Monday, March 30, 2009

Cleaning the tank sides with the magnetic cleaner.

Mr. Potato heads

"Hi, I'm Grandpa with a beard."

"Take a picture of my owie."

I got up around 6am. Jacob woke up at 8am and Adam was up soon after that. When I walked into Adam’s bedroom he said, “Wake Mommy!” The boys ate breakfast at their little table. The dogs were begging for their food so Jacob got up and pretended to stick a sign in the ground. He said, “This sign says no dogs can come in here.” We watched Bob the Builder because our PBS station hasn't been coming in. As Adam looked at some little cards I heard him saying, “Kenny’s (Kenzie) here, Bippi’s here, Rau-ees (Rody’s) here.” He got out his cars and the racetrack to play with. Jacob saw him playing and asked, “You want me to play with you Adam?” After a while Adam put all the cars away on his own and then asked for help getting out his tools. This morning I worked on dusting and vacuuming the house. Jacob saw how full the canister was and said, “Whoa, that was dirty. You cleaned up all that dirt. That’s crazy.” Jacob said, “I’m very gentle with glass. Let me show you” and he picked up the glass frame very gently. We had fun with the Mr. Potato head’s until lunchtime. Adam thought it was funny when I held the mustache up to my mouth and talked silly. He handed me different ones and said, “Maau-staaa (mustache).” Jacob said his dog (invisible) was lost and he searched for it with a flashlight. His dog ate lunch with us. Jacob said, “We gotta get some dog food, tend (pretend) dog food” as he grabbed a handful of Potato head pieces (dog food) and put it in a bowl (hat). After lunch we went outside. We had fun playing on the hay deck. Adam pretended the hay bales were stairs. We all had fun playing house in the hay. Adam liked handing me handfuls of hay (food) or getting me drinks. After we’d pretend to eat it Adam would say, “All gone. More Mommy?” Jacob said all the spaces between the hay bales were cat holes. He liked deciding where the couch, bed, chairs, or cupboards were in our “house.” Adam told me he was going to be careful as he walked up the steps and Jacob told him, “Don’t bleed your nose.” I gave the boys (and Tiger) a wagon ride. We’d have to stop occasionally to fill up with gas. Jacob put some water in their buckets and they had fun adding rocks (seeds) to them. We went back inside at snack time. As they ate their snacks we read some books. I lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob rested while playing with his cars and looking at books. After he was done resting he and I had fun playing with flour and cars on the counter. We used tp tubes for rollers to smooth out the roads. Then He'd put some flour in the tube and he'd back up the truck and say, "Fill it up." Jared got home shortly after 5pm. As he walked in the door Jacob said, “Hi Love.” He sounded just like me and thats what I was just about to say. Adam woke up and we all went outside. Adam and I went to play in the hay. Soon Daddy and Jacob came to find us. They showed us the snake they’d found. Jacob loved holding it. He carried it as we all walked back to the ditch to let it go. Daddy caught another snake (they’d seen 3 total). Jacob scooped water in his bucket and made mud in the garden. He sure got muddy. When he saw the ducks in the pond he said, “Look at his green head. He’s a maa-ward (mallard) duck.” The ducks flew away when the boys got too close. We threw some corn in for them to eat when they come back. We went inside for dinner. After dinner Jared and I were relaxing together on the couch. We were well entertained by the boys. They were going down the slide on each other backs as they lay on their belly's. Jacob then put his swimming suit on and went for a swim. Adam hit around the orange with his “bowing sing (bowling thing – actually the Stars hockey stick).” Jared then played some Wii Tennis. He and I played a game of bowling. The boy played with their barn in the hallway. They were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I watched 24.


uncle dee said...

So, one cousin is seeing cardinals in Indianapolis and another is naming mallards in Hope. Their great-grandparents (on their father's father's side) would definitely be pleased.

Vikki's Blog said...

O I love Jacobs pink shirt!

mom s said...

You sure had a busy day with those fun boys. I love how Jacob made the pretend sign saying no dogs. So cute and funny. I also like how he said Hi Love just like you. They don't miss a thing do they.