Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jacob came into the bedroom around 8:30. He looked right past me to Daddy’s spot and asked, “Where’s Daddy?” When I told him he was at work he said, “But why is his light on?” Jared had left the bathroom light on. Jacob wanted to call Daddy at work. After talking to him he seemed to feel much better. Adam woke up around the same time. The first thing he said when I walked into the room was, “Daddy?” After I got him out of the crib, he wanted down and ran to the bedroom to look for Daddy. He was happy to see Jacob in our bed. Adam turned the stool over and said, “Boat”. He and Jacob sat looking at the really big dictionary. I love listening to Jacob tell Adam the things they’re looking at. Adam got some paper and reached for a pencil saying, “pen-cee”. The boys drew on some paper. I gave Jacob a couple envelopes so he could mail his letters to me. Adam brought me the umbrella saying, “un-bel-ba”. I opened it up and the boys sat under it and pretended it was a house. After breakfast we watched Clifford and Sesame Street. We read some books and then played on the computer at PBS kids. We had fun watching kids music videos on there. While eating lunch we watched “There goes a Fire truck”, a video we’d gotten at Goodwill yesterday. After lunch we went outside. The weather was really nice (low thirty’s). First the boys played with their snow shovels. Jacob especially loves shoveling the snow. Then Jacob started a snowball fight. Even Adam was picking up snow to throw at us. The boys had fun being pulled around on the sled. Jacob also had fun pulling Adam around. Then he wanted to pretend the sled was a train. He liked loading it with cargo (snow). We made snow cones using snow and Kool-Aid and brought them inside to drink. Jacob wanted to play “firemen”. So we drove around on our fire trucks and ladder trucks, making siren sounds. Jacob said, “If there’s a fire in the house you need to get out!” Adam also drove around making siren sounds and spraying his hose. When Jacob’s pretending to get in and out of his vehicles he likes to jump. Adam is getting better at jumping. He got both feet off the floor several times today, though usually he’d then fall down. I lay Adam down for a nap around 2:30. Jacob and I read some books and then he rested while playing with his automoblox. Jared came home at 5pm. He brought in the mail and surprised me with the “Backyard poultry” magazine that he’d subscribed to. Jacob had fun playing with his mail (junk mail). Jared and I looked thru the magazine. Adam woke up around 6pm. After dinner I went outside to take care of the animals. I collected 10 eggs. When I came in Jacob and Adam were playing with Adam’s matchbox cars. I told Jacob he should get his cars out too. He said, “No, Adam is sharing with me”. Daddy and the boys played “mouse trap”. Adam has been a “Mommy’s boy” lately. Like if Daddy tries to put on his coat, set him in his booster seat, or dress him, he’ll says, “No, Mommy!” I’ll definitely enjoy that while it lasts. After the boys had brushed their teeth they wanted to dance to the music on their little piano. It’s fun to watch them dance together. Jacob did a summersault and then so did Adam. They were tucked in bed by 9:15.


Anonymous said...

The snow pictures are great. Our snow is gone. Just the brown stuff to look at and not very pretty to say the least. Selling baby bibs for Kenya. I think I'm up to 15 now. Finished knitting another hat last night after choir practice.

Anonymous said...

It's in the 30's and it's warm??!! Here it has been FREEZING COLD -- and the thermometer reads in the upper 20's and lower 30's. Guys (not me -- OTHER guys) are bundled up in winter hats and layer upon layer of clothes in church where there is not much heat. What a difference a few degrees of latitude makes.

I am always happy see PICTURES of lots of snow. The boys certainly look as if they enjoy it. It was good to see the attack caterpillar has come out of hibernation.

Melissa said...

I love the snow pictures too. They sure look cute in their matching hats. Love the bright colors. Snowcones sound good. Great idea.