Monday, January 05, 2009

Adam painting his coins with dog water.

Painting with water.

Decorating cups.


Cute smiles.

More fishing.

Playing with moon sand

Playing with Copper Harbor sand.

Adam kept climbing onto the stool and then onto my back.

The boys woke up around 8:30. After breakfast we watched Clifford. Adam came to me asking “Daddy?” I asked him if he knew where Daddy was and he replied, “work”. Then he kept saying, "Daddy work". Adam found a paintbrush on the table and sat by the dogs water dishes and started painting his coins. I gave the boys some paintbrushes and water and let them “paint” the dishwasher and stove doors. Adam kept asking to draw shapes with him. Jacob drew his own shapes. That was fun. Then we decorated cups to use during dinner. Jacob made one for himself and one for Daddy. The boys had fun filling their paper bags with things. Adam pointed at Papa’s truck keys and said, “Daddy keys”. Around 12:00 we headed into town. The boys ate sandwiches on the way for their lunch. First we went to meijer for a few groceries and stamps. I put stamps on the mail and Jacob asked if he could put it in the box. I opened his door but he couldn't reach so I umbuckled him. Then we went to blockbuster to return some dvd’s. From there we headed over to Goodwill. As we walked into Goodwill Adam pointed at the Pet Store and asked, “ah-mose?” I asked him if he wanted to go see the animals and he nodded his head and said, “uh huh”. After walking thru Goodwill and the Pet store we headed home. It was around 2pm when we got home. At Goodwill we'd found the game “Lets go Fishing”. We had fun playing that game. Around 3pm I tucked Adam down for a nap. After Jacob and I read some books he rested in his bedroom. He played with his cash register, cement truck, and bank on a blanket. Adam never did fall asleep. He really wanted Louie but I’ve been keeping him out because I don't want him climbing out of his crib. Daddy came home around 5pm. The boys were excited to show him the fishing game. While they played the game I went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob and I had fun talking on the two handheld phone thru the intercom. Adam hung onto Truman’s collar and Truman took Adam for a walk. He fell down in the hallway because Truman quickly changed directions. Adam came over to me and said, “Mommy, fish?” As I went to get the fishing game he clapped his hands excitedly. During dinner we used our decorated cups. Adam, who usually uses a sippy cup, did really well with his cup. After dinner the boys had fun playing with moon sand at the counter. Then we got out the Copper Harbor sand to play in. Jacob took off his socks and said he wanted to feel it on his feet. Right away Adam said “Me me (Me too)”. We all had fun playing with the sand until pj time. Adam liked getting in and out of the box. The boys were asleep by 9:30.


The Daddy said...

Mean mommy not letting Adam have Louie in his crib. Just have to put pillows around the bottom of the crib so he can have that soft landing if he manages to clib out again. Painting with water thats no fun..we want REAL paint to paint with. Dont you need to repaint the living would have two helpers ;-)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't feel comfortable with just pillows around the crib. He still gets to sleep with his dog and doesn't cry about not having Louie. Hailey was his age when she fell out of her crib and broke her arm. If he goes head first and tries to catch himself with his arm there's not a whole lot the pillows would do. Painting with water was a ton of fun, even for me. It showed up really well on the black surfaces.

Anonymous said...

Poor Louie who is an escape comples...doesn't get to sleep with his friend. Send Louie streight to jail! Falling out of bed doesn't need to say that it's guarenteed that Adam will break an arm. But it does pay to be careful. You could teach him how to climb out safely. It might be time to take the side of the crib off. Copper Harbor sand. What fun and I loved those little sandy feet. That was the best. I found some CH sand in the garage. Look up some pictures on and you can show the little guys what CH looks like now. Pretty placemats on the table.

The Daddy said...

Broken bones heal...its a character builder too. Just have to teach him how to turn around and back out of the crib..just dont have uncle Eric teach him how to climb up on the kitchen cabinets...and dont keep the Phenabarbs above the stove cabinet for 4 year olds to get into.

Anonymous said...

Kimmy, keep Louie out of the crib. There. Period. Ignore other advice.

What a wonderful day with waterpainting, decorating cups AND drinking out of them, eating sandwiches in the car (you see, I am noticing your mentions of lunch), playing in summertime sand, looking at animals, finding new fun games to play, AND -- best of all!! -- playing with the dog's water!!!!

Melissa said...

Hailey and Max love to "paint" things with water too. Great fun for the kids without the big mess. Decorating the cups with stickers was a great idea too. We'll have to try that.

Anonymous said...

You bet...Baby R's daddy doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to getting into things. Could Louie start the evening with Adam and then leave the bed when the little guy is asleep? I think at some point soon Adam will climb out without Louie's assistance. This kid is different from Jacob as you well know.