Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Had a great day home with Jacob. We went shopping for groceries then came home and cleaned the house. I gave Jacob a rag and he helped me dust. When I was vacuuming he kept coming over and grabbing my hand to take and show me things. Made chilli for dinner and banana pudding. Jacob was still sleeping when Jared came home so he went outside to work on the bed. I took the monitor and went out shortly after he did. The bed looks great!!! Jacob was still sleeping when we got inside so Jared went and woke him up. He was a "Mommy's boy" for a while and didn't want me to let go of him. Jacob took Daddy down to the wall in our bedroom and wanted to race down the hall from there. Daddy would sneak into a bedroom and hide. Then Jacob would search for him.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jacob's arm is doing much better today. Once he was awake this morning, he wanted to go in and wake up Kenzie. I braided Kenzie's hair before school and she looked cute. Jacob was awake the whole trip to Nana's, but Kenzie as asleep as soon as we started driving. At Mom's we watched a video of Jared 10 years ago - it was fun to watch. Jared had never seen it and got it out yesterday for me to watch. The toddler bed Jared is building is looking great. Jacob and I went into his workshop to look at what is done so far and it is very nice. Jacob played with a piece of wood pushing it in the sawdust. Then he sat on a block and wanted Daddy to sit next to him.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I got up during the night and was walking in the hallway. I heard Jacob say, "Dada" and that was it - he fell back to sleep. I felt the baby's hiccups today for the first time. Jacob's arm was still very sore when I picked him up from Mom's. Kenzie gave him her sling which fit him much better and is more comfy on his neck. Mom said my Grandpa was doing great today - I'm so happy about that. Kenzie is staying with us tonight. Jacob's arm seemed to be a little better. He still does not use it much and says, "Ouch" if you move it. Kenzie wanted to look through his baby book and Jacob sat in the chair to look with her. After Jacob was asleep we went in his room to put his socks back on and cover him up. He opened his eyes and said, "Dada". We told him night night and he softly said, "Night, Night". Then he said, "Uve oou".

