Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Drawing roads.

Eating a snack.

It was a very rainy day. Adam woke up at 8am. He ate cheerios while we watched Curious George. Jacob slept in until 9:00. He requested toast and cheerios for breakfast. We watched Clifford and the beginning of Sesame Street. The boys had fun building with the mega blocks. Then they went down to our bedroom and crawled under the covers of our bed. They pretended to be sleeping. It was funny to hear them snoring. Jacob pretended to be Daddy. When he woke up he said, “I’m awake, time to go to work.” Adam woke up and said “I wake!” Jacob said he was sick and wanted me (the doctor) to take care of him. I checked him over using the tools from the doctor kit. Then he wanted me to pretend to be sick. Jacob was the doctor and Adam his assistant. They took good care of me. They used all the doctor tools. We had a lot of fun. Jacob then left to go see his five other patients. The boys ate mac-n-cheese for lunch. We had fun drawing with markers this afternoon. Adam drew lines and said they were roads. Then he pointed at his circles and said, “A house Mommy.” Jacob drew some roads too. He also drew some water with a rainbow and said, “Say, what does that mean? It-al never flood the whole earth again.”. The boys wanted to eat their snack on our bed. I tucked Adam in for a nap shortly after 2pm. Jacob rested while playing with his wooden tools. I did a 30 minute run. We got out the moon sand and Jacob played with that until dinnertime. Adam woke up at 4pm and played at the counter with moon sand also. Jared came home around 5pm. I went outside to take care of the animals. Adam was pretending the wooden stacking toys were eggs as he carried them around in the egg baskets. I gave him a couple plates. He pulled out the chair and said, “Eat Mommy, sit down.” Then he asked, “Drink Mommy?” and ran to get me a drink. He sat and pretended to eat with me. After dinner the boys had fun playing with the Little People toys. Then we got out the fire truck playhut. I gave the boys some paper towel tubes and they had fun spraying me. After I’d complain about being all wet Adam would bring me his blanket saying, “Towel Mommy.” Jared had class this evening. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm.


Anonymous said...

They wanted to eat snack in your bed, huh? Was their snack saltine crackers? That is the best snack to eat in your parents' bed because they leave plenty of crumbs to remind your parents that you were there!!

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Good job drawing roads, Jacob and Adam. You can tell Adam learns alot from watching his big brother. ♥ you guys.