Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hiding the ball.
Trying to get Truman to take the ball.

Jacob tickling Adam.

Playing with his cars.

The boys on their Wii boards.

Watching Daddy exercise.

Jacob woke up to use the potty shortly after 6am. I realized the alarm hadn’t gone off so I woke Jared up. One of the boys must have turned the volume down for the music. After Jared left for work I started exercising with the Wii fit. It was fun and quite the workout. Jacob walked out of his bedroom around 8:30. He liked picking thing for me to do. His favorite was the hula-hoop game. Adam woke up around 9am. He watched me do a couple sking games and then we ate breakfast. After getting ready for the day we headed into town. First we went to Game Crazy. I had to return some thing for the Wii that we didn’t end up needing. Then we walked to Salvation Army which is next to Game Crazy. I also stopped at meijer for some coffee creamer. We got home around 12:30. After lunch the boys had fun dancing and pretending to sing in their microphones (straws). Adam had fun hiding his ball on me. He'd lay on it or run away with it. Around 2pm we read some books. Adam’s favorite book right now is the A Sesame Street Treasury. After I tucked Adam in for his nap Jacob and I read some books. He played with automoblox in his bedroom while resting today. I did some more exercising with the Wii fit. When Jacob was done resting he came out to watch. He liked holding my hand as we did the ski jump so he could “jump” with me. At around 4:30 Adam woke up. He and Jacob liked doing a the ski jumps with me. I gave them their own Wii boards. We had fun. After a couple games I turned it off and we played with Lincoln logs. As I was getting a snack for the boys Adam said, “bowl”. After he ate his snack he took the bowl and put it in the sink saying, “sink”. Jared came home around 5:15pm. Jacob wanted to pretend we were going to eat at “Olies”. We'd drive in his car and then all sit on the floor in the kitchen and eat our food. Then we’d drive back home. We played this a few time. Jacob helped Daddy clean out the corn burner. Adam took me to the kitchen, patted the floor and said, “Olies”. We played hide and seek until dinner was ready. When Jacob was the seeker and found us he'd say, “Hide somewhere else, ok!” After dinner Jared did some exercises with the wii. The boys liked watching the game. We made up Mii's (Wii people) for both the boys. During the game you'll see them running, throwing houla-hoops, or dancing. Jacob and I had fun hiding coins in our hand and guessing which hand it was in. Adam wanted to play too. I gave him a coin and he put both hands behind his back. Then he held them out for me to guess. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. Now I'm off to play Wii Sports with Jared. Maybe I'll whoop him in some boxing matches:)


Vikki's Blog said...

Thats cute of Jared and the boys copying him!

The Daddy said...

Kimmy Jared needs a good beating now and then. I gave him a few good beatings when we were little. If you dont beat him good then maybe your dad will take him out for a good beating in ping pong.

The Daddy said...

Hopefully the mouse doesn't beat Jared too bad either...oh the humanity getting your butt kicked by a little ol mouse

Melissa said...

Our kids do the same things sometimes turning the volume down low on the alarm clock. Little stinkers:) I also love the picture of all the boys on their Wii boards.

Anonymous said...

You comes with time. Sounds like you are speeding it up big time. I seem to think that Adam is making great strides in growing up. The little, little boy is soon gone. It's a day at home with the sewing machine and knitting needlesfor me Yahoo. I'm having such fun making bags to take to the grocery. No more paper or plastic for a lot of folks. More money for Kenya. I wish I could spend a day at your house. I would have a blast with all the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

How does standing on little boards count as exercise? I am missing something, aren't I? Will you fill me in?

The Daddy said...

the board is weight secenitive and when you move your body the player moves to your motion so you try to keep your person/player alive you have to move your body to the proper position. With the wii you do get a pretty good work out because your not just sitting in one position with a little controler you actually have to move around to play the games.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, BabyR's Daddy. However, I noticed as I came by that there are two new videos on the blog and I suspect that they will teach me a thing or two. I am off to watch them.