Sunday, January 28, 2007

After lunch today we were playing around with Jacob and he ended up hurting his arm/elbow. We took him to urgent care where they told us it was going to be 1 1/2 to 2 hr wait. It was around 2:30 and Jacob was very tired from no nap. He wanted to got over to the toys and play. Jared and I took him over and sat down. He would play normally but his left arm hung to his side and he wouldn't use it. If you tried to move it he'd cry. He'd climb up on the chairs with one arm. He had people in the waiting room laughing. He'd walk by the automatic doors and when it would open and scare him he'd run to Daddy. Then he would turn around and look at the door with his suprised look. He then tried blowing at the door. When we saw the Dr they thought he had what they called "nurses elbow" or an elbow out of socket. A common injuryin children. I held him on my lap while she twisted and pulled him arm trying to fix it. He screamed in pain. She didn't hear it pop back into place and gave us a ball to see if he'd use that arm. He wouldn't, so after time she tried it again with no success. It was horrible! She decided to take x-rays of his arm. Daddy went with him since I couldn't. Jacob fell asleep while we waited for the doctor to return. No fractures seen on x-ray. They told us he had most likely sprained his elbow. He needs to keep his arm in a sling and take tylenol for pain. When we got home I held him until he fell asleep and then I lay him on the couch. He was none to happy about putting his arm in the sling but did ok with it after awhile. It was too big for him so I decided to sew it to better fit him. Daddy went outside to get some corn and Jacob ran to the window to watch him. He called, "Dada" and waved to him as he walked back to the house.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Took the truck to town this morning and after our Sat am routine we stopped at Lowe's. We picked up some wood so Jared can work on building Jacob a toddler bed. Jacob and I got him a router table for an early b-day/valentines day present. He also used his Christmas money to get some router bits. When we got home Jared put together the table but needed some parts so headed back to Lowe's. Jacob ate his lunch and then we went outside to play in the snow. He kept getting a foot stuck in the deep snow and needed a hand to pull himself out. I got the sled and pulled him around in that. Then we started to roll a big snowball. Daddy came home and Jacob thought it was funny when he threw some snowballs at me. Jacob liked watching Daddy using the drill and screwdriver. While Jacob was napping we went out so Jared could try out his new stuff. This evening we went to the snowfest. We met my parents and Mel's family there. We watched the fireworks and the walked around to look at the snow sculptures.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This morning Jacob woke up before I went in for him. I took him to our bedroom and lay with him for a bit. Jared was getting ready and Jacob called, "Dada" and then turned to give me his suprised look. Then he wanted down and ran over to see Daddy. He waved at Daddy and said bye to him. Then ran over to me waved and said bye to me. He went running down the hall but turned around to grab my finger so I'd follow. My Grandpa got off the ventilator today and is doing really well. Kenzie spent the night tonight and wanted to suprise Uncle Jared. She got out of the car before we parked. Then she waited outside for a bit after we had gone inside. She then knocked on the door and was holding the cat. She said, "I found this cat on the road, Does he belong to you?" Uncle Jared told her we don't take in strangers. Time is going by so fast for this pregnancy - third trimester already. He sure was kicking hard today. Jacob wanted to get his blanket and Berry out of the crib. He took them for a ride on his tractor but it was a tight squeeze. Jacob loves peanut butter on a spoon. Daddy taught him the "correct way" to pronounce peanut butter. He ran up and down the hallway copying whatever Kenze would do and crawling through her legs.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This morning I got up and fed the animals with Jared. Then after he left for work I crawled back into the bed. Truman and Kate kept me warm. Jacob woke up shortly before 8am. I went in and carried him to our bed. He lay next to me and kept asking for Daddy. Then he sat up and pointed to Jareds spot saying, "Dada, please". I called Jared at work and he talked to Jacob. Jacob opened his mouth and gave a suprised look, then he said, "Uh Oh". After breakfast he wanted to play in our closet. He wanted me to come in and he crawled into a small section of the closet and lay on a pile of clothes. We left to got to the bank and walk around salvation army and meijer. When we got home it was time for lunch and then Jacob took a nap. When I lay him in his crib he now wants me to tickle him. He says, "Mama, please" while pointing to where he wants to be tickled. Then he rolls on his belly and wants me to tickle his back. I made dinner and cleaned up the house while he was sleeping. He slept through the dogs loud barking when Jared came home. He was a little crabby when he woke up but that didn't last long. We went to meijer and then came home and had dinner. Again Jacob wanted Daddy to ride the tractor - Daddy told him he was too big but couldn't resist his please. Daddy put his little cars in his pocket and he came over to show me. Then he walked away waving and saying, "Bye". Before bed we went into the bathroom so he could brush his teeth. He turns the water on while I put the toothpaste on his toothbrush. Then I brush his teeth first and he finishes. He likes to copy what I do and spits into the sink. When he's done he rinses his toothbrush off and shakes it in the sink.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jacob woke up before I made it into his room. I carried him out to hold him in the chair and he started calling for Kenzie, but she was still sleeping. Jared woke Kenzie up and she got out of bed so good. She wakes up so much better then me or my sisters used to. When I got to moms house after work Jacob was upstairs playing with Kenzie - Dad was watching them and Mom had gone to Grandmas. Dad chased Jacob around the house and had him laughing really hard. Then Dad went to take a shower. Jacob went to the bathroom door saying, "Papa" while knocking on the door. Dad pounded back and scared Jacob. He came running over to me smiling. On the drive home Jacob kept saying, "Mama", I'd say "Yes" and then he would say, "Dada". Jared put electrical outlets in his workshop and was finished before we got home. Tonight Jacob was riding around on his car and wanted Daddy to follow on his tractor. If Jared would get off Jacob would go over and point at the tractor seat saying, "Dada, please".

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Jacob started chating this morning calling our names. I went to get him and found him soaked. I took off his clothes and got him cleaned up. Then we joined Daddy in bed. Jacob was the only kid in his nursury today. He was playing with puzzles when we got him. He helped put away the toys. We got pizza for lunch and Jacob ate 2 pieces. While he took a nap, Jared and I went out to work on his workshop. We got it finished - just got to build some benches and thing - then move the tools in. Jacob woke up shortly after we came inside. Jacob locked himself in our bedroom tonight. He likes to hide in our closet and have us find him. Tonight was the COLTS game and I dont think Jared sat down the whole game. Jacob and I got a kick out of watching Daddy jumping around, cheering on the team.

