Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The boys showing me their yoga moves.

Around 10:30 we headed over to Mom's house. We picked up Mom and then drove to Granpa's to get him. We went to a couple places to get seeds for our gardens. Grandpa really wanted honeyrock melons seeds but they didn't have them at either place. We sure did laugh when Grandpa told us he "fixed the problem" of wanting to watch two television shows (American Idol and Dancing with the Stars) which come on at the same time. He said he brought the little tv from his bedroom and put it next to his big tv. He's so funny! We got back to his house around noon and went inside to visit for a little while. The boys had fun playing with Grandpa's toys. Dad also stopped by for a visit. Mom brought out Grandpa's puppy to show the boys. It is battery powered to make it look liked its breathing and it looks real. Jacob sure was surprised when Nana showed him the on/off button. Papa got some good giggles out of the boys. We went back to Nana's house for lunch. Mom and I made a fruit salad which was really good. Then I trimmed Mocha while Mom and the boys went to play in the basement. I could hear them having so much fun downstairs. I also heard alot of singing from Nana:) Around 3pm I read with Adam and then lay him down for a nap. Jacob watched Curious George. I left to do some grocery shopping at Aldi's. Vikki and Kenzie were at Mom's when I got back and Mom had left to pick up Grandpa. Jared got there soon after I did. While I did a 30-min run Vikki, Kenzie, and Jacob kept me company. Adam woke up just as we were about to eat dinner. He didn't want to eat yet. After dinner we took the boys downstairs to play. Mom and Dad left to take Grandpa home and then went to a funeral showing. Jared had to leave around 6:45 so he could get home in time for his class. Vikki and I had fun with the kids and visiting with each other. We got home around 8pm. The boys and I took care of the animals. This evening Jacob was showing me his yoga moves. I laughed as Adam tried to do them too. They were tucked in bed by 9pm.


uncle dee said...

That first picture of the boy in the plant store took me a minute to identify: Adam. BIG Adam.

Melissa said...

Love the Yoga moves. Too funny.

Happy grandma R said...

It's time for a spring picture at the top of this blog. Get rid of those cold looking coats. Humm...I saw short sleeves on the kids again. And we'll see you this weekend. Yeah. Maybe a trip to the zoo?

mom s said...

It sure was a fun day. Thanks for the great grooming job on Mocha. She looks adorable. We sure had some good laughs with grandpa, didn't we. Love ya

Vikki's Blog said...

What a fun day! Love you!!!