Friday, January 23, 2009

Decorating their papers.

Having fun with their binoculars.

Playing in the snow.

Our rooster.

Jacob is good at catching chickens.

2009 Snowfest.

Jacob came into bed with me at around 8am. We were all up around 8:30. After breakfast the boys rode around in the tractor and cart with Adam sitting in the cart. They said they were going to “Olies (Fazoli’s)”. They’d come to me asking for more breadsticks. After Sesame Street was over we got out the art box and some toilet paper tubes. I've have many of them and the other day the boys were pretending they were binoculars by holding them together so I thought it might be fun to makes some. The boys choose their paper colors and then decorated them with markers. Jacob and I then glued their papers onto the tubes. Then I glued and stapled them together. Then I tied some string on them. I got out the stuffed animals and we set up a zoo. Then we got out our binoculars and drove to our zoo. We had fun looking at the animals thur our binoculars. After lunch we went outside to play. It was in the low thirty's again today but today it was windy. It felt nice by the barn because it was blocking the wind. We were surprised when Daddy came home from work at around 1:30. We decided to go to the Zehnder's snow fest tonight. While I got things packed the boys had fun playing with Daddy. Jacob and Daddy kicked the ball back and forth to each other. Both boys fell asleep on the drive there. We got there around 3:30. Vikki and Kenzie met us there at around 4:30. We all had a great time together. It was fun walking around and seeing all the different snow and ice sculptures. Adam was very excited to see Elmo and Clifford walking around. He gave both of them high fives and had a big smile on his face. If they were around he didn't want to take his eye's off of them. Jacob didn’t want to go near them. Lastly we walked over to see the animals. There were camels, goats, pony’s, and alpaca’s. Adam also went on a pony ride. Around 5:30 we headed home. We stopped at Fazoli’s for dinner. Got home around 7:30. Jared took care of the animals. Before starting the nightly routines, the boys had fun spinning around and making themselves dizzy. They were funny to watch. We tucked them in bed around 9pm.


Anonymous said...

Nice binoculars...great idea...
Looks like fun at the snowfest.
Cute picture of Adam with Elmo. All the pictures are nice and fun to look at. Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Great fun at the snowfest. I remember our visit a few years ago and what a great memory. There is nothing like snow creatures and ice sculptures. One needs to see it in person. I think I need to come to your house for entertainment. There is always something going on. I wouldn't need to plan a thing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Grandma R, you are certainly right! Not only would you be able to make your own binoculars but you would then go on a special pretend-field trip to use them! Such an adventurous morning.

The ice sculptures look fantastic. I am surprised that there is not one being made on the RockinRRanch.

I was sad to see such a plain rooster. A fancier one would certainly liven things up, wouldn't he?

We made it into the 50's yesterday. I think we may see some flowers soon. The Japanese magnolia should pop.

Vikki's Blog said...

Im glad your tummy feels better Jacob.
♥ Bippy

Anonymous said...

Vik, it sure was cute this morning when Jacob wanted me to call you back to tell you about his tummy. He alway's loves getting a comment (he's not here right now). Cute heart.

Anonymous said...

Our rooster is quite plain. Were going to be ordering a polish one soon, along with some broilers.

Melissa said...

Good idea to pretend to go to the zoo with the binoculars. We've had fun making them in the summer and taking them on our walks. But that would be a fun thing to do inside. I'll have to do that with Hailey and Max next time we make them. Another fun thing to do with the binoculars is to go an a color hunt. You name a color and have the kids go find things around the house that color. Hailey and Max love that game.

Melissa said...

I like how you made them look so real too putting the black strip of paper at the ends.

The Daddy said...

Kimmy I know where you might be able to get a Polish Rooster but then ET might not be happy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Mel, thats a good idea. Sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

Vikki, Jacob said, "Awe!!!" when I read your comment and showed him the heart.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad ET likes his rooster. We were ready to take him home otherwise:)

Vikki's Blog said...

gggg's long list of comments. Im glad Jacob appreciated my heart.
Tell ♥ says I love you! well tell Adam too. :o)

Melissa said...

How did you make the heart, Vikki. That's cute.

Anonymous said...

Yeh Vik, I know you told me but I couldn't figure out the heart thing.
Mel, Jacob and I did a color hunt with our binoculars today which was a lot of fun. Thanks for the idea.