Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The boys woke up around 8:30am. After getting the boys dressed Adam likes to take the pj’s and walk around with them on his head. Jacob played with his cars and I stacked up blocks for Adam to knock down. The boys both got pretty fussy and both wanted to be held. I held them both on my lap but Adam wanted to push Jacob off. We got out the art stuff and sat at the table to color. Adam colored some and didn't try to eat the crayons today. Jacob liked putting stickers on his paper. We got out the playdoh to play with. Jacob wanted to make a playground with slides for his people to go down. Then we made some benches, an ambulance, and a tractor. I made a car and he made some people to go in it. He put Daddy in the driver seat, me next to him. Then there was Kenzie in between him and Adam in the back seat. Adam liked playing with the containers and lids to the playdoh. During Jacob’s rest today he wanted Truman to come in with him. He played with his lego’s again. Around 3:30 we went outside and I worked on the mowing. By the time I get this lawn mowed it will be time to start all over again. Jacob played in the sand and then in his fort. When Daddy came home we all went up into his fort. Then he and Daddy went down the curley slide together. We turned Maude and Lucy loose in the paddock. Maude didn’t want to go in so Kate got her in for us. Jacob pretended he was fishing with the horsewhip. By the time we got inside Adam was just waking up. After dinner we took the boys to the nearby schools playground. We had the playground to ourselves. Jacob loves the slides and went down all of them over and over. His favorite slide was the longest one there. Adam loves climbing the steps and the ramps. He also liked walking around in the woodchips and picking up handfuls of them. The ramp took you up to the top and had a couple turns. Jacob liked to race us to the top and then back down again. Got home around 8:30. In the tub Adam was playing with his water toy and every time he'd sqeeze the toy his mouth would close and open. Jacob still always has to cuddle with Daddy on the couch in his towel after his bath. Tonight as I tucked Jacob in bed he talked about his day and talked about the playground. Then he said, "I wanna go dere gain, I wake up I go dere, dat be an idea".

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jacob came in bed with me at around 8:30 this morning. Adam woke up soon after. Jacob liked playing under the covers with Truman. During breakfast this morning Adam played peek-a-boo covering his face with his bib. After breakfast the boys played under the eisle. It was fun just to sit back and watch them play together while I drank my coffee. Then the boys each got a walking stick and walked around with them. Jacob hooked his stick to the back of his ride on tractor and pretended it was a tow truck. We played train to the bathroom to brush teeth and hair. I got the boys dressed and I think Truman swallowed one of Jacob’s sock I had left on the floor. I wished I had some peroxide so I could make him puke. Adam sat on the empty dog food bag and Jacob pulled him on the kitchen floor. Then I pulled & pushed them on it together and by themselves. When I’d stop Adam would rock trying to get moving again. Jacob likes to get handfuls of dog food out of their container and give pieces to the dogs as treats. Adam stood by him watching as he got some out and Jacob said to him in a soft voice, “you can’t go in there, I torry (sorry)”. Adam walked around the house with the walking stick and Jacob sat at the counter playing with his cars. At lunchtime Jacob stood on his stool at the counter to watch me use the can opener. As he leaned up against the counter his feet slipped back and he fell smacking his face on the stool. He sliced the inside of his upper lip/gum area and got a bloody nose. We had ice cream cones after lunch. This afternoon we went for a walk down our road. The neighbors across the street from our goat paddock came out to introduce themselves to us. They have a little boy named Nick who is only a few months younger than Jacob and a daughter who is 8 years old and loves horses. As I talked with them the boys had fun playing in the ditch. They both liked watching the cat climb up the tree. Their favorite was watching a couple dump truck go down the road. After we said goodbye we went back home. Jacob walked in the door and said, “I had pun (fun)”. As I was nursing Adam Jacob talked about his new friend. He said, “I a big boy n Nick a big boy too”. Then he said, “I wanna go outside n play with Nick, I want Nick to come in me house”. While Adam was napping Jacob took a short rest in his bedroom while playing with his lego’s. Around 4pm we went outside. Jacob played in his sand while I did a little mowing. Then we played in his fort. He wanted me to go in the upper level and pretend with him. When I’d ask for things like a straw, fork, or towel he’d say, “I gotta go down me slide” and he’d run out in the grass and get them. We went inside for some hot chocolate and a snack. Had spaghetti for dinner and Adam loved it. Jacob sucked his spaghetti noodle in and looked at me and said, "laugh, dat toe punny, laugh". Jared's back has been bothering him for a couple days now. He's been using the rice sock alot. You'd think with his back being like it is he'd take it easy but still he carried a 50 lb bag of wood pellets in this morning. I brought Jacob's bed mattress out to the living room for them to play on. He pretended it was his boat. Adam liked walking on it and trying to step off of it. Every time he'd fall but that didn't stop him from trying it again. We watched American Idol this evening.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Adam woke up to nurse at 5:30 and then slept until 7:30. I had fun listening to him talking in his crib. Jacob came down to the bedroom around 7:45. He said, "un oh, where Daddy go, no Daddy gotta go to work". Jacob was looking at his hurt hand from yesterday and then pointed to the crease in his hand and said, “I got a line in me hand, I pall down I got a owie and I got a line”. He held Trumans collar and they ran up and down the hallway. Jacob said, “I love Truman, Mommy love Kate”. Jacob rolled up the rug in our kitchen and walked around with it. After breakfast Jacob wanted to play with the lego's. Adam likes walking around with the pieces and now also likes to throw them. At 10am we had snacks and watched Sesame street. Around 10:30 Adam seemed very tired. I lay him down for a nap and he slept until 12:45. While he was sleeping Jacob and I went outside. Jacob played in his sand and I got some of the lawn mowed. The deck to our riding lawn mower is broken so we have to push mow our yard. Soon we'll be getting a new riding lawn mower. It was a nice, cool day and alot of fun to push mow on a day like this. When it was time to go inside for lunch Jacob said, "no me wanna go inside, I just wanna stay outside" as he nodded his head. This evening we went to meijer and got lots of groceries. Jacob was so tired he lay in the basket of the cart playing with his tractors. He was so quiet I thought he had fallen asleep. We made a tent with Jacob's eisle and blanket. Adam and Jacob both were so excited sitting in it. When I told Jacob I would fit in his tent he pulled it out from the couch and said, "I pull it out and Mommy do fit in me tent". I lay down and put my head in there with both boys. Jacob enjoyed an ice cream cone and was really excited that his cone was green. He helped me prepare strawberries for strawberrie shortcake. He loved mashing them with the masher.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is Adam's expression to seeing the playground.

