Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jacob practicing to hop on one foot.

I got up around 6:30 to do my exercises. Jacob woke at 7:00. He had wet the bed. I changed him into some dry clothes and tucked him in bed with Daddy. Around 8am he came out asking for breakfast. Jared and Adam were up around 8:30. After church we did a little shopping at a few different stores. We needed a few groceries and also wanted to get heat lamps and bulbs for the chicks that are coming soon. On the drive home Jacob said, “Look, my owie is tons better. It jumped off my arm and started to run away.” It was almost 1pm when we got home. The boys made their own individual pizzas for lunch. Adam was playing with the Toot and Puddle game. As he moved the pig he'd count, “One, one, one” or “One, two, two, two.” Adam’s favorite toys to play with lately are his “Teals (tools).” He enjoys pretending to work on water pipes and tells me, “Water on Mommy.” He also likes screwing in the screws and hammering the nails. Jacob asked Daddy to play Mario. The boys enjoyed watching him play Mario Kart. Around 2:30 I tucked Adam in for a nap. I did a 30-min run. Adam talked a lot but never did go to sleep. At 4pm we all went outside. We are getting stalls ready for the chicks. As Daddy climbed in the rafters above the stalls, Adam said “Toe-full (careful) Daddy.” Jacob liked helping Daddy from in the stall and many times reminded him, “Safety first.” The boys had fun shoveling and raking in the barn. Jacob worked on filing up the back of his ride on truck with sawdust and hay from the barn floor. Adam and I went up to play on the hay deck. Jacob came over crying and he had a bloody nose. He showed us that he was pushing the rake and as it got stuck the handle came back and hit him in his nose. He said, “I wanna show Nana.” We went inside so I could call Nana and tell her what had happened. He didn’t want to talk but several times asked, “What’d she say?” This evening it snowed some. Adam pointed out the window and said, “No (Snow) out dere (there)!” The boys played a lot with their tools. Jacob pretended to be Daddy and asked me to be Nana. He said, “And I have a Daddy at pretend work”(Daddy was pretending to be working). Jacob tried to tell a joke (from on Bob the Builder) and asked me, "How can you tell if a elephant's been in your fridge? By the butter (means by the footprints in the butter)." The mallard ducks were in our backyard “pond” this evening. Jacob helped me peel eggs for Daddy’s lunch. He liked when I cut around the whites and let him pull off the top to see the yoke. We had to do this for all the other eggs. Adam enjoyed this too. Jacob mashed up the eggs, added mayo, and stirred it all up to make egg salad. Adam pushed his animals and blankets around in the shopping cart. Jacob sat at the counter and looked at Daddy’s ratchet tool set. The boys played in the tub until pj time. They had fun running around in their robes. Jacob was saying, "Watch out choo choo train!" as they ran in a circle. Adam said, "Chout train train!" I love listening to Adam talk about what we did today. He usually starts off saying, "Nana's house" with a smile. I'll asks him questions to get him to talk about our day. I asked him what he did in church today and he replied, "Had a nack (snack), cackers too.” Jacob showed me that his nose wasn't bleeding anymore and said, "I told you in five weeks it would feel better. I told you that." His favorite bedtime story lately is "The Ugly Duckling." The boys were tucked in bed by 9:30.


mom s said...

Those boys say the cutest things.
Nice pictures. They sure are growing up. The chicken light looks like a big hit at your house.
They will be excited when those baby chicks come. Me too. Great job hopping on one foot, Jacob! Love ya