Monday, March 02, 2009

I started exercising after Jared left for work. Jacob woke up at 7:30. He watched me finish a boxing exercise and then ate breakfast. We watched Curious George and Sid. Adam woke up at 8:30. After getting him dressed he asked to play with the Mega blocks. We played with them for a little while and then Adam ate his breakfast. We continued building with the blocks until Clifford was on. I built a tall tower, which Adam pointed at and said, “Nana’s house.” After Clifford was over Adam brought me some books to read with him. Adam climbed up on the rocking chair and Jacob covered him with blankets. Jacob then put a pillow behind him and said, “Adam are you comforble?” Jacob wanted to sit next to him and asked me to get them his superman pillow. After I put it behind them he said, “I’m really comfy.” They looked at books for a while. Adam liked hauling the mega blocks around in the tractor cart. Jacob tied his yarn to some pieces and pretended it was a crane. As Adam played with some mega block pieces Jacob sat by him. He asked if he could play too and Adam said, “No." He soon agreed to let him play too. Adam said, “House” and Jacob replied, “You want me to build Nana’s house again? Ok.” Adam would hand Jacob pieces and Jacob would build. Jacob kept saying, “Thanks Adam, Thanks”. He said, “Let me put this piece here and then you can put one on. Good job Adam.” They sure had fun together. After lunch we were about to go into town to do some grocery shopping. As I was putting on Adam's shoes I got a call from Mel asking if I could watch her kids. Jacob was very excited that his cousins were coming over. The boys had fun coloring at the counter. I got out the baby toys because Jack was coming over. The boys had fun looking at them. Jacob said, “Mommy I want to play with the glass from when we went and saw Uncle Dee.” I got that out for him to look at on the counter. Adam played with his Little People things and the barn in his bedroom. Mel and her family got to our house around 2:30. All the cousins were excited to see each other. Jacob and Adam were making silly faces to get Jack to smile. After Mel and Bruce left the kids ate combos for a snack. Then I read some books to Max and Adam before tucking them in for naps. Max fell asleep right away in Jacob’s bedroom and slept until 5:30. Hailey and Jacob watched Curious George. I tried to feed Jack a bottle but he just chewed on it. Adam wasn’t asleep after 30 minutes so I checked on him and changed his poopy diaper. Then I tucked him back in his crib. We got out the foam puzzle which Hailey and Jacob had fun playing with them. Hailey asked to play with cars so I got them out. She picked out some and filled the coffee container with them. I fed Jack some cereal with fruit. Adam never did go to sleep. He loved taking baby toys and giving them to Jack. Jacob held Jack for a while and then asked me to set him in the bumbo seat because he said he wanted to read him a book. Jared came home around 5:30. When I asked who wanted to come take care of the animals with me Max and Adam said they wanted to. Max carried the basket for eggs. He was excited when we found 11 eggs and put them in the basket. He helped me carry hay to the goats and sheep. I gave the boys a wagon ride in the barn, which they enjoyed. They had fun walking back and for on the thin ice and crushing it. Mel and Bruce had got back while we were feeding animals. We had a nice visit while the kids played. They headed home and we had dinner. Adam had fun playing with his shake-n-go pig. Jacob played with his wooden tool kit. The boys were very tired and we put them in bed early. Jared and I watched 24.


Melissa said...

Thanks for watching the kids. They sure were excited about coming to your house. It's nice that we are finally all healthy again cause the kids have really missed each other. Love the pictures. That one of Jack taken from the side is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Big cousin day. What fun. I can see lots of snow out the window. Winter doesn't leave very easily in Michigan. It's great to see grandchildren that are NOT sick. The rocking chair reading books pictures are really funny. I can almost hear Adam and Jacob laughing. The superman pillow is the best. It never can wear out.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of all the kids. I like the one of them looking out the window, the one facing the camera, and also the one of Jack from the side. He's such a cute baby and a good one too. Such happy faces at Aunt Kimmy's house.