Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Boys running.
Jacob woke up a few times during the night. He usually wakes up once to use the potty and then goes back to sleep. The last couple times he woke up saying he was scared of the monsters in his bedroom. I comforted him and tucked him back in bed. He woke up around 7:45. I finished my run and then we watched Curious George. Adam woke up at 8:30. The boys wanted eggs and toast for breakfast. After breakfast Adam found the wooden stacking toy to play with. Jacob cried because that’s the toy he wanted too. Adam was also playing with his pinwheel. Jacob cried, “I don’t get anything?” We watched Clifford. Adam danced cute to the Cliffoed song. I gave Jacob a haircut. We had fun building with the legos. The boys ate lunch at 11:30 and then we headed over to Daddy’s work because he’d forgotten his lunch. Daddy came in the van for a little while. When he said goodbye to the boys Adam said, “No! Please?” We headed to meijer to do some grocery shopping. Jacob liked putting thing in the cart for me. At the checkout I let Jacob pick out a candy to share with Adam. He was excited about that and chose a kitkat. They shared it in the van on the drive back home. It was 2pm when we got back. The boys played while I put away the groceries. Then I read to Adam and tucked him in for a nap. Jacob rested in his bedroom while playing with foam blocks and his cars. I did some exercises. Then Jacob and I played at the counter with moon sand. Jacob said, “Mommy, I love making God happy. When I push I say, sorry.” He made me a rock out of the moon sand. As he handed it to me I asked, “Did you find this rock in Copper Harbor?” He smiled and said, “No, I make it out of my hands.” Jacob liked packing the sand in the back of the truck and pretending it ice cream. I gave him a spoon and he had fun scooping “ice cream” for me. Jared got home around 5pm. He played at the counter with Jacob while I went outside to take care of the animals. Adam woke up soon after I got back inside. After dinner Adam reached up to his seat at the counter and said, “Up cow-ner (counter)?” We had fun playing with the moon sand. Jared played some games of tennis on the Wii until his class started. He had an exam in class today and got done around 9:30. Adam made me a moon sand cake and started to sing Happy Birthday to me. Jacob finished the song and then I blew out the candles. Adam cut it and handed me a piece. He had a little cup and was pretending to drink thru a straw (sand knife). Jacob made me some food to eat too. We had fun. We watched some of the reception video from our wedding. The boys took turns dancing with me. Adam then started running around and purposely falling on the floor. Then he’d look up at me saying, “Help Mommy!” I’d be the ambulance and take him to the doctor (Jacob). We played this many times. At bedtime, as Adam and I were talking about what we did today, he noticed Jacob had picked out a book called “A Mother for Chocco.” Adam pointed at it and said, “Mommy, Chocco? Kay (ok). Wes (yes).” After I read it to him he said, “Me read.” He turned thru the pages and said words for each page. I tucked Adam in bed and then read with Jacob. After they were tucked in bed I did some exercises.


Anonymous said...

Those big brown eyes seem to be getting bigger. Words are really coming now. And Jacob seems to be feeling little brother coming on stronger and stronger. That's the life of siblings. Thanks again for the blog entry. I love them.

Vikki's Blog said...

Jacob is so sweet!!! I love his short hair.
on another note...Im soo sorry but I dont think I will be meeting you at S.A. today. I am soooo tired and sore. I really wish I could but I just cant. I hope your not sad, I am. Tell the boys I will miss them tomarrow. My Wednesday wont be the same without you guys. I ♥ you soooooooooo much!!!
Call me.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam is reading already! What a super development!

Check at the library for picture books about monsters in bedrooms. Mercer Mayer has a bunch of monster books. There is one (help me out, someone) called There's a Monster in My Closet, I think.

Of course, you might remind Jacob of the Wild Things and Max saying "no" when they want to eat him up. Jacob might practice saying "no" to some pretend monsters during the day. In fact, I'll bet his Daddy could pretend to be a Wild Thing that wants to eat Jacob up; Jacob can say "no" and the Wild Thing can suddenly turn back into a kind, friendly Daddy.

Anonymous said...

You sure had a busy day and lots of fun with the boys. They are blessed to have a mommy like you and a daddy like Jared! Love ya

The Mommy said...

I love Mercer Mayer! Such fun stories. I think Dee is referring to either "There's a Nightmare in My Closet" or "There are Monsters Everywhere."

Personally, for kids Jacob's age, I've always been a fan of letting them have a bottle of "Monster Spray." (small squirt bottle of water, set to mist, with a couple drops of an essentil oil to make it smell good. Make a label on your computer "Monster B Gone" or something of that sort.) He can "spray" the monsters away before bed... do the closet, under the bed, etc... anywhere monsters might be hiding. And keep the bottle handy in case they come back in the middle of the night. The monsters don't like the smell (another reason for the oil) so they leave. Just be sure to teach him it only takes a couple of sprays... or you may end up with some wet stuff!

Another good thing is the movie Monsters, Inc. The monsters are afraid of children!