Wednesday, April 01, 2009

More yoga moves.

Jacob is very excited that we are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa this weekend. Many times he's asked where do Grandma and Grandpa live or when are we going to see them. Well today, when he was resting, he packed his bag. After packing his blanket, John Deere pillow, a car, and a flashlight he decided he'd need his blanket tonight. Then he repacked his bag with clothes. He kept saying, "Grandma is really gonna like this." He made sure to get socks, underware, an undershirt, pants, and shirts. Before putting them all into his bag he folded them neatly. When Daddy came home from work he was excited to show him the things he'd packed.

Jacob built this for his car to drive on.
Evening snack time.


Grandma R said...

Tell Jacob...Grandma and Grandpa are all ready for the visit. We are planting flowers and we might squeeze in the zoo if that works for all and Sunday if there is no rain a donkey will be at church for the Palm Sunday parade. Now what could be better. Just one more sleep.

uncle dee said...

Such cute pictures -- and I continue to be amazed at how big they are! Jacob certainly knows what is important to pack for a visit! Smart boy!

Jacob said...

99—ebhfheuywbyv fhb hf6tehd6d3 gasyg73t3 kkkkkkkkqkiq2i2i2uir35r2fygygggggggggggggffffffffffggbbbbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvvvvvvvudueuyywy tertye6w7

Jacob typed this and said, "You see this. That says I love you Grandma and Grandpa."

He loved your not and wanted me to read it many times.

Kimmy said...

That should be he loved your note:)

Grandma R or Mom or Lela said...

I got it Kimmy. I love you Jacob and Adam and Kimmy and JB. Grocery shopping in the morning. Got to stock up for those little choppers. There is nothing like company coming to get things done. Makes me feel good.

mom s said...

Such a good little packer for his age. I'm impressed that he folded everything neatly. I will miss you all. Love ya

mom s said...

Those boys sure do better yoga moves on the wii board then their nana.