Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"President's cars"

"Driving" in the toy box.


Good one Adam!

Woops Adam, that's a gutter ball.

Jacob woke up around 8am. We watched Curious George together. Adam woke up at 9am. After breakfast it was time for Clifford. The boys played and I watched the inauguration of President Obama. Jacob liked watching the presidential procession to the capitol. He lined up his ride on vehicles and said, “Look, these are president's cars”. He also liked seeing the white house. The boys seem to have their appetites back. They ate all their lunch and then wanted more. We got out the marker, some paper and coloring books. We all had fun drawing and coloring. Jacob moved the rug in our kitchen and started rolling balls down it saying, “Look, I’m bowling”. I set up some pop bottles and we had fun bowling until snacktime. Adam napped until around 4:30. As I was tucking Adam in, Jacob came into the bedroom saying, “You wanna see my magic tricks?” He did summersaults, rolled from his back to belly, and walked backwards. Adam said, "Me me" and wanted me to help him do some summersaults. Jacob rested while playing with his automoblox. I scanned the boys pictures onto the computer and Jacob liked watching them show up on the computer screen. Jared got home from work around 5pm. The boys really like playing with their tractor and cart. When Jacob got his turn on the tractor, Adam tried to get in the cart, saying “rayride (hayride)?” Well this time Jacob didn’t want to pull him around. Jacob asked me if I wanted to come to his zoo. Then he named off all the animal’s at his zoo and told me it cost $5. After dinner Jacob wanted to show Daddy how he bowled. He called me “bowler man” and I'd set up the "pins" for him. He’d say, “Bowler man, you want a hug and a kiss?” We all went outside to take care of the animals. I took Adam into Sammy’s stall to pet him. When he saw all the poop on the stall floor, he pointed and said, “apples!” I told him it was poop and he said, “poop, ewe!” Jared started his class around 7:30. I got out the Little People containers, barn, and car wash. The boys played with them things quietly until snack time. We read some books, sang some songs, and prayed. Jacob now likes to join Adam as he looks out his window before bed. It’s fun to hear them point out things that we can see outside. After tucking Adam in Jacob and I read some books and then cuddled in the rocking chair. He was tucked in bed around 9:30. I looked at pictures in my picture books until Jared was done with his class.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures, Kimmy (and Jacob and Adam). As I was looking at Jacob's two pictures, I began to wonder what sorts of things he says about them. Does he talk while he is working on them? Are there stories that go with these pictures?

What would happen if you said, "Tell us about this picture, Jacob" and videotaped his response? You could put the picture on the computer screen to make it kind of a special event for him.

I hate to admit this: I get a kick from seeing Adam's eye. He always has his smile -- and there is that black eye with the smile. Kind of a happy, gentle prizefighter kind of guy . . .

Melissa said...

Bowling looks like fun. Funny how Jacob's pretending those are the Presedent's cars. Max and Hailey spread out their blankets on the floor and set up a bunch of chairs and stuff around it. Max told me it was the "White House". All day long while they were playing I kept hearing them talking about Presedent Obama.

Anonymous said...

Jacob's not a big talker while he's drawing but I alway ask him about his picture. I'll try to remember to video tape his response for you. I also get a kick out of Adam's black eyed picture.