Saturday, January 24, 2009

Reading with Daddy.

Driving their car.

Playing with cars. In Adam's left hand he is holding his favorite orange van.
Our blue-eyed boy.
Our brown-eyed boy.

Fun on the chairs.

Jacob came into bed with us at 8:30. Soon Adam was talking so I went to get him. He opened his dresser drawer and found his Elmo slippers. He wanted them on and then wanted to go show Daddy. He found a book and asked Daddy to read it. As Daddy went thru the book with them they'd point and name things on the pages. Adam pointed and said, “What’s that?” Then when he saw the guitar he said, “Guitar”. That’s a word I didn’t know he knew and he said it so clearly. Daddy would also ask them where things were and they’d then point them out. We made scrambled eggs for breakfast. Jared caught an opossum in the live trap. Before heading into town we took the boys into the barn so they could look at the opossum. It sure is ugly with half its tail missing. We were heading into town around 10am. After getting drinks and donuts we went to Salvation Army. There we found some jeans for Jacob and nice shoes for Jared. Again as we neared the light before Goodwill and the pet store, Adam said, “An-muls (animals)” (I think that’s a better way to spell how he says it). We went to the pet store after walking thru Goodwill. Then we went to Home Depot. We had fun walking around there and looking at things for our house. The boys liked driving in the car cart for a while. Then they got out to walk around. We got home around 12:30. Our W2 form came in the mail so Jared decided to go get the Tax Cut cd from Best Buy. Jacob wanted to go with Daddy, so I made him a sandwich to eat on the way. Adam ate his lunch and then helped me dust. He also had fun rocking on his rocking sheep. Jared and Jacob got back around 2pm. I had asked Jared to pick up some material for replacing our dining table chairs. Jacob was excited to show me the material he’d helped pick out. The boys sat on the table to watch us take the many staples out of the seats. They also had fun pretending the chairs (with missing seats) were cars. Jacob liked playing with Daddy’s tools. As with any good project of ours, Jared bled. As he was pushing the screwdriver, trying to pry the staple out, it slipped and jabbed into his fingernail - ouch! I vacuumed the house. Adam napped from 3:30 until 5pm. Jacob rested while watching his fire truck video. I loaded the dishwasher and then sat with Jacob to watch his video. Jared got our taxes done. Jacob and Adam lay on the floor and played with Adam’s cars. Adam’s favorite matchbox car is his orange VW van, which he calls a bus. He will not share that one. If Jacob does ask for it, Adam holds it tight and says, “No, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!” After dinner we headed to the mall. Adam said, “Tractors?” So we went to Sears and they pretended to drive the lawn tractors. We then went to Barnes and Noble. The boys had fun playing at the train table. Adam found a train and a tractor that he liked and played on the bookshelf. There were a few other little boys playing at the table also. After the mall we went to Best Buy. We got home around 9pm.


Melissa said...

Cute pictures of the boys.

Anonymous said...

The chairs are looking great. Not many men pick out fabric for much of anything. With Kimmy's trust...JB you did a great job. Blood...that's a given. JB has a fabulous place to read bed with the mattress heater on. What a deal.

Anonymous said...

Actually I was thinking of some brown material and asked Jacob which he wanted Blue or Brown. He said blue blue blue blue blue. So I thought ok you'll be in trouble if it's wrong and not me. he he he... Kimmy liked it and we were set.

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the chairs. I sure love your blue eyed boy and your brown eyed boy. Great imaginations they have....
Love ya