Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fun on the bed, and with the camera.

Too funny!

Jacob asked Adam to lay by him.
Then they covered up under the dog bed.

After their bath Adam wanted to wear some underware. He ran around for a while in Jacob's underware. He was being really goofy.


Melissa said...

The pictures of Jared jumping onto the bed are hillarious. I love the picture of Jacob and Adam laying on the bed together. Cute boys.

Anonymous said...

This set of pictures certainly tells from which parent Adam inherited his goofiness.

bucktd said...

Awesome... Just awesome. I think the horizontal floating shot is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I like Jared being a soap dispenser better or a Circus Performer. Great flying pictures. Too Funny. He need's a trampoline. Maybe might be too dangerous with his personality. Love to all!

Anonymous said...

Kimmy...I'm so sorry you married a goofball. What will he try next. I hate to think of it. I'm thinking perhaps I forgot that he was adopted. There is NO ONE that I know of who could think of such goofy things to do on my side of the family. Hummmm...I'm thinking about the Dallas guy. Maybe JB isn't adopted.

Vikki's Blog said...

woa Jared, me and Kenzie know where to go to have some fun. Do we need to buy a ticket? You really got some air on some of them jumps!!! Neat-o!!!