Thursday, January 01, 2009

Watching the ball drop.
Here is what the boys looked like at that time.

Adam woke up around 8:30 and Kenzie and Jacob were up by 9:00. Jacob asked to play with playdoh right after breakfast. Kenzie and I had fun making oragami things. Then Kenzie brought a chicken into the house. I got the house cleaned today. Kenzie asked if she could clean the bathroom. She did a great job! The boys love their new car bandades. Jacob wanted one on the bruise on his knee. As I put one on him Adam said, "Me Me (Me too)" so I put one on his leg. He loves to show me it. I lay Adam down for a nap at 1:30 and Jared got home from work soon after that. He went outside to plow the driveway (we got a little bit of snow last night). Adam woke up around 3:30. We headed into town to get movies and pizza. Vikki and Rody got to our house around 6pm. Vikki loved my new crocs so much that we ordered her a pair online. The first movie we watched was "Horton hears a who". That was a funny movie and we all enjoyed it. That movie was finished around 9pm. We ate some ice cream. Then we got the boys in their pj's and did their nightly routines before tucking them in bed. The next movie we put in was "National Treasure 2". Another great movie. We paused it to watch the ball drop and toasted to the New Year with some sparkling grape juice. Vikki, Rody, and Kenzie headed home around 1am.

Happy New Year!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, to you, too!

I was doing just what Jacob and Adam were doing as the extra leap second was added!

The Daddy said...

Dee I'm sure the monistary was really rocking in the New Years too!! Did anybody get into the scaramental wine??

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you all. I was asleep! Missed it all as I do every year!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Eric, rocking hardly begins to describe it! This afternoon the scriptorium is chock full of football-watchers! One of the annual treats!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun New Year's celebration. Cute pictures of Jacob and Adam sleeping. Happy New Year!!! Love ya!

Vikki's Blog said...

That picture of Rody and Adam is so cute. The one where their heads are turned toward each other. I love it!