Friday, January 09, 2009

Aunt "Bippi" and Jacob making a bank.

Later Adam asked to make a bank also. Here he is with his bank.

Jacob started having accidents during the night so, after Christmas, we stopped giving him a cup of water to sleep with. He hasn't had any accidents since. Though he does wake up every night to use the potty:) Adam woke up crying at around 3am. He hasn't cried during the night in a long, long time. He is teething, soon he will have his last second molar. I went to check on him and he felt warm. I rubbed his head and patted his belly for a while. He cried when I stopped. I gave him some tylenol and then got him a drink. We cuddled in the rocking chair for a while. I loved cuddling with him. Jacob called me from his bedroom saying, "Mommy my head hurts". I tucked Adam in his crib and checked on Jacob. Adam lay there quietly for a little while but soon started crying again. I decided to let him sleep the rest of the night in our bed. He went right to sleep and slept until around 8am. Jacob woke around the same time. Adam didn’t want to eat breakfast. The boys watched Clifford and Mr. Rogers. Mom, Grandpa, and Vikki came over around 10:30. We tried the Tim Horton’s FV cappuccino instant coffee which was really good. Nana brought chocolate milk for the boys. Adam was very fussy. Vikki and Jacob decorated a plastic jar and cut a hole in the top to make a bank. Then Vikki and Nana gave him some change to put in his bank. After lunch I lay Adam down for a nap. Adam didn't eat much for lunch either. He slept until 4pm. Jacob and Grandpa sat at the counter counting change and putting it into the banks. I heard Jacob ask Grandpa, “You like my bank?” and Grandpa replied, “No”. He doesn’t hear very well. I gave Mocha a haircut. At around 2:30 they headed home. Jacob fell asleep on the couch while watching his airplane video. He woke up soon after Adam did. Adam says "I wuv vue (I love you)" all the time now and I love hearing it. Jacob got out his bank and Adam quickly said, "Me me (me too)". I helped him make a bank and gave the boys some change. Jacob has had fun taking pictures with his digital camera today. Jared came home around 5pm. We all went outside to take care of the animals. While getting ready to go out Jacob asked to get his snow pants on, saying he wanted to make snow angels. Jared found another mouse under the chicken’s water dish. He caught it and showed it to the boys. Adam's mitten started to come off and he showed it to me saying, "Mitten". I put it back on for him and asked him, "How's that?". He replied, "Good". For dinner we went out to fazoli’s. As I got Adam out of his carseat he said, "Burr". Before going home we stopped at Meijer and Walmart. As you walked in the doors at Walmart they blast you with heat. When he felt the heat Adam said, "Hot!" Adam loves to walk around the store holding my hand. We walked by some green window wash fluid and Adam pointed at it and said, "Juice!" We got home shortly after 8pm. The boys had a little playtime before it was pj time. Daddy played with his helicopter. The boys were tucked in bed around 9:15.


The Daddy said...

Mice in the chicken coop..ummm wonder if Jack and the gang arent' doing their jobs since its gotten cold out.

Anonymous said...

Such cute b&w photos of Jacob!

And wow! look at those pans on the counter -- are they putting their change into the pans? Remember the little one is so good because they are in rows of ten -- if you put one penny in each little shell, then you can exchange one row of pennies for a dime!! (I know -- 2 nickels work, too -- but for Jacob and Adam exchanging for a dime makes the exchange clearer.)

And, at long last, a picture of an unhappy Adam! What an unhappy face! I do hope he feels better soon and he can return to his unending happy faces.

I am eager to see the photos of the new Suffolk horses on the RockinR Farm.

Vikki's Blog said...

awe I should of seen if Adam wanted to make a bank with us. He was prolly sitting there thinking, y arent they doing it with me? :o( tell him aunt bippi is sorry! and I love him!

Anonymous said...

I missed something big time. What about those horses? I finally cleaned up all the colored glass we brought back from Ga. Eric...I have yours.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what about those horses, Jared and Kimmy?

Vikki's Blog said...

Kimmy its 11:48. If your still awake look at my blog. Call me and let me know if you like what I did!

Melissa said...

Like the banks. Cute pictures of grandpa and Jacob.

Anonymous said...

Fun day at your house Kimmy! Thanks for lunch too and the great grooming job on Mocha. I love and appreciate you.