving around 6pm. Mom got there around 6:45 and she was very surprised. There were almost 80 people that came to celebrate her turning 60 years. It was such a fun evening visiting with family and friends. The kids sure had fun playing together. After the party we went over to Mom’s to watch her open all her gifts. My sisters and their families, Aunt Vikki and Uncle Terry, Aunt Jody and Grandpa also came over. Around 9pm I lay Adam down for bed. As I went to leave the room he said, “No Mommy, tay (stay) here.” I stayed and patted his belly for a couple more minutes. We headed home around 11pm. Jacob soon fell asleep. Adam talked the whole way home.


Melissa said...

You took great pictures of the party. Mom sure was surprised and it turned out great.

Vikki's Blog said...

im so glad you put the pictures on here, they turned out soooo good. Im glad the party turned out so awesome, mom sure was surprised! I had fun with you guys coming over too. thanks for all your help. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pics of the party and of your family kids sure are cute....happy bday to your you all, Antie Em in KS