Friday, January 30, 2009

Dad and Jared playing tennis.

Adam carried this rocking chair from Jacob's bedroom.

Jacob taking a picture of Grandpa.

Daddy doing strength training.

Jacob getting some cuddles in with Nana.

This evening Adam would put his hands behind his head and them come over asking for some tickles. It was really funny.

Jacob and Daddy tickling Adam.

I started exercising on the Wii after Jared left for work. Jacob woke up around 8:15am. He said he didn’t feel good and wanted me to hold him. We cuddled in the chair until Adam woke up shortly after 9am. We watched Clifford and Sesame Street. Jacob didn’t even want to eat breakfast or crackers. He just wanted to lie on the couch and lay there until noon. He had a temperture so I gave him some Tylenol. For lunch he only wanted to eat bread and butter. He seemed to be feeling a little better. We played doctor. The boys asked for wet wipes so I gave them each one. They liked wiping all their toys and ride on vehicles. Jacob wanted to be held a lot. We sat on the couch and read books together. At 2:30 I lay Adam down for a nap. After some more reading I had Jacob lie down in his bedroom. He fell asleep within minutes. Both boys were still asleep when Jared got home at around 4:30. I prepared a meatloaf and then Jared helped me peel potatoes for dinner. Mom, Dad, and Grandpa arrived around 5:45. Dinner was ready, so we ate right away. We decided to let the boys eat dinner when they woke up. Adam woke up around 6:30 and ate his dinner. We had fun creating Mii characters for Grandpa, Mom, and Dad. After dinner Jared showed Mom and Dad how to bowl on the Wii. We opened Jacob’s bedroom door and to help him wake up. He lay awake in bed for a little while but said he was feeling better. He didn’t want to eat any dinner or even crackers. Mom, Dad, Jared, and I all bowled a game together. We had a great time! Dad and Jared then played tennis. Mom and I then played a game of tennis. I ended up hitting her with my controller – Sorry Mom. Jacob asked Nana to play Lincoln logs with him so they got them out. We had fun watching Jared and Dad boxing. Dad’s nunchuck (secondary controller) got away from him a couple times. We then showed them the Wii fit. We all got some great laughs watching Dad and Mom head butt soccer balls. It sure is much harder than it looks. Adam really likes sitting on the kitchen counter. I stood by him and he had fun watching from there. Mom and Dad found out their “Fit Age”. Don’t worry Mom, I won’t tell:) They headed home around 9pm. Jacob ate a couple crackers. We got the boys in their pj’s and then started their bedtime routines. They both fell asleep very quickly.


Vikki's Blog said...

Im waiting for the videos......still me when you get them on here, I will be up late!

Anonymous said...

That picture of Jared playing tennis looks as if he may really be fencing.

Thanks for all the videos and pictures of this new fitness adventure. It does look like fun.

The Daddy said...

Kimmy you dont head butt soccer balls your doing what they call heading the soccer ball