Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jacob is tying on his "puter (computer)".

Playing Clifford.

This smile cracks me up.

I got up after Jared left for work and woke the boys around 7:45am. We watched Curious George while eating breakfast. We headed to the church shortly before 9am. There were only 4 kids (including the boys) in class today. One of the mom's walked into the class this morning asking, "Who's Jacob?" I introduced her to Jacob and told her he was my oldest son. She said her daughter has been talking about Jacob and he was the only reason she wanted to come to church this morning. Jacob got out the dolls and blankets to play with. He and Alyssa played with their babies alot of the morning. Jacob said, "I'm Daddy, the baby came from my belly" as he pointed at his belly. They treated their babies like they were real. He'd spread out his blanket neatly and lay the baby on it. Then he found some toys to lay on the blanket. He'd so carefully wrapped up the baby, making sure not to cover her face. The baby was put in the swing or the bouncy seat, driven in the car (and buckled in the carseat), fed bottles and food, and burped. He also made a birthday cake because she turned 1 year old. After the kids had a snack we got out some coloring books and markers. Then they had fun playing with the tunnel. After lunch and Salvation army we headed over to the bank. The boys had money to put in their savings accounts. The were happy to pick out a sucker and loved getting their receits. They played with the train table for a little while before leaving. As we neared the light before the pet store Adam asked, "Amos?" We went to Goodwill and then the Pet Store to see the animals. We went to the store to pick up my order of contacts and then to meijer. We made one more stop, to birthday shop for Jared, before headed home. The boys were again very friendly to people in the stores. Jacob talked alot in the car and in the stores. He sure has alot of questions. We got home shortly after 4pm. Soon after Jared came home we headed to Fazoli's for dinner. We saw someone Jared's works with and the boys were very friendly with him. Adam reached for the breadsticks and said, "breadstick". Then he said, "Napkin?" as he reached for a napkin. He likes to put it in his mouth because Daddy is always putting one under his nose. We stopped at TSC on the way home. Jacob took his coat off in the store and set it under one of the sales racks. We didn't notice it until we were about to leave. We got home around 7pm. The boys rode around on their cars and then Jacob asked to play Clifford on the computer. Then the boys played in the tub until pj time. During our nightly routine we always sing songs. It was cute to hear Adam singing along. He knows the tune and the words he knows he sings loudly. The boys were tucked in around 9:15. Jared and I watched Lost.


Anonymous said...

A day filled with fun things to do. Adam is a hoot. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Adam's smile two pictures below the one you commented on is also a winner. Still love that black eye with the smile!

When you stopped at the bank did the little old lady talk to you? Maybe you need to find a special teller just for your banking needs, Kimmy.