Monday, January 12, 2009

Jacob woke up 3 times to use the potty during the night. The last time he woke up was around the time Jared was getting ready for work. Jacob complained that he was cold and asked for another blankey. I asked him if he wanted to come lay in bed with me. He was excited and loved warming up on the heated mattress pad. We all got up around 9am. One of the dogs puked in the hallway so I got that cleaned up. After breakfast we watched Clifford. Adam kept pointing at the tv saying, “Fifford!” Both boys wanted the wheel barrel so Jacob talked Adam into using the cart as a wheel barrel. They had fun pushing them around the house. Then they went into Jacob room too look at books. Shortly after 10:30 Jacob asked me to look at the clock and see if it was snack time. He ran to the fridge and got out an apple. Both boys sure love apples. This morning I worked on folding laundry and putting it away. Around 11:30 I packed a lunch for the boys and we headed to meijer for groceries. Jacob had fun helping me find items and putting things into the cart for me. He kept saying, “I’m a great helper!” I gave Adam a pen and a notebook to write on. When he was done with it Jacob asked for it. Jacob was excited to show me the M he'd made. He pointed at it and said, "Look, its like in your name". I spelt Mom for him, which he copied and showed me. The boys were very friendly, saying “Hi” to everyone that passed by. Most people would say “Hi” back to them. When one lady didn’t, Jacob yelled, “You didn’t say hi to me!” At one point he started holding his hand up and said, "Red light" as people walked past us ( he was hoping the people whould stop for his red light). One lady we saw twice. The second time she smiled and told me she was going to stop for his read light. Then Jacob decided to be shy. This lady talked to me briefly and told me about her 4yr old twin grandsons (one shy and the other never known shy). After meijer we headed to library and then to Goodwill. Adam pointed at the Pet store saying, "a-mos (animals)?" So we walked thru the pet store before heading home. Got home around 2:45. I lay Adam down for a nap. He talked for a long while before falling to sleep. Jacob rested while playing with automoblox and his tools. I cleaned the cupboard and put away the groceries. One of the dogs puked again 3 times in the hallway. I got out the wet vac and Jacob helped me clean it up. He liked spraying it and dumping some water on the stain. Jared got home around 5:15. Adam had just woken up. We all went outside to take care of the animals. The boys had fun running back and forth in the driveway. They also like watching the buckets fill up with corn from the gravity wagon. Adam and I took a handful of corn to Sammy. Jacob took a handful to the chickens. We made chili for dinner. Then the boys had ice cream cones for dessert. Before bedtime Jacob had fun playing at pbskids. He has gotten really good at using the mouse. His favorite game is to decorate a float that rides on Clifford's back. The boys were in bed around 8:45 pm. We watch the second part of the season premeir of 24.


The Daddy said...

puke in the hallway..sounds like truman?? But then I didn't hear anything about socks being in the puke so it might be kate?

Anonymous said...

Well, Truman puked up three socks this morning. Lots of puke on the carpet:(

The Daddy said...

3 socks!! WOW Hopefully getting those socks puked up will solve the puking for a while..well till he eats them again. I'm guessing you got them all washed out and ready for Jareds feet again too?

Anonymous said...

uck...brown socks. Who is not putting their socks where Tru. can't get them. How about a clothes hamper? JB is probably beyond sock training. But...there are three other possibililties come to think of it. Good little Kate knows better. Well, with some things she knows better.