Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watching Clifford. They quickly set up their chairs when I turned it on.

"Anybody want any money or candy?" He would roll balls for candy and toss big coins for money as he asked this question.

Jacob taking a picture of some deer.

Posting the picture on his blog.

Adam the climber.

Bubble bath. Here they are looking in a mirror.

It was –11 degrees this morning. The hot water line was frozen again this morning but Jared got it thawed quickly. Jacob came into the bedroom around 7am. He started crying, asking “where’s Daddy”. When I told him he’d left for work he said, “But I miss him”. Around that same time Jared called from work. He talked to Jacob, which made him feel much better. Jacob and I both have cold’s. We fell asleep quickly in the warm bed. All of us slept in until 9:30. We watched Clifford and then Sesame Street. The boys ate cheerios and toast for breakfast. As I poured their cheerios into bowls Adam said, "beck-fist (breakfast)". Then he grabbed the purple bowl and said, "purple". After breakfast Jacob made a long train. The boys went to the hatbox and found a couple of hats to wear. They were so much fun to watch playing on their train. Jacob packed his camera saying, “I’m gonna take a picture if I see some deer”. Then he said, “I see some deer”. After he took a couple pictures he said, “I’m gonna post that on MY blog”. He walked back to his computer (the little piano) and posted his pictures. Then he stashed some large coins and balls by him. He’d ask, “Anybody want any money or candy?” Then he’d toss or roll some to me. After lunch Jacob played with his cars at the counter while Adam ran around the house playing with toys. Adam now likes to climb on the end tables and also their little table, then he stands up. Vikki came over with her dogs around 1:30. She brought me a cappuccino – thanks Vik! And she also brought the boys a donut. They had fun playing with the Tonka crane she got for them. Around 2:30 I tucked Adam in his crib for a nap. Today he also asked for “Bippi” to come tuck him in. Then I trimmed Izzy and Monica’s nails. And then I worked on giving Monica a haircut. I trimmed around her feet, got out the mats and then trimmed the rest of her. Vikki read some books to Jacob. Then she went to Fazoli’s to get some breadsticks for us to snack on. When she got back I took a break for a snack and then I went back to trimming. Vikki read Jacob many stories from his bible. After work Jared picked Kenzie up from Nana’s. They got home around 6pm. Adam had woke up just before they got here. I finished up with Monica and then we warmed up chili for dinner. After dinner Kenzie, Jacob, and I gave Monica a bath. Kenzie got right in the tub with her. After finishing the dog and cleaning the tub, Kenzie took a bath. She filled up the water, added some bubbles and turned the jets on. The bubbles were up to the top of the tub. Jacob went in with her. Adam liked taking handfuls of bubbles out of the tub. They all had fun playing in the bubbles. You could only see Jacob’s head. Vikki and Kenzie left for home at around 8pm. After they left Jacob said, “But I didn’t want them to leave”. The boys had fun playing in a bubble bath until bedtime.


Anonymous said...

The hats are cute. I was hoping that was a play thing and not because the house was cold. And...Adam is once again a chip off Mr. Safety. Keep the water dripping. The crane is awesome. Great buy, Vikki. Stay warm. It's very, very cold here. It's 10 below right now and the house is 56. It's lots of layers today. And...I can sew again. Life is good. Dee is sending yarn. Yahoo.

Anonymous said...

OK, Kimmy -- why not set up a blog on blogspot for Jacob? He could really post some pictures -- with Mom's help, of course. By the time he is 5 he could have Facebook and be texting all his buddies!

(Beware, Kimmy and Jared. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! Your uncle is enough of a fuddy duddy to be worried about too much too soon. Keep providing real world experiences for those great great-nephews -- and leave the virtual world to some more distant future. You parents will really need to do some careful preparation and screening once they do venture out digitally . . . )

Melissa said...

Cute bubble bath pictures.

Anonymous said...

Kimmy...have you ever blown bubbles outside when it's so cold. I hear they freeze instantly and break when they hit the ground. And if they don't break the kids can pick them up. I also heard about putting food color in the solution. Sounds like fun. Might try it myself.