Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Watching Clifford.

Adam sneeking the dogs more food.

Jacob working on building a train.


What a couple cuties!

Sitting in Jacob's house.

Playing in Copper Harbor sand.

We were all up around 8am. The boys wanted me to put diapers on their bears. As the we waited for the dogs to come back inside the boys had fun drawing in the frost on the door window. They laughed as they made noseprints. Jacob fed the dogs their food and I put some water in the container for Adam to give to them. As I was filling the water Adam ran to the fridge, grabbed the handle, and said, “Milk!” He wanted me to put milk in the container. We read some books and then ate breakfast. Jacob requested cheerios with the milk separate. Adam also tried to say separate. As I poured their drinks Adam folded his hands and said, “pray”. I blessed the food and as I prayed Adam added, “Daddy” and Jacob said, “Please give us snowflakes for playing in”. We watched Clifford. Then I got out the art box. I cut out paper snowflakes to decorate. The boys liked choosing what shape to cut and watching as I opened them up. Adam always chose “circle”. The boys had fun coloring with markers. Adam helped me decorate a snowflake with glue and glitter, but he preferred coloring. Jacob didn't want to use the glitter saying he didn't want to get it in his eye like last time. He did some gluing and choosing colors. We things cleaned up and had lunch. After lunch we enjoyed listening to the Donutman cd while playing. Jacob piled lots of toys to make a house. He and Adam couldn’t seem to get along with the ride on tractor and the dump truck so I put it away for a little bit. After a while Jacob came over to me and said, "I want another try". I was telling Jacob how proud I was for how he was sharing and said something like, "I bet God's smiling at you right now". Jacob though for a minute, looked up towards heaven and yelled, “God, are you smiling!” Around 2pm the boys had a snack. Then I read some books with Adam and tucked him in his crib. Today he fell asleep right away and didn't even ask for Louie. Jacob and I read some books. Then he asked to play with his Copper Harbor sand. We played together and then he continued playing while he rested. Adam woke up around 5pm, just before Daddy came home from work. Right away he took my hand and lead me to our closet where the games are kept. He pointed at the fishing game. The boys and I had fun playing that. I went outside to take care of the animals while Daddy got some playtime in with the boys. The boys were having fun playing with the tracor and cart. Adam sat in the cart as Jacob rode the tractor. After dinner we relaxed and had fun playing with the boys. This evening they enjoyed ice cream with chocolate syrup. The boys and Daddy had fun playing with paper airplanes. As I rocked Adam he pointed towards the snowflake with his name on it (We each have a snowflake with our name written in glitter) and said, "Dat mine". The boys were tucked in bed around 9pm. Jared and I had ice cream and watched a couple episodes of I Love Lucy.


Anonymous said...

I noticed those door decorations before I read the day's story. Great pictures. The train is the best. The living room seems full of fun. And...a sandbox in the house. That doesn't happen for many children. When the snow comes that's proof of answered prayer. Jacob didn't set a date. Such cute boys that add so much to the day. I'm wondering if Louie has a place to sleep.

Anonymous said...

And today I am wondering whether Adam might not like a new bed -- a mattress on the floor. This is a way he could get in and out as he wishes, without needing help from Louie. And his parents are both still young enough to kneel down easily on the floor to tuck him in.

The Daddy said...

I wonder if there is a new project going on out in the barn for Adam. If Adam does manage to get out just make sure there isn't an orange rug in the kitchen and the flour and sugar are in a secured spot. Dont want little white foot prints all over the house. (I wonder who would do such a thing too)

Anonymous said...

I thought I would finally jump in on the whole crib issue with a variety of comments laced thickly with sarcasm. (what else did you expect)

Nothing going on in the far as building a toddler bed is concerned. With Louie out of the way, the crib is plenty deep enough to keep Adam in for quite some time. He's not hitting the weights yet so his upper body strength is still lacking. Louie (co conspirator) sleeps just fine next to the Elmo chair, and is currently getting lots of sleep not being stood on or drooled on so don't worry about him. If Adam had a toddler bed he could get in and out as he wishes...however this is in direct contrast to his parents wishes on when he gets in and out of bed. And since Adam currently lives in a dictatorship like world (our house not the world in general) he gets no vote in this issue. Besides Democracy just doesn't work, at least that's what the Socialists/democrats/Obama would like you to believe. HA... Did I go to far... ? :)

Anonymous said...

Well, JB is right at the edge...he will be the one falling next if he doesn't step back a bit. I'm happy to know that Louie is adjusting. It must be tramatic to say the least for the little guy. long do you think you can keep Adam in the box? I would suggest that someone teaching him how to back out of the bed to bug his parents. Seems that happened a long time about with JB...he was a terrific climber out of bedder.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that voting come to the Michigan House. Dictatorships just are not lasting.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling Jacob is running some clandestine misson in the middle of the night smuggling escaple plans to Adam... The room is bugged and 24hr surveillance will begin tonight. As long as I don't see Jack Bower tonight I'll be in good shape.

At 18 years old they can vote. In the mean time it'll be a power shared dictatorship (aka Carbon Based Parental Units ie mom and dad). The occasional vote shall be offered to the subjects (kids), with the right of refusal of the outcome of the vote by those in power...

Anonymous said...

Good grief...sounds like a Michigan polition speaking. What's the world coming to.

The Daddy said...

At least its not an Illinois political figure speaking

Melissa said...

Love the blue shirts on the boys.