Friday, March 13, 2009

Kenzie doctoring Jacob.

At Nana's house.

The camera batteries died so I wasn't able to get any pictures of Jacob riding. Kenzie did get it to work for a little while and took many pictures of me riding.

I started exercising soon after Jared left for work. Jacob woke up at 8:30 and Kenzie woke up soon after that. Adam was awake by around 9am. I packed his bags for spending the night at Nana and Papa’s tonight. He loved pulling his bag around the house. Kenzie helped me make eggs, fried potatoes and toast for breakfast. While I got things ready for our trip to town Kenzie and Jacob played hide and seek. Then they played doctor. They were pretending Jacob had a broken leg. We headed over to Vikki’s house at 11:00. She rode with us to Salvation Army and Goodwill. I had packed lunches for the kids and they ate in the car. We then took some clothes we’d found for Hailey over to Mel’s house. Jacob and Adam were excited to play with Hailey and Max. I got to Mom’s house at 2:30. We stayed for a short visit. Adam is spending the night with Nana and Papa for the first time by himself and he was excited. Jacob said, “How come I don’t get to stay at Nana’s house?” Kenzie is staying with us tonight. We got home at 3:30. Jared was home and the guys were there installing the water system. They had problems because they couldn't find where the water hooked up to the house and things were backwards. Jacob got a new High Five magazine in the mail so we had fun going thru that together. Kenzie, Jacob and I then went outside. I saddled Sammy and we all had a good time riding him. Back inside Jacob asked to paint. I got out the paints and glitter for them to use. They decorated many papers. Jacob proudly showed me which ones were for me. I gave him a hug and told him thank you and he said, “Mommy, You kind to me.” The guys were still working on the water system at dinnertime so I fixed the kids something but Jared and I decided to wait until later. After dinner Kenzie went outside to play for a little while. Kenzie and Jacob played Toot and Puddle and then we played the fishing game. The guys left soon after 8pm. Jared and I ate dinner and then made the soaps and cleaners from concentrated liquids which came with the new system. Kenzie and Jacob had lots of fun playing in the boxes. Mom called and I got to talk to Adam. We sure do miss him and I loved hearing his voice. Jared took Kenzie and Jacob down in the crawl space with him. Jacob wanted Kenzie to read him his bedtime books. The kids were tucked in bed by 10pm.


Melissa said...

I love those pictures of Kenzie and Sammy.

Anonymous said...

Gosh...there's snow outside at your house. I cleaned another flowerbed up yesterday and moved some plants. It's the spring itch thing coming on strong. Those little Michigan flowers need to get liberated. Adam's on a sleep over. Wow. Today is the usual trip to town for you that I think about every Sat.

The Daddy said...

Sounds like the messed up plumbing is coming back to haunt you again...hopefully this time Jared knew which one to turn so water wasn't spraying all over the bathroom like last time