Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jacob liked surprising me with how he was setting up his automoblox.

When the boys saw Daddy in his finished hat they ran to get theirs.

Jared and I slept on the couches again last night. Jacob climbed up with Daddy around 8:30 and soon after that Adam started talking. I brought him to lay on the couch with me. Soon Jacob came over, followed by Daddy. Adam asked them to join us on the couch. We ate cheerios for breakfast. Adam didn’t want to eat his, but did munch on a few crackers. We had to go to town for a couple things. First Jared and I got coffee’s from Tim Horton’s. We also got donuts/muffin. Then we headed to TSC. We turned at the corner, where we’d usually go straight to Goodwill and the Pet Store. Adam noticed and pointed back towards the pet store asking, “Amos, amos (animals)?” The boys love walking around TSC. They like sitting on the lawn tractors. Then Adam sat on a go-cart. After sitting on the black one he pointed at the blue one and said, “Nore (more), a bew (blue) tactor?” We got home around noon. Jared went outside to plow the driveway. We got several inches of snow during the night. The boys had fun playing with the firetruck and tunnel. Jacob made a long train in the kitchen. Adam sat in the toy box and pretended it was his train. Around 2:30 I tucked Adam in his crib for a nap. Jacob and I read some books and then he rested while playing with a few cars in his bedroom. After he was done resting we got out the automoblox and play mat. He’d say, “I’m gonna prise (surprise) you”. Then he’d want me to go away while he lined his cars and their matching tires. After showing me, he have me take a picture. Then he'd want to look at the picture. Jacob also had fun pretending to be the doctor and taking care of me or Daddy. He’d say, “Call me on your cell phone if you need me”. We woke Adam up around 6:30 and he joined us for dinner. Jared and I had chicken noodle soup again. After dinner Adam had fun pushing around the broom and riding around on his little big wheels. Jacob made a campfire. We set up their chairs and roasted marshmallows. Jacob had fun taking pictures with his camera. The boys played in the tub until bedtime. They were tucked in bed by 9pm. I'm heading to bed. I thought I was feeling better but right now I feel awful. Jared's ears are really bothering him and he was feeling nauseous today. The boys seem to be feeling better.


Melissa said...

Hope you guys feel better soon. I love the pictures of Adam. He's so cute, even with his black eye. And I like how Jacob lined up all his automoblox. Very neat.

Vikki's Blog said...

Me and Rody love that last pic of Adam, lol its so cute and totally shows his little personality!

Anonymous said...

Bathtub picture looks like the boys have been in a good fight. Matching eyes. Probably going to church would have demanded lots of explaining. I would say that the train in the kitchen is very colorful, full of textures and fun to ride. Go Jacob! Take care of yourselves. Being sick is no fun especially with children to care for.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to read how well you and Jared are taken care of by your resident doctors and entertainers. It sounds as if being sick is not all that bad. (Well, maybe it is . . . Get well soon.)