Monday, January 26, 2009

Typing on their comptur.

Adam woke up around 8:30. I listened to his talking for a while before going in to get him. He and I had fun playing doctor. Jacob slept in until 9:30. The boys wanted their cheerios and milk separate today. They sat on the couch eating their cheerios and watching Clifford. Adam was dancing really funny and acting silly during some music on Sesame Street. After that was over I cleaned the fish tank. The boys liked watching me vacuum some fish water into a bucket. They also liked moving around the magnetic cleaner to clean the sides of the tank. They had fun taking turns. Jacob and Adam built a house out of cars and toys and then invited me to come in. They were pretending my picture frame was their computer. It was a wedding picture of Jared and I. Adam pointed at Daddy saying, “Daddy”. Then Jacob said, “And there’s Mommy”. I told them it was a picture of the day we got married. Jacob thought and then said, “Where was I?” I got a piece of cardboard for the boys to decorate and use as a computer. Jacob set up the slide on the couch and they had fun racing their cars down it. After lunch we played with matchobx cars. I lay Adam down for his nap around 2:30. Jacob rested while playing with his barn in his bedroom. After he was done resting he set the little green chairs up at the doorway to his bedroom. He was holding some of his barn fence pieces up by his mouth while making some musical sounds. He told me he was playing a “float (flute)”. I asked him if I could play too so he gave me some fence pieces. Then he held the pieces facing out and said it was a trumpet. We had fun pretending to march in a parade while playing our instruments. Jared got home around 5pm. He had stopped for gas and also got me a cappuccino. Adam soon was awake. When I opened the door to his bedroom he said, "Daddy?" Daddy quickly came in to get him, but as he went to pick him up he said, "No, Mommy". Adam sat under the desk and pretended he was driving a train. Jacob quickly joined him. After dinner I went outside to take care of the animals. When I came back inside I found the boys playing in Adam’s bedroom. I sat down to play with them. Soon Jacob left the room and Adam went to play with his Little People and barn. Adam likes to take the people (or cars) and walk (or drive) them over towards whatever were holding. Then he says “hi”. We laugh because it sounds exactly Jacob. Jacob came back to play with us. As he sat down he said, "I'm part of the family". Daddy and the boys were looking at the Sesame Street book and on one of the pages is a cactus. Adam would tough it and say, “Ouch!” Then he’d show me his finger and say, “hurt”. This evening I did some laundry and re-organized some of the kitchen cupboards. The boys were tucked in bed by 9pm. Jared and I wanted another very tense episode of 24.


Anonymous said...

The eye is improving a whole bunch. It's interesting to see the progression from dark to light. The movie is great. I can hear Jacob. What a great computer. That's Jacob's and includes mine as well. Sewing, sewing. Doing North Notes this morning.

Anonymous said...

OMG Adams hair is getting so long. I cant believe it.

Melissa said...

I was thinking the same thing, Vikki. Seeing the pictures from behind shows how thick it is coming in.