Jacob's trying to help Adam get into the tunnel.

We left our house around 9:30 this morning to meet my parents for a motorcycle memorial. We got there early so we went to the gas station to get coffee. When I came out with my coffee Jacob said, "Mommy got yellow coffee in a yellow cup". I nursed Adam in the car and then he sat on Daddy's lap. He loves pushing all the buttons and levers. When my parents got there we went inside for coffee and donuts. Jacob had donuts and choc milk. Adam loved walking around in the parking lot looking at all the motorcycles. Jacob fell as he ran to me and he scraped his hands. It was fun watching all the motorcycles take off. There were only about 65 motorcycles this year compared to almost 200 last year. We all met at a place to have a pancake and sausage breakfast. This weekend is the towns maple syrup festival and there is a carnival and parade in town. As we stood in line for breakfast Jacob played on the ramp. When someone would walk towards it he'd run to us saying, "uh oh, here comes body (somebody)". The pancakes were really good. Then we walk through some craft sales. Outside a man made Jacob a baloon dinosaur. Took the boys to play at the playground before leaving. Both boys fell asleep on the way back home. We stopped at a few garage sales. When we got home Jacob went outside with Daddy and they halled the trash down the road to the dumpster. I nursed Adam and then we went outside. We planted the onions and some pumpkins in our garden. Adam loves picking the grass. The boys took turns riding with Daddy on the tractor. We went around the yard and looked at the trees we had planted. After dinner I worked on laundry. Adam followed me and if I'd get too far from him he'd cry and want a hug. Jacob and Daddy played with the lego's.

Motorcycle memorial

Jacob on the motorcycle two years ago.

Adam on the motorcycle today.

Jacob's first year

Last year


Here is a video as they start their motorcycles.

Adam playing peek-a-boo

Lots of doggies

Kenzie and Jared sliding. Stroller blowing in the wind.

Seeing who can go further back.

Uncle "RaRa" and Adam

Adam giving Mommy kisses
Adam reaching for the cell phone.


Adam trying to feed Aunt "Titty" a woodchip.
Jacob loves Monica - huggs:)
Mommy and her boys.
My beautiful twin