Friday, January 16, 2009

Daddy would pile it up and Adam had fun patting it flat.

Jacob came into bed with me at around 7am. We lay there for about an hour before getting up. Jacob asked to play the game Toot and Puddle so we had fun playing that. After we were done playing the game he just enjoyed playing with the pieces. Adam slept in until 9:30. We watched Clifford while eating breakfast. The boys both gave me funny smirks because I was wearing my glasses this morning. We also watched Sesame Street. Adam also has a cold now. After lunch we headed to Jacob’s picture appointment. He did great for all the pictures and really enjoyed himself. Adam had fun playing at the bead table. Before leaving Jacob gave the lady a high five. We walked around Sears for a little while. Then we headed over to Goodwill and the pet store. The boys really wanted to play in the mall but because were all sick I decided not to take them there today. It was very cold and windy outside today - schools were canceled due to the cold weather. After walking around Goodwill we walked thru the Pet store. I had an eye doctor appointment at 4pm. Jared meet me there because I needed the insurance card. I got done with my appointment around 5:15. I followed in the van behind Jared as we headed home. He pulled over in a parking lot so I followed him. My parents also pulled in behind us. They were in the area and called his cell phone offering to take us out for dinner. We went out to fazoli’s. The boys were very excited to see Nana and Papa. Jacob sat next to Nana. He rubbed her arm while smiling up at her a couple times. We had a great time visiting. Both boys fell asleep on the drive home. We got home around 7pm. The boys looked so cute I had to run in and get my camera. Jacob continued sleeping as I changed him into his pj’s and lay him in bed. Adam woke up. Jared took care of the animal and I started a load of laundry. Jared brought in a bucket of corn and set in the entrance room. I cleaned out my purse and Jared was working on the corn burner. We looked over to see Adam had brought some handfuls of corn into the room by the piano. We laughed at him. Adam now likes to say, “I dot (got) it!” He found Daddy’s gloves and put them on his hands. Then he ran up and down the hallway in them. We tucked him in bed around 9pm.


Melissa said...

Bruce and I cracked up laughing at the picture of the boys sleeping in the car. It's so funny how htey both sleep exactly the same way with their arms above their heads. I'm glad you ran in to get your camera.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get a picture of Jared sleeping that way, too. There is one of Nolan on their blog. Maybe they can all be lined up some time so the world can see this oddity. What is the genetic code for sleeping this way? Who else has it? Would this be a way to track our ancestry? (Does Mr. Climate Scientist also have a Genetics opinion?)

Anonymous said...

Not having any pictures of how grandfather or grandmother slept it's hard to determine where it split. But it can definitly be traced back to your (Three blue eyed boys Uncle Dee's, Uncle Rick's and Dad's ) generation. As we have side by side picture of Jacob and Jacob's grandfather sitting on the couch together in the Russell position. Who know's maybe Jacob's Great Great Great Grandfather Jacob Kuhns slept this same way.

By the way where's global warming when you need it. This -20 windchill is for the birds...well it's more like for the polar bears.
9:20 AM

The Daddy said...

only -20 windchill?? its 16 above here this morning..not sure about the windchill though. yesterday it was -12 (actual temp) and the windchill was about -28 talk about cold!!!

Anonymous said...

I think someone should take a picture of Bro. DC. Could be that he sleeps that way also. It seems to be a Russell tradition. It keeps those arms from flying around. I don't remember E and J doing that but then I put them to sleep on their tummy from the beginning. Lucky for us they didn't die from SID. Radar indicates that the Michigan Kids are going to get slammed with snow. I'm wondering if they have seen any polar bears.

Anonymous said...

I too loved the picture of the boys sleeping in the car seats in the very same Russell position.
Love ya