Sunday, March 08, 2009

London Bridges.


When Jacob saw this picture in his bible he said, "That looks like Grandma and Grandpa."

I got up at 6:30 to exercise. Jacob woke up shortly before 8am. He lay in bed with Daddy for a little while and then came out to watch Curious George. I couldn’t get the channel to come in so we watched the fire truck video instead. While we watched that I did a 30 minute run. At 8:30 we woke Jared, Kenzie, and Adam up. Jacob Jacob loves buttoning his shirts. We laugh as he says, “Git in the hole button!” We left for church soon after 9am. The boys sure love their classes at church. We got home around 10:45. Before going inside we all walked over to check on Gladdis. Kenzie asked if I would play Mario Kart with her. We played a few games and then her and Uncle Jared played. Adam asked me to sit under the counter and drive with him. I love his driving sounds. He likes to fix my car (stool) when it breaks down. We had pizza for lunch. The boys had fun playing London Bridges with Kenzie and Daddy. Adam was playing in Jacob’s bedroom when I went to check on him. He pointed at the floor next to him saying, “Play, me?” We had fun playing in there for a while. Then Kenzie and I ran 30 minutes. Well, Kenzie lasted for ~10 minutes. We had fun talking as the Copper Harbor pictures scrolled on the computer. Jacob and Adam had fun making a house in the kitchen using the chairs tipped on their sides and the dog bed. Vikki came over around 2pm. Uncle Jared and Kenzie played Mario Kart. Adam got Vikki and I both pillows so we could play on the floor with him and the cars. Jacob played with his wooden toolbox. At 3pm I lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob rested on the couch. Vikki, Kenzie, and I went outside to see Gladdis. She was scared of Vikki's dog, Izzy. Back inside I gave Izzy's a nail trim. Vikki and Kenzie headed home around 5pm. I did another 30 minute run. Then I went outside to take care of the animals. It’s a very rainy day. Adam woke up around 6pm. After dinner the boys played with moon sand. We watched Funniest Home Videos. Then the boys played in the tub until pj time.


Anonymous said...

I sure had a great laugh on that grandma and grandpa picture. What a hoot until I looked at the white hair and beard. Guess it does look like us. Grandkids are NEVER wrong. I'm wondering about the baby. I think it could be Issac. I'll be laughing all day.

Anonymous said...

Or, maybe the baby is a way of Kimmy telling us something! (Like the T-shirt Kat used . . . )

Anonymous said...

That could be anonymous...I'm still laughing about this and it's 6 pm.

Vikki's Blog said...

Me and Rody cracked up bout the Bible picture...That is so funny!