Tuesday, January 13, 2009

He love this little bear that prays.

They do this alot.

Watching Sesame Street. They were very interested in this song about shoes
There's the "shoe fairy person".

Making rain sticks.

Decorating with rice and glue.

Writing my name, Mom.

Playing with their rain sticks.


Jacob came in bed with me around 7:30. We slept until Adam woke us up at 8:30. Truman had puked up a sock in the hallway this morning sometime so I cleaned that up. As I was lifting Adam to put him in his chair for breakfast I noticed he smelt stinky so I headed to change his diaper. On the way I saw Truman starting to puke. I tried to get him to puke on the kitchen floor but he pulled his collar off and ran away. Several puke spots all over the carpet and sheep rug to clean up. He puked a total of three socks. That took a while to clean up. In the meantime Jacob stripped out of his pj’s saying that they were a little wet. I called Jared to tell him what “his” dog had done and that I also had a poopy boy and a naked boy running around the house. He laughed and joked that he had to get back to his typing. Jacob wanted to pour the water on the stains. When Adam noticed what he was doing he came to me and said, “I awnt too (I want too)” Both of them liked helping me. Around the time Clifford comes on Adam pointed towards the TV and said, “Fifford”. We watched Clifford while eating breakfast. We also watched Sesame Street until Elmo’s World came on. Jacob turned that off because he doesn’t like if for some reason. I got out the art box and we had fun making rain sticks. I asked the boys if they wanted to use markers or crayons to decorate their papers. They both said, “markers”. I also turned on some music to listen to. While the boys decorated their papers, I cut papers to glue to the end of the paper towel tubes. I noticed Jacob making three dots on his paper – he connected them to make a triangle. I made some long snake shapes out of aluminum foil and spiraled them to stick down in the tubes. Then I helped the boys measure ¼ cup of dry rice and dump them in the tubes. Adam kept saying, “I do it”. I cut and glued another paper to the ends. Then we glued their decorated papers on. They also decorated them with stickers and I cut out some butterflies to glue on. Jacob still wanted to play with rice and glue, so I drew his name on a paper and he decorated that. When Jacob was all done I gave him another sheet of paper and asked him if he could write my name on it. He said, “uh huh” as he wrote Mom on the paper. Then he handed me it and said, “that’s for you, it says your name on it”. By the time we were finished it was lunchtime. After lunch Jacob sat at the counter and played with rice. Adam asked for a tractor and then wanted me to help him up to the counter. Then they had fun running around with their rain sticks and dancing to the music. Jacob piled a bunch of toys up in the hallway to build a house. We then played at the counter with the barn. Jacob was very kind with Adam and shared his toys. When Adam needed help, like hooking the trailer to the tractor, Jacob would quickly say, "I'll help you, here". At 2:30 I read with Adam and lay him down for a nap. Jacob and I read some books together. Then he continued playing with his barn and money while he rested. Jacob and Truman were cuddling on the bed together and he asked me to take a picture of them. Jacob said to me, “Mommy you know quarterback’s coming, let me show you”. Not sure what he meant but I guess the quarterback was in our kitchen. Jared called just before he was leaving work. He stopped at meijer on the way home and got stain remover (the first stain needs some resolve) and dry beans for the bean bags I'm making for the boys. Its very cold and windy outside. Adam slept until just before dinner. After dinner I finished knitting a beanbag for Jacob. He liked pouring in the beans. We all had fun playing catch with it and trying to throw it into the cart. Now I’ll start on Adam’s. The boys had fun pretending to be mailmen. They got a handful of note cards and had fun delivering the mail. Jacob has become very interested in words and how they are spelt. He gave me a couple of notecards and asked me to spell different words for him. Some of them he also traced. Then he liked pointing at words so I'd tell him what they were and I'd do the same to him. Jared started class tonight from 7:30-10pm. After the boys were tucked in bed I watched American Idol. Jacob had to sleep with his bean bag tonight.


Anonymous said...

Good job writing mommy's name, Jacob. Wow, you sure are getting big, already writing letters. I love you. Tell Adam I love him too.

Anonymous said...

The rain sticks look like fun.

Anonymous said...

Jacob's writing is so clear -- using that green marker on orange paper really helped MOM show up clearly.

Rain sticks AND bean bags all in one day! This is a real craft-filled house, isn't it?

I think you should probably knit a few more socks for Truman, Kimmy.

Anonymous said...

WHO is loosing socks? What a morning. Only a fellow mother can understand the dinamics of a morning with children and dogs. Those who type don't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I forgot to mention earlier (I always check back in the afternoon for comments on comments), how touched I was by that first photo of Adam peering out from the bars of his prison. No wonder he uses Louie to escape!!

Anonymous said...

Mel, Jacob loved your first comment. We were running late to get to church but he smiled and said we should post a comment on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Well, as for the socks I believe one of them was Adam's and not sure on the other two - but I think they were Jared's. When we moved the bed the other day we found a stash of Jared's socks under there - I think by Kate. And a few days ago Adam took off his socks. When I noticed his bare feet I quickly went to find his socks. One of them missing and the other wet with dog drool. There are no socks lying around the house but some may be left on the floor in our closet.

Anonymous said...

Actually Adam loves being in his crib. Many time he doesn't want to come out of his crib in the morning. Sometimes he even cries when I take him out.

Melissa said...

Hailey loves reading the comments you leave her on my blog too. Today, we were playing some Clifford games on the computer and Hailey noticed the little envelope in the corner and said she wanted to mail one of the parade floats she made to Jacob. We sent one for Jacob and one for Adam to your email. Let me know if it worked.

Anonymous said...

Now Kate gets the blame. I think there should be a fine assessed to the person whoes socks are barfed up by Truman. Give it some thought.

Melissa said...

I know what you mean when you say Adam loves his crib. It's hard for people to believe since most kids don't, but Max was the same way and loved his crib too. They remind me so much of each other how they are such good sleepers and seem to be so happy to lay down at naptime and bedtime. Max too would cry sometimes when we took him out of his crib in the morning and would lean over to get back in.

Anonymous said...

Mel, we didn't get the Clifford float email. Jacob has sent Hailey some in the past - did she ever get any? Max and Adam sure are great sleepers. When Max stayed with us, I alway got a chuckle when he would lean over to get in the playpen/crib - like I wasn't getting him in there fast enough. Adam's the same way.

Melissa said...

Nope, we never got the ones Jacob has sent either.