The picture of the fan is one we put in our bedroom yesterday. I wanted to show Vikki and couldn't get the email to sent it. So I decided to post it on the blog and delete it. Jacob was pulling my finger to come play so I didn't get to delete it. The fan in our bedroom had been broke for awhile and Home Depot had them on sale. During Jacob's nap yesterday, Jared and I worked on the workshop. Jacob has now shortened our names to Ma and Da most the time. Jacob got to wear big boy panties last night. He was sitting on my lap for awhile and then wanted down. As soon as he was down, he backed up looking at the floor and saying, "Uh Oh". He peed in his pants and some leaked through. We switched them for a clean pair and he got to run around in them til bedtime.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

Jacob got to come and visit me at work today. He came with Nana and Grandma when they were picking up Taylor.
He sat down and colored for a bit, then he wanted a drink. I took him in our office, sat him in my chair, and gave him a sucker. He sat there licking his sucker while I helped people. Jared met me at Mom's after work. Jacob was sleeping so we talked with my Dad for a bit. Dad told me he and Jared played pingpong and he won every game. We woke Jacob up and headed home. Jared went to the neighbors for some corn. Then we went out to Fazoli's for dinner.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

This morning it took Jacob a while to wake up. When Daddy started to play the piano his eyes opened up. He fell asleep on the way to Nana's this morning and he didn't want me to set him down at first. My Grandma's dog Taylor had bladder stone surgery today. The surgery went well and he is doing great. Jared met me at Mom's after work and we had dinner there. When we got home my mom called and said we need to keep my Grandpa in our prayers. He is having trouble breathing. They moved him to ICU and put him on a ventilator.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It was -1 degrees outside this morning. Jared went outside and took care of the animals while I packed his lunch and got Kenzie up. I made Kenzie waffels and she wanted to put peanut butter and syrup on them. Jared is taking her to school this morning cause I have the day off work. Jacob woke up shortly after they left. I got his bowl of cheerios ready and he wanted to feed himself. This morning I worked on packing up Jacob's 12-18 month outfits and getting out the rest of his 2T outfits. I moved all his clothes to the dresser in the other room and emptied out his dresser for the baby. After lunch we went to salvation army, Kohl's, and meijer. Jacob is such a fun little boy - we had a great day together. Jacob took a late nap and I made a meatloaf for dinner. Jacob, like Daddy, loves meatloaf with ketsup.

Saturday: It was a typical Saturday morning - stuck to our routine and walked around Salvation army. Then we went to walk around the mall. Jacob got out of the stroller and walked around too. He doesn't always look ahead while he's walking so he almost ran into some people. Then we took him to play in the middle of the mall. Jared and I have so much fun watching him play. He does really well with the other kids. They have a really big toothbrush that Jacob likes to brave walking across. He fell several times onto the soft carpet and seemed to think falling was fun too. When we got home Jacob ate his lunch and Jared went to Lowe's to get some wood to put a floor and a wall in his workshop. While Jacob was napping today we got the whole floor put in. Jared measured and cut the wood and I hammered them in place. For the last couple boards my arm was getting so tired I hand to use both hands while hammering. It looks really nice. It was pretty cold outside so we decided to go inside and have a warm bowl of veggie soup. Jared was ready to watch the Colts game. Every time there was music on the tv Jacob would dance. He would look to make sure Daddy and I were dancing too. If we weren't he would stop dancing, call our name, and then start dancing as if to show us what to do.

Sunday: After church we went out for lunch in celebration of Pastor Shane birthday. There were several couples there. Jacob sat on a booster seat inbetween Jared and I. After lunch we went up to the hospital to visit Grandpa. He was sleeping when we got there so we started looking for paper to write him a note. He woke up. He was looking really good and said he was running on 4 cylinders. Jacob pinched his fingers in Grandpa's closet door. He came over to me crying wanting some kisses. He was soon fine and running around. This afternoon while Jacob was napping, Jared and I built a wall in the workshop. It was cold outside and my feet were frozen. Jared obviously was working harder on this job than me cause he was hot.

Monday: We got several inches of snow during the night. The roads were pretty bad - even the highway hadn't been plowed. When I got to Vikki's she said Kenzie was really sick with the flu. After work today Jared meet me at Mom's and we drove home together. It had been snowing all day. Jacob is scared to walk in the snow. He loves to look at it but won't touch it.

Tuesday: Kenzie was feeling better this morning but stayed home to recup. Jared work a half day and picked Jacob and Kenzie up at Vik's. Kenzie is staying at our place tonight. When I got home from work Jared had dinner made and Kenzie set the table. Her and Jacob had the house all picked up. Kenzie wrote on the table in the letters from the fridge, We Love You. The dinner was great. Kenzie told me they stopped at McDonalds and each got a med strawberry shake. Then she said her and Truman played for a while outside on the ice and had lots of fun. Tonight Jacob and Kenzie took a bubble bath. Jacob peed on the side of the tub before getting in. Then when I let him run around naked after his bath he ran in our closet and peed in there. Tonight Jacob had this dried wet wipe that he played with. He'd give it a ride on the back of his tractor. When i would fall off he get off the tractor, put it back in place, and hop back on. Most of the night though he walked around with it around the back of his neck (in 2 pictures above last).

Thursday, January 11, 2007

This morning I took Jacob to my Mom's and then took Kenzie to school before work. I had a 5pm appointment at my OB Dr's for a RhoGAM inj. Mom meet me there with Jacob. Jacob walked ahead of me and the nurse to the scale. He kept walking til I called him back. He watch me get weighed and then watched the nurse take my blood pressure. He peeked under her arm to get a better look at what she was doing to me. He just smiled. After that I had a 5:3o appointment to get Jacob's pictures taken again at JcPenny's. I needed a few more pictures and had a coupon for them. I didn't plan on getting his pictures done so I hadn't packed anything for him to wear. I decided to look around the kids department quickly. Couldn't find anything I liked so I went into the restroom and got Jacob changed. The jeans I had - were grassed stained on the knees - so back to the kids department I went. I found a pair of corderoy pants and hurried make our appt. They were really busy. I changed Jacob into his pants there. Jacob was very good for his pictures. After all that I took the pant I had just bought off and put them back in the bag with the tags and receit. I put back on his jeans and returned the pants - I have lots of pants for him at home. Jacob fell asleep quickly in the car until Daddy carried him into the house. He woke up crabby and just wanted me to hold him. Once we had dinner he cheered up into a great mood. He was running around the house giggeling and playing with Daddy. I went to do something on the computer and Jacob came down the hall saying, "Mama, please". He grabbed my hand from the mouse and walked me down the hallway to the fridge where he wanted a drink. I went in the living room with him and asked him to sing. He sang, "la la la la la" and then clapped his hands. I took him in his bedroom to get him ready for bed. Pulled the shirt over his head and left it around the top of his head. He always likes to go out and show Daddy. Daddy came in the room wearing the shirt around his head and Jacob was laughing really hard.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Jared and I got up this morning and went outside to feed the animals. Jacob woke up around 8:30 and was calling for me. He ate breakfast and then I got him ready. He had a 10am appointment to have his pictures taken. Jacob walked around the studio asking what everything was. He was so into everything he hardly wanted to stand/sit still for the pictures. For his age thought I think he did great. The lady said he was really good. After pictures we went to a salon in the mall and Jacob got his first haircut. In order to get him to sit in the chair we had to bribe him with a sucker. When the lady started trimming he wasn't sure what was going on. After a little bit he realized it was ok and he decided to lick his sucker. Some of his hair dropped on his sucker and he said, "Uh Oh". His sticky hands also got some hair on them which he wanted me to clean off. The lady was really nice and did a great job. Jacob looked in the mirror when he was done. We took him to the sink to wash his hands. He waved and told the lady, "Bye". She gave him a certificate for his first haircut. After we left Jacob could stop touching his hair. We went home and made some lunch. His haircut sure makes him look like a little boy.